Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • P%n
  • 16 Sep 2010

Anonymous, 16 Sep 2010Everything about the nokia n8 is way better than your ijunk.There's a list of things that are ALL better on the iPhone 4 and you say that, is there ANY basis at all for your contention that a phone with a slower, older processor with less RAM and a low resolution screen, is:-

"Everything about the nokia n8 is way better than your ijunk"

I'm which universe?

Hey a 486 is better than an i7, you want to buy one, cheap?

There's one born every minute.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • k2n
    • 16 Sep 2010

    [deleted post]Everything about the nokia n8 is way better than your ijunk.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • MVg
      • 15 Sep 2010

      iv gota bb bold white and geting the n8 y shud i change my mind and get the 4

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • pqB
        • 15 Sep 2010

        The iPhone, it never fails to fail:

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • v{W
          • 15 Sep 2010

          D2, 14 Sep 2010Oh and reading the opinions stated below, I havea few point... moredude wat does actually that mean??

            • B
            • BABU
            • uty
            • 15 Sep 2010

            it should have radio also its very also does not support java ....that is very bad....

              • A
              • Abel
              • K2E
              • 15 Sep 2010

              naved, 15 Sep 2010hey check out epic games creation for iphone 4...amazing gr... moreSPEECHLESS!!!! how can they do dat....didn't knew iphone 4 is that much jaws just dropped after trying this in my ip4...thanx naved for sharing this nd kudos to EPIC GAMES...

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 3xX
                • 15 Sep 2010

                Samsungs phones may have a better write up but will never be as good as the iPhone 4

                  • n
                  • naved
                  • K2E
                  • 15 Sep 2010

                  hey check out epic games creation for iphone 4...amazing graphics nd it shows what Iphone4 is capable of(
                  CHECK IT OUT!!

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Liu
                    • 15 Sep 2010

                    guys never buy these stupid expensive fons see the new nokia n7 this fon is nothing compare to that fon

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • vw6
                      • 15 Sep 2010

                      Ed, 15 Sep 2010Yup, no one has so far - need to find myself a developer!learn how to do it yourself dude... you'll share your idea with someone... boom... thats right sweetheart... you've been fucked... it'll be gone... someone copied your design...!!!

                      never make that mistake... follow the steps... go that progression... learn how to do it...!!!

                        • d
                        • d2
                        • vw6
                        • 15 Sep 2010

                        Anonymous, 15 Sep 2010c dats d pt,i know u r saying rit dat gud apps cost but des... moresee thats the thing.. i actually do pay for most of my music... actually all of it... quality costs money man... this is a typical indian thing... i've been brought up abroad and only indians have this " get everything free" mentality... there are free lunches in life... someone else's effort costs money... whther he's a app developer.. musician...his work and effort is worth something... but thats a different issue and debate...

                        Coming to our discussion... You actually can actually get absolutely unlocked phones directly from apple... check out apple's UK/canada/australia websites... i got mine from the UK.. no contract no nothing.. paid 499 pounds... picked up the phone... contract phones are popular abroad... especially europe... the phone is free... inbuilt into the monthly telephone bills... you can choose to pay 2000 rupees a month or less depending on how much you wanna pay for the phone...

                        and if you have a problem with the oppression... do what I did... jailbreak your iphone ;-)

                          • E
                          • Ed
                          • nGb
                          • 15 Sep 2010

                          d2, 15 Sep 2010First thing you do is download to the app stor... moreYup, no one has so far - need to find myself a developer!

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • Y}x
                            • 15 Sep 2010

                            d2, 15 Sep 2010its just about apending a little money here and there for t... morec dats d pt,i know u r saying rit dat gud apps cost but despite such a big database of apps,d iphone has been a complete failure in india,yes dats rit u can research it as well,android sales r higher dan iphone in india.a fact n also a future trend.
                            Many ppl want everything for free like do u pay for every downloaded video,song or movie??i dont. N many dont.c its d never ending debate but talking specifically abt d indian mkt,iphone sales hav been pathetic 2 say d least,n only dose frm d grey market jailbroken hav found any takers.again coz of d dictator vs democratic option lyk in an android u dont hav 2 pay for any contract kinda bullshit n hav d complete independence of choosing ur fav operator n many more things,n ppl do underrate d android apps though dey r gud n d fastest growing market.when u can get legal apps like gtalk,fring for free den why pay 2 apple in ios.

                              • d
                              • d2
                              • vw6
                              • 15 Sep 2010

                              Anonymous, 15 Sep 2010i respect wat u said but i quiet dont agree especially for ... moreits just about apending a little money here and there for the apps... most apps cost no more than 3 pounds~200 rupees... and these are the games and studd... gtalk clients... etc etc cost around 35-40 rupees each... not too much cost for the quality of apps that you get...

                              Here is the order...
                              iphone4 > nexus one > motorola milestone> big gap > everything else

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Y}x
                                • 15 Sep 2010

                                Anonymous, 15 Sep 2010See I own a motorola milestone and a Iphone closest ... morei respect wat u said but i quiet dont agree especially for d indian market where all d previous iphones were highly anticipated but had just a lukewarm sales in market where nokia is d king n even an extremly gr8 os like android is growing.d thing wid android is dat its 1time investment,purchase d phone dats it coz d apps r free(most of dem),wid iphone u pay while purchasing n den pay for contract n den pay for apps coz d gud ones cum at a cost,android vs ios is lyk democracy vs dictatorship n i choose 2 b democratic n further more d cost of iphone,u c if i want i can get an ipod touch(basic vesion) plus samsung galaxy i9000 for a little more instead of an iphone.

                                  • d
                                  • d2
                                  • vw6
                                  • 15 Sep 2010

                                  Ed, 15 Sep 2010I don't have an iphone. I don't even want one - but the oth... moreFirst thing you do is download to the app store... and figure out whether someone has made an app on this "idea" of yours... chances are someone already has... if you are lucky enough and noone has... then the process start... you need to get yourself an SDK kit from the apple website... and start develpong... there are tons of guides on the net...

                                  Cheers and best of luck dude..

                                    • E
                                    • Ed
                                    • nGb
                                    • 15 Sep 2010

                                    I don't have an iphone. I don't even want one - but the other day I was outdoors doing something and I thought 'wait a second, if I could take a picture of that with a phone and upload it to there ...' and just happened to come up with a bloody amazing idea for an app that would have worldwide use in a seriously big leisure market - it depends on just one thing though, the camera and processing software in it, and aside from that the idea basically writes itself. Is there anyone out there who has a proven track record as an Apple Developer who can initially answer some dumb questions from me?

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • vw6
                                      • 15 Sep 2010

                                      Anonymous, 15 Sep 2010ur comments r sensible unlike dis user 'iphone'who is kinda... moreSee I own a motorola milestone and a Iphone closest buddy owns a N900 and a Nexus one... though I am happy with the milestone and he's quite happy with his nexus one, we both agree that the end user experience of the iP4 blows everything else out of the water... nexus one(with 2.2, a.k.a froyo)come close... but then the apps come into the picture and thats where android just falls flat on its face...

                                      maybe just maybe sometime in the not too distant future developers see some financial incentive to make the kind of apps that exist on the iphone/itouch platform and things may change...

                                      things from personal experience of android where android fails to match upto iOS:

                                      doesnt suppport microsoft exchange fully so my office mails never reach me in time... iphone 4 on the other hand fully supports the MS exchange server

                                      The music player and video quality is way way better on the iphone

                                      the user interface is fabulous... i have had iphones for 2 and hald years now(3G/3GS/now iP4) and I am yet to see my iphone just crash or hang... they just dont... the OS is that well made...(thats the reason there's no flash... and honestly i dont really miss flash at all...not even a bit...)

                                      and last but not least.. apps...if the indian audience starts to actually pay fr apps... rather than just download free ones... they will find that android apps are not match.. assasin's creed/ modern warfare/ brothers in arms/ splinter cell etc... the graphics are mind blowing... and now apple just released the UNREAL ENGINE and PROJECT SWORD (game on the platform come out in december)PSP is looking at iminent death... forget android...

                                      Problem with android is not that its a bad OS but that it is a open software, therefore developers who create mad mad badass apps and games dont see any incentive of creating apps on android... as most apps on android are free... its unfortunate but its the truth...

                                      what i wait for is win-7 mobile OS... its promising.. time will tell... till then the iphone rules the roost...

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • Y}5
                                        • 15 Sep 2010

                                        d2, 15 Sep 2010 The iphone is not perfect... but its is by far THE BEST im... moreur comments r sensible unlike dis user 'iphone'who is kinda living in a dreamland,c d num of limitations iphone has easily outnumbers its gud qualities like a UI,i hav checked its UI but overall i dont lyk dis version of d ip4,may b next yr apple could cum up wid a totally different fone which suits my need,may b den i would purchase it.n yeah android is gr8 n d fastest growing,who knows what will happen in d future...
                                        Lets c wat apple hav 2 say for its newer iphone on or later 30sept.