Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • i
  • iphine4
  • PTU
  • 15 Sep 2010

iphone, 15 Sep 2010If you hold it properly, there should be no excuses for dro... more> In reply to Anonymous @ 2010-09-15 08:53 from Y}y7If you hold it properly, there should be no excuses for dropped calls.

I drop much less than i use too
now i have a case and better technique

*posted from my iphone4 proving when held correctly and using a case as well, talk of signal problems are all lies.

    • R
    • RCL4444
    • 9DR
    • 15 Sep 2010

    Hey All

    Lots of mud slinging between IPhone users and, well, everyone else. Come on - need to give credit where credit is due.

    IPhone is pretty good at most of what it does. Their marketting is great. It has led the mobile world in innovation - putting features into a phone that no one else thought to do and made it all very, very easy to use. They redefined the User Interface, gave us Apps/app store, and a range of accessories that still no one else can match.

    And there's lots of things it doesn't do well or at all. Some glaring, unbelievable ommissions. Shocking battery life, no bluetooth data and more. Absolutely.

    But guess what? - tens of millions of people liked what it can do over what it can't.

    BRAVO to Apple I say for putting the industry on its ear! ...and so should we all say...Why?

    Because they pushed others to lift their games. Have made them innovate, made them strive to do it better than Apple. And this has given us phones that do things Iphone doesn't do well or at all, while still giving us a lot of what it does do.

    Now lets be serious - there's been very little that's come close to matching IP3 until the last 12 months in user friendliness and user interface. My old Omnia drove me insane with unresponsiveness and the degree I needed to use it. WinMo or otherwise most user interfaces have been crap, sluggish, or themselves did only somethings great but not all.

    Now we have IP4. Great phone. Again it does what it does pretty well, improved things IP3 did less well, and still very easy to use - arguable the most intuitive user interface around. And yes it still has things it does less well or not at all.

    Again guess what? Apple have improved a formula that people already liked, plus adding more value and features. What does this equal? Yep, sales success!

    But hold on! Look what we have now...phones like Droid, HTC Desire, Xperia, i8500, i9000...screens like S-LCD and S-AMOLED, longer battery life...Android, BADA and so much more!

    Why? How? Lets admit it - its mostly thanks to iPhone and what it did to the market.

    I have a Samsung i9000 and I LUV IT! Amazing phone. Had a couple minor issues but all have been easily fixed. But I will say that both Desire & IP4 probably have a slightly smoother UI. And IP4 still has a prettier, snazzier UI than the rest - cool animations, great screen changes, detailed graphics. And apps, apps, apps for everything you could possibly want and not want. People like 'pretty', they like 'snazzy', they like 'cool', they like 'easy' and they like choice.

    Ba-bummmm....people will like iP4

    I know Froyo will supposedly make my i9000 even better, but lets not to comment till the actual 2.2 release is out & not the beta version

    So yes - lets critise the bad in IP4/Apple, as well as all the others so they ALL improve. But lets also acknowledge and praise the good where its deserved.

    I for one don't want an iPhone. But I appreciate what its done, and glad of it. Should someone give me one to use I would do so happily. Until then (and even after)...Samsung i9000 still rocks!

    But is it better? Horses for courses really. Maybe the future i9000 will "Change everything - Again" :-)

      • i
      • iphone
      • PTU
      • 15 Sep 2010

      Anonymous, 15 Sep 2010as u say d newer veesion doesnot have any prob. k agreed bu... moreIf you hold it properly, there should be no excuses for dropped calls.

      I drop much less than i use too
      now i have a case and better technique

      *posted from my iphone4 proving when held correctly and using a case as well, talk of signal problems are all lies.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • Y}y
        • 15 Sep 2010

        iphone4, 15 Sep 2010After sept 30 yes Apple have a new iphone revision. This v... moreas u say d newer veesion doesnot have any prob. k agreed but dis also means d earlier few phone had d flaw of dropped calls rit n apple knew dis n dats why dey were distributing dose bumper cases for free rit?n it was only after d issue came in public dat apple den annouced 2 giv dose cases for free.may
        b ur phone does not have problem doesnot mean dat in actuall dere is no problem

          • i
          • iphone
          • PTU
          • 15 Sep 2010

          iphone4, 15 Sep 2010After sept 30 yes Apple have a new iphone revision. This v... moreDelect my last post i was told to be keeping quiet
          now and say all talk of signal problems are lies.

          *posted from my iphone4 proving when held correctly and using a case as well, talk of signal problems are all lies.

            • i
            • iphone4
            • PTU
            • 15 Sep 2010

            Anonymous, 15 Sep 2010as u say dat all antenna isues r lies den just answer dat w... moreAfter sept 30 yes Apple have a new iphone revision.
            This version doesn't need the bumper case or to be held correctly. In fact the outside antenna is now for show and now disabled.The new hardware revision has the antenna is located on inside, along with the wi-fi antenna. This look identical to the previous model. So making any talk of signal issue still lies.

            *posted from my iphone4 proving when held correctly and using a case as well, talk of signal problems are all lies.

              • c
              • chester
              • f3A
              • 15 Sep 2010

              hey guy,sorry 4 writing abt flash 9 or wmp9 vids,didn't know it's forbiden coz it doesn't exit in iphone4.
              but i don't care coz i wanna play latest flash 10 vids on youtube,my space e.t.c so if any iphone can't play them its useless 2 me.ha-ha :p »n8

                • c
                • chester
                • f3A
                • 15 Sep 2010

                hey guy,sorry 4 writing abt flash 9 or wmp9 vids,didn't know it's forbiden coz it doesn't exit in iphone4.
                but i don't care coz i wanna play latest flash 10 vids on youtube,my space e.t.c so if any iphone can't play them its useless 2 me.ha-ha :p »n8

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • Y}y
                  • 15 Sep 2010

                  iphone4, 15 Sep 2010Buy Iphone4 You get a free case as thank you for supportin... moreas u say dat all antenna isues r lies den just answer dat why is apple coming up wid a new iphone on sept 30 having same hardware,it means d earlier phones had issue which hav now been fixed by apple rit??

                    • i
                    • iphone4
                    • PTU
                    • 15 Sep 2010

                    iphone4, 15 Sep 2010Buy Iphone4 You get a free case as thank you for supportin... moreYes

                    *posted from my iphone4 proving when held correctly and using a case as well, talk of signal problems are all lies.

                      • i
                      • iphone4
                      • PTU
                      • 15 Sep 2010

                      Anonymous, 15 Sep 2010k dose of u who think or say dat d iphone4 does not drop... moreBuy Iphone4
                      You get a free case as thank you for supporting Apple during the antenna lies other company's said of Apple. But Apple proved by handing there phones they were the companies having the problems with signal.

                      Only Apple are that friendly to give very nice gifts

                        • S
                        • Satans Bollocks
                        • f31
                        • 15 Sep 2010

                        Anonymous, 15 Sep 2010Benefit yourself, read and get out of your !gnorance : N... moreActually bud. I am smirking at the fact that Nokia is having a hard time. Yuo think I didnt get sick of all these Nokia fanboys over the years when there were better phones on offer?

                        Read some of my previous posts.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Y}y
                          • 15 Sep 2010

                          k dose of u who think
                          or say
                          dat d iphone4 does
                          not drop
                          calls at all,WHEN HELD
                          CORRECTLY as
                          by steve jobs earlier in
                          press confrence when
                          said 'DONT HOLD IT
                          Now trend has been
                          apple launches 1 fone
                          year,rit?n if all d
                          droped calls
                          issues r all LIES as
                          claimed by
                          many fans,den why is
                          coming up wid d
                          wid d same hardware
                          as in
                          phone4 by d month
                          sept30,barely 3months
                          launching d iphone4??
                          means dere is no
                          widout a fire.sept30 d
                          iphone 4g wid exactly
                          same specs as d

                            • i
                            • iphone4
                            • PTU
                            • 15 Sep 2010

                            Why is interest even less now?

                            Stop it and vote high

                            *posted from my iphone4 proving when held correctly and using a case as well, talk of signal problems are all lies.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • PBc
                              • 15 Sep 2010

                              Anonymous, 15 Sep 2010As a matter of fact 13 million buyers can be wrong. Its ca... moreThe Samsung Galaxy sold a million in 24 days, pretty good sales one of the leading Android phones.

                              The iPhone 4 sold a million in LESS THAN 24 HOURS, just to put things in perspective.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • PBc
                                • 15 Sep 2010

                                chester, 14 Sep 2010Did any of u iphone4 users manage to play flash 9 videos on... moreWho uses wmv?

                                Welcome to 1999, or what?

                                You may as well whine about Real and other DEAD formats.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • ITV
                                  • 15 Sep 2010

                                  iphone 4 user, 14 Sep 2010Every other phone is losing market share because the iphone... moreFacetime? old tech name. plz look around. open your eyes as a user. God bless you

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • ITV
                                    • 15 Sep 2010

                                    Raman, 14 Sep 2010still iphone bluetooth is nothing vs other cell phones. ... moreI guess never.
                                    that want you to look and feel and act things their way and thats the way Apple will continue (as long as jobs is there)

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • ITV
                                      • 15 Sep 2010

                                      shaw, 14 Sep 2010this mobile ROCKS i loved it so much i can't live without i... more:D
                                      God bless you

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 4QC
                                        • 15 Sep 2010

                                        Anonymous, 15 Sep 2010As a matter of fact 13 million buyers can be wrong. Its ca... moreI know a lot of people that have the new Iphone4 ALL very happy with it, stock keeps on climbing daily it is not called marketing it is called MARKET great success both on the consumers market and the stock market.