Apple iPhone 4
- H
- Hmmm
- PQ%
- 07 Sep 2010
I do have an iPhone 4 but at the mo its only good for swaying towards the N8 after a nokia rep gave me hands on with it..Hmmmmmm
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCi
- 07 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 06 Sep 2010fm radio is not included in os 4 facility. really absense o... moreYou can just get the iFM attachment or similar. Voila! FM Radio on your iPhone :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3pH
- 07 Sep 2010
baby, 06 Sep 2010there's n such thing beat nokia n8 because nokia made by go... moreIn response to your comment (Baby)...If you get your facts right...Nokia is made by a finnish company NOT god!!! Also if you loathe your Nokia your forum there!!! To all Iphone bashers / Haters....WTF do you bother coming to the Apple website if you hate the Iphone 4??? You only come here because you have to compete and slate the best phone avail to hand! You know Iphone 4 is the BEST hence why you don't go elsewhere! Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT knocking Nokia as I am a great fan of Nokia's BUT rather than slating Iphone 4, why don't you get a life and do something more useful!!! Nokia N8 isn't even out yet!!!! Despite looking at Spec on N8, who knows what bugs they might come out with!!!! So just leave the decent people who can AFFORD the Iphone and let them post their views in peace! Iphone haters opinions DON'T Count since they cannot afford the handset!!!
- b
- baby
- 4{7
- 06 Sep 2010
there's n such thing beat nokia n8 because nokia made by god. god bless nokia n8
- m
- mika
- 4{7
- 06 Sep 2010
dude iphone made for game game and game there no such thing special
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0m3
- 06 Sep 2010
fm radio is not included in os 4 facility. really absense of fm radio is a major disadvantage of os 4, because people paying a very very big amount of money for this phone. find a solution to facilitate fm radio in os 4. all other competative phones are having fm radio facility
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCi
- 06 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 06 Sep 2010Yes you said it the Nokia N900 multimedia smartphone is way... more"Yes you said it the Nokia N900 multimedia smartphone is way better than this icrap."
Hohoho scroll to page 4 and what do we find?
"unlike you i do have a iphone 3gs & a iphone 4 that's it.
And yes i am a Apple fan."
Reply 2010-09-06 01:55 k2nN"
Slight difference in opinion eh? hehehe
- S
- Satan's Bollocks
- f3b
- 06 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 06 Sep 2010The Nokia N8 will kill this icrap.Will it? Has the N8 got murderous tendencies? That is worrysome!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- k2n
- 06 Sep 2010
The Nokia N8 will kill this icrap.
- J
- Jimmy Jazz
- f3b
- 06 Sep 2010
Well I have never been a Nokia fan, they are very over rated. However, N8's daily interest is like 33% more than iPhone4, and the Galaxy daily interest is also higher that iPhone4, We have 3 Samsung's in the 3 top positions by "rate" but I think that section can be easily manipulated
I have a Moto XT720 and it is a really nice phone. I am happy with it, so if iPhone users are happy then let them be, this forum is more childish than a junior school
- ?
- Anonymous
- k2n
- 06 Sep 2010
[deleted post]Yes you said it the Nokia N900 multimedia smartphone is way better than this icrap.
posted from my multimedia smartphone holding it any i like.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCi
- 06 Sep 2010
Prediction: iOS is going to remain more or less stable, Blackberry, after suffering from Android stealing its market share, will plateau and consolidate there.
Android however, I feel needs to watch its back, as Windows Phone 7 will offer much better gaming, with good launch titles, as well as Xbox Live.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCi
- 06 Sep 2010
iphone 4 haters, 06 Sep 2010iphone 4 is stupid!
no fm radio? phones last year or last ... morePlease, I beg you, buy an Android phone lol!
Somehow, I feel you will still be here, complaining about iPhone, even if you do buy an Android. I wonder why? hehehe.
"Haters are confused admirers who can’t understand why everybody else likes you"
Paulo Coelho
- m
- mutr
- iBt
- 06 Sep 2010
- d
- dave jones
- mqM
- 06 Sep 2010
My wave has a better screen than this rubbish!!
- z
- za man
- nsE
- 06 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 06 Sep 2010samsung galaxy s is No 3G video call!!!Samsung galaxy S is not "3g video call", but it supports 3g video call.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uCj
- 06 Sep 2010
Someone please google iphone hardware is made by which company. Android by google. No doubt iphone ha as really alot of app, but other than that I see no reason not to choose samsung. research and copy is a smart way to work with
- a
- ava
- P%$
- 06 Sep 2010
is de white color released yet? can anyone tel me, pls?
- i
- iphone 4 haters
- uRG
- 06 Sep 2010
iphone 4 is stupid!
no fm radio? phones last year or last last year already got it..and this icrap 4 doesnt have it?
with a stupid 5mp camera and no xenon flash?
and with so much restriction like the app store..nidda pay money to buy the application?! phone is better
at doesnt cost a lot of money
at least!! people can afford it
better than wasting money to buy this icrap 4
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCi
- 06 Sep 2010
BrianAW, 06 Sep 2010ipad = iphone 4in1Yup iPad is amazing!