Apple iPhone 4
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCi
- 05 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 05 Sep 2010Ratings for 3GS are higher than for iPhone 4. A fairy tale ... moreYou're right, iPhone 5 is gonna be awesome! Still bought an iPhone 4 anyway, till it comes out heh heh. Looking forward to the future!
- ?
- Anonymous
- uEB
- 05 Sep 2010
Ratings for 3GS are higher than for iPhone 4. A fairy tale is that the iPhone haters destroy the reputation of 4. If is so why not also for 3GS?
Simply, iPhone 4 is far away from good product to be high graded more than 6.4. Will wait for 5G, otherwise will be bounded next 2y.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCi
- 05 Sep 2010
App Recommendation: Image Comics
Now you can read your favourite Image comics in addition to the Marvel and DC Comics in their respective apps. You can also read your other comics using Cloudreader, a nice free comic reader.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCi
- 05 Sep 2010
Apple is the Most Admired Company 2010 by Fortune, marking a hat trick as Apple won it in 2008 and 2009.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCi
- 05 Sep 2010
Funny thing is don't hold that way was proven to be fake email. Only the haters busy shouting it daily. I pity you guys, cos I actually doubt that you even have Android phones, all you have are spec sheets from websites you've bookmarked lol. Bet your phone doesn't even have 3G lol!
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCi
- 05 Sep 2010
[deleted post]Sorry but am using iPhone 4, iPad, PS3, Sony NEX-5, Blackberry 9700 upgraded from 8900, just in case you were interested. My point is I am a fan of all these products which I chose carefully after comparing reviews. A good product is a good product, and I will defend my purchases based on my opinion, and facts.
I dot believe in blindly defending one company. But I will defend a good product from unbased lies.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCf
- 05 Sep 2010
[deleted post]I have already replied to you, so no need to repeat what I said in my previous post. If you wish to continue, that is your wish.
I do wish to point out that I never brought God into the argument. Also, I mentioned karma not in the religious sense. The world mirrors us, and tends to give back to us, what we put out.
It does not matter if you believe in God, or no God, karma or no karma, at the end of the day we are human beings, and there is a basic decency that we maintain with one another.
I have maintained my tone with you, but you have hurled insults upon insults to me. This is plain for everyone to see, and they will make their own judgement on who is the more reasonable.
If someone came here looking to decide whether to buy an iPhone 4 or not, who do you think they will listen to? The calm person using facts, or the raving lunatic hurling insults? You may just be doing the iPhone more favours than you give yourself credit for ;)
- ?
- Anonymous
- PNj
- 05 Sep 2010
[deleted post]There is no God, there are only religious nuts who scam the gullible.
Posted from my iPhone 4, with no case while held in a "death grip" squeezing the antenna join with the palm of my hand.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PNj
- 05 Sep 2010
Utku Ozdemiroglu, 05 Sep 2010Samsung i9000 Galaxy S is not cheap plastic. It has better ... moreI bought a washing machine because of brand name and it broke, I bought a refrigerator because of brand name and it broke, I bought a DVD player because of brand-name and it broke, NO MORE SAMSUNG JUNK FOR ME!!!
Posted from my iPhone 4, with no case while held in a "death grip" squeezing the antenna join with the palm of my hand.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PNj
- 05 Sep 2010
[deleted post]God is nothing but a fairy tale a story in a book that has no meaning except to the insecure
Posted from my iPhone 4, with no case while held in a "death grip" squeezing the antenna join with the palm of my hand, while sitting in a church pretending to use the Bible App.
- j
- jot
- utu
- 05 Sep 2010
how much the price of i phone 4 ?
- i
- ianzaghi
- Khs
- 05 Sep 2010
di indonesia mahal,penjual di indonesia parah semua...mendingan nokia 6120c hehe
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCf
- 05 Sep 2010
[deleted post]Someone who uses God in his sentences should not say that he has a perfect brain, that only denotes arrogance.
One cannot judge who somebody is by what they buy alone. A criminal could use an iPhone, but so could someone who works hard for a living, and wants to reward himself. Are the two the same?
And just for the record, I think this must be the dumbest sentence I have ever heard, which I am sure other Android users are ashamed to hear as well "God provide us( human saver) a perfect brain n just enough to get android"
- i
- iphone4fan
- u{a
- 05 Sep 2010
thats so true
*Posted from my iphone4 held properly to make a point
that you can get signal when held in the correct way
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCf
- 05 Sep 2010
[deleted post]IQ is pretty clear just from a cursory glance at how you argue, vs how others do.
Ferrari example is so severely flawed, even a primary school child would laugh at you. Antennagate is over, proven not to exist on iPhone, however, not so true for Droid 2, signal loss without even touching (right way or wrong way), yet no media frenzy. Shows how people don't really care.
iPhone is marching ahead on so many fronts for practical use of technologym instead of just having technology for technology's sake. Are you angry that there is an app that helps children with autism?
Are you angry that FaceTime was used by doctors for quick consultation? Are you angry that doctors are using iPhones in the medical field? Are you angry that iPhone is making large inroads in the corporate world?
These are serious industries, and if the iPhone did not work, they would be very unforgiving and the iPhone would be dropped instantly. Instead, it is doing better than ever.
You can argue all you want, but at the end of the day, arguments are won through facts and truth. You can spread lies all you want, and insult people all day, but we all live with our own conscience. Karma takes care of everything else.
My conscience is free, is yours?
- i
- iphone4guy
- u{a
- 05 Sep 2010
Droids have a problem not the iphone4 in reception
*Posted from my iphone4 held in the right way properly to make a point that you can get signal and the reception issues are lies when held the right way.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCf
- 05 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 05 Sep 2010droid x and milestone 2 is way way beter Have the antenna issues of the Droid 2 been sorted out yet? Engadget and Mobilecrunch reported issues with the signal, without even touching the phone. Wondering because my cousin wanted to get one.
- ?
- Anonymous
- L6Z
- 05 Sep 2010
droid x and milestone 2 is way way beter
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCf
- 05 Sep 2010
Galaxius, 05 Sep 2010**********40 FACTS OF IPHONE AND SAMSUNG WAVE*********
H... morePlease do not spam the comment section with your overly long "unbiased comparisons" which everybody knows is just a targeted list at iPhone's supposed "weaknesses".
Just one example, to one person, "Dependent on iTunes" is a weakness as you have described, but to another user, they would not see the problem.
And oh, you have been reported for spamming.