Apple iPhone 4
- f
- fight night
- 4{7
- 02 Sep 2010
alot people fighting when new phone come out no this phone is better no this one go get a life u people
- e
- expire apple
- 4{7
- 02 Sep 2010
hold ur tongue say apple 4
- ?
- Anonymous
- m27
- 02 Sep 2010
With the Rage demo and the Project Sword demo, it's clear the iPhone is leading the pack in terms of games.
- ?
- Anonymous
- m27
- 02 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 02 Sep 2010Dear valentina
U can't videocall if ur line don't have i... moreFring brings video calling over 3G to iPhone 4
http://m.wire d dot com/gadgetlab/2010/07/fring-brings-video-calling-over-3g-to-iphone-4/
- ?
- Anonymous
- m27
- 02 Sep 2010
[deleted post]And how do you make video calls now? Oh right you probably can't, lol!
iPhone is leading the way in design, and practical use of new and existing technology.
- ?
- Anonymous
- KxW
- 02 Sep 2010
Dear valentina
U can't videocall if ur line don't have internet data, beware to be brainwash
- V
- Voda
- Mx@
- 02 Sep 2010
iphone4boy, 02 Sep 2010Apple has bought us the proper hand-grip use.
And raised s... more"Apple has bought us the proper hand-grip use.
And raised safety by only letting professionals change a
So your saying the majority of Apple users are not competent enough to safely change a mobile phone battery..... Or to be able to tell when your hand is hurting from holding something in an awkward way..... I think you need a V-Tech phone, get one from the pound shop
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTZ
- 02 Sep 2010
Valentina, 02 Sep 2010Hey there,
I wanna buy the iphone4 but the only thing th... moreDear Valentina,
Video calls can be done over 3G via Fring app, even to non-iPhones using Fring.
- ?
- Anonymous
- G1j
- 02 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 02 Sep 2010Lol, when you tell someone to go do there homework AND then... moreBecause that website tells the truth.
Go do your homework on wiki.
- J
- Jay
- n7}
- 02 Sep 2010
[deleted post]Lol i diss all people that i know with a Gayphone. Even some of my good friends.
But it is their choice to own a iphone not mine, i just said that Crapple is missing the basic features for this overpriced crap.
- J
- Jay
- n7}
- 02 Sep 2010
Funny many people uses the word Crapple now, i made that up lol.
I love I-cripple also lol.
- ?
- Anonymous
- KxZ
- 02 Sep 2010
No signal ,don't hold it that way
No radio ,don't listen to fm that way
No flash ,don't surf net that way
Why Crapple hav no this n that?
Don't u dare to expect those feature that way
I'm sorry, I don't dare again that way, father of all stupidness
- V
- Valentina
- mTH
- 02 Sep 2010
Hey there,
I wanna buy the iphone4 but the only thing thats stopping me is that it doesnt have 3g video calls.
Also, video calls presently can be done to only another iphone 4 user?!
- ?
- Anonymous
- KxZ
- 02 Sep 2010
I-cripple , most cripple stuff human ever made in history
Post from the stone of my garden without signal issue
- i
- iphone4boy
- PUr
- 02 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 02 Sep 2010So why APPLE used NOKIA TECHNOLOGIES?
GSM; EDGE; HSDPA; WL... moreApple has bought us the proper hand-grip use.
And raised safety by only letting professionals change a
*Posted from my Iphone4 without a bumper case and holding it properly proving the signal issue is mainly
- ?
- Anonymous
- k2n
- 02 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 02 Sep 2010Yep and Apple used the stuff they licensed from other compa... moreSo why APPLE used NOKIA TECHNOLOGIES?
Apple think their so smart but still couldn't find way in Mobile industry without these technologies.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kx{
- 02 Sep 2010
iphone4boy, 02 Sep 2010Now an executive with the Mexican mobile carrier Telcel has... moreThis is to prove all those i-junk4 in the market hav problem, let's wait what I-diot worshippers bark
Keep on defending , brainwashing , stupiding n idioting pp with stupid reason like Stupid Jobs did , saying no signal problem, this n that bla bla bla..............
- i
- iphone4boy
- PUr
- 02 Sep 2010
louie, 02 Sep 2010you know what life was easier when Apple and Blackberry we... moreNow an executive with the Mexican mobile carrier Telcel has claimed that after September 30, Apple will release a revised Iphone 4 that does not exhibit the same signal attenuation flaw.
- l
- louie
- 98q
- 02 Sep 2010
you know what life was easier when Apple and Blackberry were just fruits! hehe