Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • J
  • Jose
  • 8xA
  • 02 Sep 2010

The iPhone 4 is a great phone, but I'm still undecided whether to buy or not. The retina-display is wonderful, a 5 megapixel camera on a phone is greeeeeat, those are my main reasons. About the FaceTime function, i think it's a bit unnecessary, I had the W705 (Sony Ericsson), which had video call, but c'mon, it's a phone and that will be forgotten. Apple looks like a pretty good company (always) and as for the phone I saw in my hands live and direct... and it's awesome, but perhaps more worthwhile to wait a few months 4 the iPhone 4's successor in and something even more wonderful we'll see ... I have no doubt that

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 4TM
    • 02 Sep 2010

    [deleted post]Hey, hey, hey. No need to be bitter. What's wrong with you? Why can't you just respect other people's choices? It is not your money. If those 120 million people want to spend their money on an iphone, let them be. And also, you do not know all of those 120 million people, so don't judge them as if you know each one of them personally. I bet you, most of them have better lives than what you have.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 4TM
      • 02 Sep 2010

      [deleted post]The number of people who returned their iphone4's are quite insignificant. So that proves me right in saying that iphone4 users are all happy with their iphones, and that proves you wrong. And please, no brainwashing needed. No one is encouraging you to buy the iphone at all. We're just replying to illogical attacks by iphone haters like you. This is an iphone4 thread, so we are at the right place to talk about our experiences with our iphones.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 4TM
        • 02 Sep 2010

        bhupin, 02 Sep 2010????????????who needs the display???i thinl apple shoul... moreWho needs the display? The display only happens to be that screen you look at EVERY TIME you use your phone. So yes, a very good display is always appreciated. The most basic cell phone function is to make and receive calls. And the iphone does make and receive calls, no matter how hard some people try to say that it can't, which is by the ludicrous, because no one would buy the iphone4 if it cannot make and receive calls. Yes, the iphone4 can replace a digital camera in MOST situations. There are already several professional reviews that could back my statement up. Phones have gone a long way now in the camera department. Just because the iphone didn't work for you, it doesn't mean that it wouldn't work for the rest of us. This is not all about you, you know.

          • i
          • iphoneguy
          • PUr
          • 02 Sep 2010

          Its a great phone in fact a lot of famous people use it and agree. The star of the new sitcom says its the best thing to buy this Christmas for your kids.

          *posted from my phone4 holding it correctly without a bumper case and Wi-Fi off to prove the signal loss isn't real most of the time

            • M
            • Micheal
            • 4{w
            • 02 Sep 2010

            I have now own the iPhone 4 for one month and love it. I would definitely recommended to anyone who hasn't tried it to get one. Believe me it works awesome as a phone and it is addictive on everything else.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • mTZ
              • 02 Sep 2010

              Anonymous, 02 Sep 2010This is so funny reading all these anti-iPhone insecure com... moreYup, when at the end of the day, all they can finally resort to are "stupid" and "idiot" like 9 year old kids, you know that it's just sheer desperation. Although I have no idea why I would get my panties in a twist, just cos someone likes a phone different from mine. Rather sad bunch really, these haters. Feel a bit sorry for the lil losers. I almost feel like agreeing with them next round just to make them feel a bit good about their lives lol.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • mTZ
                • 02 Sep 2010

                [deleted post]It means there is a huge installed base, not necessarily 120 million of course. A huge installed base means that, when certain features such as Facetime is introduced, many will use it immediately. This enables the rollout of technology on a widescale.

                This is also easier to do, on a standard interface, with a certain uniformity between devices, such as the iPhone, iPod Touch, and to a certain extent, iPad.

                Not so easy to do in lets say the Windows Mobile world, or Android world, due to a myriad of devices with differences in spec and capability.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 4{w
                  • 02 Sep 2010

                  This is so funny reading all these anti-iPhone insecure comments. As more and more iPhone 4 are being sold throughout the world more and more people will realize how it is one of the best if not the best smart phones out in the market. There are only a small and I mean a fraction of people are only having problems and the rest are from haters that either lied and said they have one and hated it or lied and say they don't want one but really deep inside they want one but just can't get it but then have to settle for less elsewhere. There are over 5 millions iPhone 4 have been sold so far and 99% of the people that owns it loves it. And this number will continue to grow at a staggering pace.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • mTZ
                    • 02 Sep 2010

                    With FaceTime now on iPod Touch and iPhone 4, this will quickly become a standard in video calling/conferencing, by virtue of the huge installed base of users.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • mTZ
                      • 02 Sep 2010

                      120 Million iOS devices launched since original iPhone.

                      One hundred and twenty million! *Puts pinky near mouth

                        • b
                        • bhupin
                        • 2CW
                        • 02 Sep 2010

                        Anonymous, 01 Sep 2010The retina display is the iphone4's display. It has nothin... more????????????who needs the display???i thinl apple should get the basics right and take it from there. I am a DSLR user and semi pro photographer so dont tell me that iphone can replace a digital camera. As a matter of fact none of the mobiles can double up as a digital camera. My simple request is to accept the limitations of iphone and say yes it has major flaws and apple should take care of them. I dont like lies and STeve jobs tells u bunch of lies all the time.At the end of the day if u are happy with ur purchase and can live with ur limitations then its ur personal choice and ur happiness matters the most. As far I am concerned I have couple of Apple products from Imac to i7 macbook pro and i love them , But again I am happy that i got out of iphone era and moves forward to better handsets ..

                          • i
                          • iphone4boy
                          • PUr
                          • 02 Sep 2010

                          amith, 02 Sep 2010hi guys.. do we still have the reception issues with the ip... more"hi guys.. do we still have the reception issues with the iphone 4 which is currently on sale in the US market??"

                          No the new software update adds more bars to make signal strength better.
                          Generally using a bumper case or holding it properly there are no signal issues at all.

                            • A
                            • AlexVoda
                            • PNf
                            • 02 Sep 2010

                            Anonymous, 01 Sep 2010So how many basic phones can do 720p video @ 30fps? What... moreThe death grip is legit, I work in a Voda store and play around with it. You gotta grab it pretty hard though. Still huge bluetooth issues though. As for 720p recording - I own an x10 and that'll get Android 2.1 in third quater this year, which'll give it 720p. Advantage x10.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • kJq
                              • 02 Sep 2010

                              [deleted post]Lol, when you tell someone to go do there homework AND then tell them to use wiki, you lose all credibility :p .... Sorry but it's not a proper site for research.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • P%n
                                • 02 Sep 2010

                                [deleted post]Yep and Apple used the stuff they licensed from other companies and told Nokia to stfu.

                                I see Nokia is already copying the HDR camera idea for the N900.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • k2n
                                  • 02 Sep 2010

                                  Anonymous, 02 Sep 2010Wrong, it belongs to a consortium who are supposed to offer... moreEverything that Apple didn't have the patent you are saying that Apple need to get their hands on for free, companies patent their technologies because the need to make companies like Apple pay for the use.

                                    • a
                                    • amith
                                    • PA}
                                    • 02 Sep 2010

                                    hi guys.. do we still have the reception issues with the iphone 4 which is currently on sale in the US market??

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • P%n
                                      • 02 Sep 2010

                                      [deleted post]Wrong, it belongs to a consortium who are supposed to offer it fairly.

                                      Nokia went against the agreements they made and deserve to be punished, which they will be, when it get's to court, just like they had to pay Qualcomm for stealing their technology.

                                        • C
                                        • CALM DOWN
                                        • PQ%
                                        • 02 Sep 2010

                                        Yep i tried both the N8 and iPhone 4.
                                        N8 hasn't been released yet but comparing the 2 N8 has the better features. iPhone is good for apps and thats about it.