Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • R
  • R
  • MVg
  • 18 Aug 2010

Anonymous, 18 Aug 2010Yup sold out in UK Apple Store too chav lol. And no, not ev... moreok mate well i work for vodafone and i can asure you there not sold out at the min and no one cares about stats. its overpriced and lacks features. if it didnt have good apps or have apple write on the front of it you wouldnt of give it a second look and if your happy to pay 600 pound for something that has no longer got garuntee (iphone4). then good for you CHAV

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 3xL
    • 18 Aug 2010

    Anonymous, 18 Aug 2010think of sumat new you been tellin everyone the same thing ... moreYup sold out in UK Apple Store too chav lol. And no, not everyone here is from England.

    Also launching in China soon. The onslaught continues. Incredible sales numbers from the best iPhone from Apple so far.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • MVg
      • 18 Aug 2010

      Anonymous, 18 Aug 2010100000 preorders on first day in South Korea. Preorders s... morethink of sumat new you been tellin everyone the same thing all week. and were not in korea were in england you freak

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • m27
        • 18 Aug 2010

        100000 preorders on first day in South Korea.
        Preorders sold out in Singapore on first day.
        Highest customer satisfaction according to Changewave survey.

        This is the best iPhone yet from Apple.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • m27
          • 18 Aug 2010

          [deleted post]IPhone has multitasking. Despite all your criticism, I wonder why the iPhone has the highest customer satisfaction. Ahh no need to even defend, the iPhone stands on it's own.

            • K
            • Kierann
            • nxq
            • 18 Aug 2010

            And here goes the fanboism on ALL sides, not just apple sides.

            okay. I've owned an iPhone 4 for a short period okay. Owned Samsung Galaxy S as well, plus a Desire. (my family are nerdy, okay).

            The iPhone is a wonderful smartphone for the normal person, who isn't all that bothered about it being open source, or heavily customisable yadda yadda yadda. baring the Ominous antennagate incident, the iPhones are well made, solid and premium handsets with a powerful yet easy to use smartphone system. Its the epitome of simplicity with hellova lot of firepower.

            Android, I think, has far more opportunity for power and user. Its more open, its more free, the app store has a higher proportion of non-paid apps. need i go on. it also allows the manufacturer to tailor it to your needs. need a social networking phone? Buy a motoblur or a Sense loaded phone. need a multimedia? buy a Galaxy of some variation. its all about choices. Android gives you choices. iOS gives it on a plate and says "eat it, its great" and no doubt, it is. Android gives you the menu and says "hey, these all great cause they are all different variations of the same thing" and they are.

            Android is a little bit nerdy, but ultimately customisable if you put the effort in. iOS is simple and effective for the casual users

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Mx@
              • 18 Aug 2010

              Apple iPhone 4 - USER opinions and reviews

              do you notice how it says USER? i.e somebody who has the phone not for ppl who loved to be raped by alfie the and android!

              the iphone 4 is a top class peice of tech i have one myself there are other top spec phones out there i.e. the galaxy s yeah but if u wanna talk about them go and post it on the galaxy s page not the iphone 4 page!!

              this page is called Apple iPhone 4 - user opinions and reviews

              so its for USERS to leave there opinions and review the phone not for iHaters to have a techy geek fit! get a life! the point of having all these phones on the market is so you have a choice so ppl choose to get the iphone 4 millions i may add so sort your head out and stop being such sad geeks go out get a gf/ a life!

                • i
                • indigo
                • uCr
                • 18 Aug 2010

                [deleted post]first thing m not a hater of iphone or any other smartphone for that matter,i do respect apple n admire d iphone's previous versions but not d ip4,it just doesnt justify its cost n some problems in it can not b fixed ever no matter how many software updates a person does...learn 2 face reality insead of mindlessly defending it.

                  • R
                  • R
                  • MVg
                  • 18 Aug 2010

                  [deleted post]ha ha is that some i diot slang that the rest of us dont get. i think you will find if i wanted an iphone i would get one. if id just paid 600 for a phone and foud out it was as pony as it is id be pissd of and i would try and defend it.

                    • i
                    • indigo
                    • uCr
                    • 18 Aug 2010

                    Anonymous, 18 Aug 2010Here is "some" totally cannot be changed after yo... moregr8 work n very precise.

                      • S
                      • Sam
                      • tE{
                      • 18 Aug 2010

                      Bought an iphone 4 Awooh !!! guys itzzz just flawless...
                      Antena issue is solve after updating to 4.0.2...
                      Thnks apple keep going...........

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • P%n
                        • 18 Aug 2010

                        Anonymous, 18 Aug 2010Here is "some" totally cannot be changed after yo... moreNo more Apps pages???

                        wtf does that mean???

                        You can put Apps in folders, 12 to a folder, 16 folders to a page, 11 pages.

                        That's 12 x 16 x 11 = 2112 Apps

                        Then you can fit 4 more folders on the dock so 2112+48, that's 2160 Apps you can fit that are visible because you can load on even more which you can find using spotlight, system wide search.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • MVg
                          • 18 Aug 2010

                          Anonymous, 18 Aug 2010Here is "some" totally cannot be changed after yo... morewhat would you suggest im thinkin of the n8

                            • R
                            • Ryan
                            • MVg
                            • 18 Aug 2010

                            i think you will find if you ring apple you have no garuntee fof your 4.FACT. ring them. not in the uk. and who cares how big a company apple is or these perfetic surveys. the customers stick up for apple for some reason. its an overpriced peice of shit. crap camera, drops calls, need a bumper. overpriced. for 600 pound. ha ha. okay. best phone ever built for apps il give use that. and good screen.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • ibg
                              • 18 Aug 2010

                              Here is "some" totally cannot be changed after you jailbreak-i n g your iphone 4..I think all people knew that..but Im here to reposted the truth for the people who dont really know..

                              First,we talk on the HARDWARE cant be change and everything no on iphone 4 even you j b..

                              -NO 8MP,12MP
                              only 5 mp with led,no
                              -NO hdmi port
                              -NO usb 3.0 (USB OTG,copy
                              -NO surround speaker 5.1
                              -NO mass / phone storage
                              -NO external card slot
                              (NOKIA N900 up to 48GB)
                              -NO run out of yellow spot
                              on screen
                              -NO exchanged battery
                              -NO not dropped call
                              (faulty design)
                              -NO radio / fm transmitter
                              -NO camera stabalizers
                              -NO video stabalizers
                              -NO led flash 1.9,2.4,2.8
                              -NO camera shutter button
                              -NO customize setting on
                              -NO personalization on
                              any phone setting
                              (text sized,text color,
                              -NO standard sim card
                              (micr0 sim card)
                              -NO saving money
                              (3g call over WiFi only
                              iphone 4 to iphone 4 but
                              still paid $ when make
                              video call..)
                              -NO qwerty keyboard

                              -NO Bluetooth transfering
                              -NO downloading on web
                              browser "safari"
                              -NO real multitask
                              -NO widgets
                              -NO widset
                              -NO main pages
                              (3,6,10 pag es)
                              -NO office document edit
                              -NO smart diallin g
                              -NO PTT
                              -NO 3d ui
                              -NO more video format
                              (3gp,mp4,mp4 2,m4a
                              -NO more song format
                              -NO animation home
                              -NO auto focus on cam ui
                              -NO more themes
                              -NO more apps pages

                              Ya..we know that truths on icrap phone is many and more..

                                • R
                                • R
                                • MVg
                                • 18 Aug 2010

                                Sony, 18 Aug 2010What is this crap! This has NOTHING on the Sony Ericsson S5... moreim not an iphone lover but your talking shite did the navy buil it? no co get a grip all sonys are the same with different camera and shell

                                  • R
                                  • R
                                  • MVg
                                  • 18 Aug 2010

                                  Anonymous, 18 Aug 2010iPhone 4 has posted 100,000 preorders in South Korea on the... moreits ok but not the best, no body cares about stats

                                    • c
                                    • cruise
                                    • i5B
                                    • 18 Aug 2010

                                    Tristan, 18 Aug 2010Well I got my iphone 4 yesterday and I have to say I am ver... moreI was like really sceptical also about the latest Iphone and thought it had too many problems that I didn't want to purchase one. Now that I have one it doesn't seem bad at all. Facetime is even better than skype. Plus editing of HD video is cool. Signal drops doesn't seem to be happening to my iphone using the death grip. I think it's the US phone carriers that have the problems. Maybe the signal over there is not too good.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 3xL
                                      • 18 Aug 2010

                                      iPhone 4 has posted 100,000 preorders in South Korea on the first day of sales.
                                      Singapore launch was sold out on first day.
                                      Changewave survey indicates highest customer satisfaction, outperforming every smartphone on the market. Also concludes that signal performance is great.

                                      Even if iPhone 4 isn't the best phone, you can rest assured its a pretty darned good one.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 3xL
                                        • 18 Aug 2010

                                        xxxxxx, 18 Aug 2010I just google it and you are wrong.Hahaha now you've proven two things:

                                        1. You are ignorant and unaware of news
                                        2. You fail at Google lol

                                        Try again. You're making yourself look bad here. Please, tell me what I said was wrong, one more time please.