Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • P
  • Peter
  • vwi
  • 02 Aug 2010

And let me again reply to my friend below who must have spent half his weekend writing his post on "iPhone 4 flaws" -- almost all the disadvantages you mentioned are nothing compared to the advantages of the iPhone. Mention the phone that you have and I could easily just as well make a similar list of flaws. Only difference is I don't come to this website to bash other phones.

And I hope you are aware that jailbreaking the iPhone makes many if not most of those "flaws" disappear right? Are people on this site even aware of how wonderful and easy (not to mention absolutely legal) jailbreaking is? It solves many of the limitations of the iPhone, while at the same time, keeping all the unique advantages of the iPhone.

    • P
    • Peter
    • vwi
    • 02 Aug 2010

    Engineer Man, 02 Aug 2010Hey. Can you atach mp3 ringtones to any of the Iphone 4 OS.?QUOTE: "Hey. Can you atach mp3 ringtones to any of the Iphone 4 OS.?"

    Good question. On a regular iPhone 4, no you cannot. That is a disadvantage I guess. There are plenty of ringtones to choose from, but you cannot add your own file (a recording or an mp3) as a ringtone. That's never been a problem for me, but yeah, I would have liked that option. Of course, you can always jailbreak your iPhone (a very simple procedure) and it opens all the doors...!

      • P
      • Peter
      • vwi
      • 02 Aug 2010

      Anonymous, 02 Aug 2010we want the real smartphone.. wondering iphone is not sm... moreQUOTE: "we want the real smartphone..wondering iphone is not smartphone why apple called it by smartphone...honestly..iphone for me is basic... i think everyone now was knew what badly on the iphone 4.."

      Um...ok. (trying not to laugh here.) First of all, that last sentence isn't even English, but I'll let that go.

      How on earth is the iPhone 4 BASIC??! You people really make me laugh sometimess. Please don't mention the old "no real multitasking" argument because I've already explained that several times. Please reply to this with something useful because I'm really interested to know why you think it's a basic phone. And by the way, if you don't have an advanced smartphone yourself, your post is automatically IRRELEVANT. I'm not trying to start a war here, I just want a mature argument as to why you think the iPhone 4 is not a smartphone. (And please don't mention "no FM radio" or "no stereo speakers".

        • P
        • Peter
        • vwi
        • 02 Aug 2010

        To the guy below who pointed out all the "flaws" of the iPhone 4 - damn you spent quite a lot of time on your post. You must be pretty interested in the iPhone considering you did so much research on it! Which phone do you have? If your phone is so great, why do you feel the need to spend 10-15 mins of your day on some random messageboard talking about some other phone? Haha...I seriously don't mean to be rude buddy but I kind of feel sorry for you! It's just a phone my friend. Here's an idea - why don't you go to appropriate forum your own phone (whether it's Nokia or whatever) and make some useful posts there! Or do you not have anything useful to say about your own phone?

          • E
          • Engineer Man
          • n5Q
          • 02 Aug 2010

          Also support for any other browser or search other than BING search, third party that is. Third party! Oooh Apple have never heard of Third Party, sorry! I realize my ...mistake!

            • E
            • Engineer Man
            • n5Q
            • 02 Aug 2010

            Mp3 ringtones to contact groups, or is this function for some reason ommitted?

              • E
              • Engineer Man
              • n5Q
              • 02 Aug 2010

              Hey. Can you atach mp3 ringtones to any of the Iphone 4 OS.?

                • E
                • Engineer Man
                • n5Q
                • 02 Aug 2010

                Iphone whyphone. grrr

                Iphone is something you stare at in despair & think ...WHYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • P%n
                  • 02 Aug 2010

                  Bad Apple, 02 Aug 2010One of these iphone fans wrote on Friday that why am i givi... moreExcept that for a lot of people there is no issue.

                  That makes your analogy dumb.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • P%n
                    • 02 Aug 2010

                    Anonymous, 02 Aug 2010I cannot even downloading any contents with my web broswe r... moreYes you can.

                    Go to in Safari on your iPhone.

                      • B
                      • Bad Apple
                      • 95H
                      • 02 Aug 2010

                      One of these iphone fans wrote on Friday that why am i giving iphone 4 hard times over the Antenna issue, he said "this is not a big deal and the plastic pumper will resolve the issue!!"

                      Now for some of dreamers who are still living in fantasy land of icon, here is the reasons why,

                      let me give you a simple example to make it clear to understand.

                      It is like paying over 100k buying top of the range Porsche car, which has all the gimmics inside and out, like sat nave, high tech engine, performance like no others (lets just for a second dream this is the case for iphone4), then they tell you have all of these but the engine keeps breaking down every time you go round the corner, you just need to drive it in stright line!! would you buy this car to just play with the Sat nave or just enjoy the beauty of look of it and play games/music? what is the point if this car doesn't run proper! it wouldn't be a car , would it?

                      If you have a brian and little bit of sense of common , the answer is NO, I NEVER buy this !

                      So this is the same argument, why do I need a phone which doesn't have a good reception, keep droping the calls, basically it can't perfome the most BASIC function of the phone and that making a call without drop calls (like driving your car) ? why do anyone in the right mind want such a phone? why do I need a plastic to put round my phone to make this right?

                      so have a bit of sense, and keep well away from this piece of plastic unless you jut want to use it as a itune, this is not a phone!

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • ibc
                        • 02 Aug 2010

                        we want the real smartphone..

                        wondering iphone is not smartphone why apple called it by smartphone..

                        honestly..iphone for me is basic..

                        i think everyone now was knew what badly on the iphone 4..

                        buy or dont buy..
                        is up to you!!!

                        i wroted my comment here juz wanna see how the iphone fan explained for their iphone 4..and doesnt want to argueing or something..really..but it seems i have no getting any opinion from the iphone fan..again..not juz me but many people also want to know what iphone fan said on their

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 4TM
                          • 02 Aug 2010

                          [deleted post]Now if only readers would actually listen to you haters, lol.

                          Give it up. The iphone4 is still sold out in stores. They're gone the moment they get in the stores. Hahahaha. Keep your sanity and just move on with your life. You seem like you've already lost it :)

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 4TM
                            • 02 Aug 2010

                            [deleted post]Wow, what a list, lol. Too long to read, lol

                            Anyways, I can't wait to find out how many millions of ip4 units have been sold oner the weekend.

                            You should try harder. Maybe a longer comment :) Or how about standing outside Apple stores and give away anti iphone flyers to those long lines of people buying an iphone. You can do it. Don't give up, lol.

                            I love my iphone4 :)

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • ibc
                              • 02 Aug 2010

                              I cannot even downloading any contents with my web broswe r named "Safari"..

                              I gonna(FORCED) installed other apps likes Opera mini or Opera Mobile to keep me have good user experience when internet sur fing..


                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • pqB
                                • 02 Aug 2010

                                Anonymous, 01 Aug 2010You do know that iPhones are made in the same Foxconn facto... moreNokia isn't made at foxconn. Nokia's chargers and headsets are made at foxconn because foxconn is unreliable.

                                Stop lying ;)

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • uEB
                                  • 02 Aug 2010

                                  Anonymous, 02 Aug 2010The iPhone 4 is the first phone to have a Gyroscope. Why... moreSegway already have gyroscope for many years.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • n%n
                                    • 02 Aug 2010

                                    raoulll!!! 2contact

                                      • j
                                      • jenny
                                      • TRF
                                      • 02 Aug 2010

                                      does iphone4 still have signal problem?

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 2S}
                                        • 02 Aug 2010

                                        Go to ebay see the price, how it`s going down & down for iphone 4g factory unlock phone. direct from 2000 US$ to Round about 1200 for 32 gb iphone 4g.