Apple iPhone 4
- B
- Bad Apple
- 95H
- 29 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 29 Jul 2010Good news Apple finally made iPhone 4 great..
no problems... moreHow did they managed that?!! have u asked your self this question? or are you one of these dreamer who just believe what apple tells you?
They estimated the cost of putting antenna problem right including recalls would be over 1.4 billion dollor, they never do that because the company will go under, so for you fans, you got to put up with drop calls, and bad reception or put a plastic chain round your neack to carry this piece of rubish with you, you can't even make a phone call from it without interruptions!!! what a joke this phone is!
- w
- where?
- mh}
- 29 Jul 2010
AshenFLY, 29 Jul 2010thank you my friend. i think you are right. and i don't ha... morewhere do you need that many good phones. 17?? I mean that n86,n85,n95,5800 xpress music still have a good features compared to new phones and u even have a x6 32gb? SELL some of those good phones and you can get this 1.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 29 Jul 2010
[deleted post]Denial?
That sounds like what all the whiners WHO CAN'T ACCEPT that 99% of iPhone users aren't suffering any issues.
I tried two iPhone 4's on two networks and nothing happened no matter which part of the phone I touched, squeezed, held NO BARS dropped.
The whiners are the one's suffering denial.
- U
- U people.
- mh}
- 29 Jul 2010
U people who say that Nokia phones are not a good quality think about this. I have talked with my every Nokia phone in rain (snow and wather) Even In a hell of a rain. They have worked normaly after those times. Even the slidekeybord ones and touch ones. still working. They are not even ment to hanndle wather and they still do.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 9Lb
- 29 Jul 2010
Good news Apple finally made iPhone 4 great..
no problems at all with reception.. here in the America... GO for iPhone 4 now! for those who bad mouth this phone see for yourself you'll ending up eating your words!
- A
- AshenFLY
- PEd
- 29 Jul 2010
Bad Apple, 28 Jul 2010Hi, may be the best advice one can give you is that you are... morethank you my friend. i think you are right. and i don't have money now. and also still i have 17 phones. NOIA I661, K750I, N70, N73,N85,N86 8GB, N95 8GB,5800 EXPRESS MUSIC,X6 32GB,IPHONE 3G,N97 32GB, E75, SAMSUNG Softbank [i don't know model], HTC TOUCH HD2,IPHONE 3G 16 GB,IPHONE 3GS 32GB, N900 32GB, My mother doesn't like to buy another one.
- A
- AshenFLY
- PEd
- 29 Jul 2010
AIM, 28 Jul 2010Hi AshenFLY, Just to give some personal feedback. I hav... morethank you my friend. but i have no money for that.and also i have 17 phones. later i have to try.
- A
- AshenFLY
- PEd
- 29 Jul 2010
corsair, 28 Jul 2010of course you can update to os 4.1 - it's really working ve... morethank you my friend.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4{w
- 29 Jul 2010
This is by far the best phone on the market. Those who disagree, doesn't own one. No right to talk about a product that you never had. Nuff said.
- A
- Andy Android
- i26
- 29 Jul 2010
How can the iPhone 4 be seriously called a telephone? The name should be changed to toyotaphone to warn buyers!
- A
- Ameya
- P$u
- 29 Jul 2010
I am in this tele comm industry and work for one of them … one thing I have observed is that on a iphone 3G or 3GS when ever an update is done with the IOS4 … it screws up the phone badly in terms of coverage/connectivity, internet speed and general phone ulitities ... whats the problem ... aint apple cam out to say to upgrade the 3G and 3GS phones with IOS4???
- ?
- Anonymous
- PBc
- 29 Jul 2010
We got a demo iPhone 4 today, it launches in Australia tomorrow.
First thing I did was touched "the spot", nothing happened, then I held it in the "death grip", it dropped from 5 bars to 4 after about a minute.
Vodafone no problems.
A guy from the Virgin store brought his demo up to activate it because his iTunes wasn't working (v8), so we tried "the spot" and the "death grip", nothing happened, we couldn't get it to drop a bar.
That's on Optus.
Then we laughed because tomorrow we will make a lot of money as people will be lining up to get them and we have physical proof about all the bullish*t!
All the Internet whiners can go f**k themselves THERE IS NO ISSUE!!!
- U
- Unsold
- 2C}
- 29 Jul 2010
waas thinking about either getting this or the samsung galaxy. This has more votes but the opinion is very very low compared to the old models and the 3gs is much higher. The 3gs specs are by far better and there is general consensus that is a good phone. Can anyone sell me on this phone in relation to the 3GS?
- 4
- 4 User
- i5{
- 29 Jul 2010
Personally I think anyone commenting on the signal issues without using a 4 is a hypocrite. Guess what, I'm writing with a 4, in my left hand, oh look I have full signal. Don't believe the media explosion, the 4 is beautiful with a screen quality unmatched by any other handset (even the hidef AMOLED from samsung doesn't match up to the 4's resolution, though the Colors don't have the same depth) get the 4, and don't look back.
- ?
- Anonymous
- bgJ
- 29 Jul 2010
[deleted post]Iphone antenna design is excellent beaming AWAY 1900 MGHZ from your head in the lower outer corner of the phone, much better than inside the plastic case near your skull like the other phones.
Mine works PERFECT stop this BS.
- ?
- Anonymous
- f39
- 28 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 28 Jul 2010I call the BS card on that little example. It says you h... moreI call the BS card on what you just posted, you think you were blessed with a sense of humour
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3xL
- 28 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 28 Jul 2010I call the BS card on that little one sided test. I did a l... moreI call the BS card on that little example.
It says you have a girlfriend.
"I call the BS card on that little one sided test. I did a little test of my own.
Friends Omnia2 death grip drops 1 bar
My Motorola karma death grip no affect
Friends Nokia N97, death grip drops 1 bar
Girlfriends Samsung Corby death grip, no affect
My old Motorola ZN5 death grip no affect
My older Motorola Z6 death grip drops 1 bar but bar comes back
This is holding the phones for up to 1 minute
Amazing how Apple got such bad results on all the phones they tested."
- ?
- Anonymous
- f3d
- 28 Jul 2010
[deleted post]I call the BS card on that little one sided test. I did a little test of my own.
Friends Omnia2 death grip drops 1 bar
My Motorola karma death grip no affect
Friends Nokia N97, death grip drops 1 bar
Girlfriends Samsung Corby death grip, no affect
My old Motorola ZN5 death grip no affect
My older Motorola Z6 death grip drops 1 bar but bar comes back
This is holding the phones for up to 1 minute
Amazing how Apple got such bad results on all the phones they tested.
- ?
- Anonymous
- f3d
- 28 Jul 2010
[deleted post]I swopped my BB9700 with my brothers iPhone4 for a week. iPhone has a really slick UI, that is something Apple got right. The display is also good. But that is about it. On a whole it is a nice phone but I prefer my BB9700. On the other hand my brother wants a BB9700 noe as well, but he will keep his iPhone4 as he likes it to.
- J
- Joe
- RrJ
- 28 Jul 2010
yes you can run ios4 on you 3gs. and the iphone4 is a good buy!