Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • c
  • corsair
  • JEb
  • 28 Jul 2010

AshenFLY, 28 Jul 2010HI my friend, I still 16 years old. one week ago I bought a... moreof course you can update to os 4.1 - it's really working very good

    • B
    • Bad Apple
    • 95H
    • 28 Jul 2010

    [deleted post]well said!

    Don't worry about him, his tiny brain think like this and nothing anyone can do to help him. He is being icloned by Steve, however its quite amusing to see how these fans think, ! and to be honest its a very good laugh, and they don't know how entertaining it is for outside world to watch them!

      • B
      • Broken
      • tV3
      • 28 Jul 2010

      I have GalaxyS,HD2,OMNIA2,BB storm2,iphone 3GS and just bought iphone4.What I want to say is...This iphone 4 is the most sux among all the phones i have.It's SUX!all phone on and calling each others,but call was drop!!Signals was full bar!i can't believe Apple makes rubbish and sell to public!

        • A
        • AIM
        • 3xL
        • 28 Jul 2010

        AshenFLY, 28 Jul 2010HI my friend, I still 16 years old. one week ago I bought a... moreHi AshenFLY,

        Just to give some personal feedback. I have an iPhone 3GS, which is now my second phone, as I have bought an iPhone 4. I have used it for almost 3 weeks now, and personally, it is performing really well. In terms of signal performance, it is even better than my 3GS, and I am very happy with it.

        Of course, your mileage may vary. To me, it is up to you, if you are able to. Try it, if you don't like it, you can always return it. My feeling is that if you don't have any signal issues, you will love it.

          • B
          • Bad Apple
          • 95H
          • 28 Jul 2010

          AshenFLY, 28 Jul 2010HI my friend, I still 16 years old. one week ago I bought a... moreHi, may be the best advice one can give you is that you are very lucky to have 3GS, stick with it very tight, and never even think about changing to iphone4,

          with i4 you would have a drop calls , and bad reception all over the place, everyone who is honest already reported this, many expert already tested this and it has failed every time, so my advice is stick with you 3gs, its a good phone, if you want to change get samsung galaxy s, or WAVE, or even HTC desire, there are by far better phone than iphone 4, beside you can make a phone calls from them without being drop! good luck!

            • A
            • AshenFLY
            • PEd
            • 28 Jul 2010

            Anonymous, 28 Jul 2010You should see the line at the Aventura Mall Apple store th... moreHI my friend, I still 16 years old. one week ago I bought a brand new 3GS. NOW I am planing to buy a iphone4. Is it a good idea? IS there a lot of problems with it? I really happy with my 3GS. can i update it to the IOS 4?

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • FEA
              • 28 Jul 2010

              Anonymous, 28 Jul 2010Nice! iBand Aid fixes iPhone4 antenna problems. Ante... moreYou should see the line at the Aventura Mall Apple store the only problem Apple has is making enough Iphone4 and Ipads

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • mWd
                • 28 Jul 2010


                iBand Aid fixes iPhone4 antenna problems.

                Antenn-aid for iPhone 4 is a custom sized vinyl sticker for your iPhone 4. When placed over the lower left corner of the antenna it may improve signal performance.


                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • bgJ
                  • 28 Jul 2010

                  Engineer Man, 28 Jul 2010Everything apple do turns out to be a half lamed attempt. T... moreBut success is measured on the market and Apple is the most successful company out there

                    • D
                    • Dr. Daniel Kroos
                    • ttw
                    • 28 Jul 2010

                    Anonymous, 28 Jul 2010Vodafone Australia have released their plans. 16GB iPhon... morehey ediat slumdog u fool i think ur dad will bought cap and only u got than phone bloody boasted

                      • E
                      • Engineer Man
                      • n5Q
                      • 28 Jul 2010

                      Everything apple do turns out to be a half lamed attempt. Take push notifications which is supposed to be some unified always accessible everywhere notification system. Why are apple so far behind everyone else with software technology. Take for example multitasking. Steve Jobs claims falsley again that the are doing Multitasking the best yet. "YEAH right" too bad realized he lied to everyone.

                      It's actually not native multitasking built-into the OS but never mind it's close, loads of apps still use stupid amounts of energy & will drain the power quicker. It's nothing more than a simple task switcher but not true multitask where apps are actually quitened down to a low state ready for dispatch from CPU cache.

                      Then Videochat where Jobs claims that he's doing videochat right & better than Videocalling. Where has Jobs & all his fans been living the past nearly 4-5 years. Yes that's right Videocalling has been around that long folks & back then you actually had the ability to videocall using 3G & WIFI cross platform cross network. So why can only limit Videochat to WIFI & to Apple platform only & eve limited Network operator only.

                      This is farsicle & apple were sleeping. They still haven't awoken yet from their dream yet. I wonder how long it will take. Then apple go & rename an ARM CPU that they didn't design. Then they go & tell you how you should handle a phone. WHat is this starting to sound like. You do not tell people to buy their products then tell them to **** off. You just don't treat customers like that.

                      Then after you've payed stupid money they will offer you a cheap bumper case for free as though people think it'd some amazing royalty gift or good will gesture. WHAT! Then they design a stainless steel chassis which is manufactuered in such as way that now they are having trouble coating the metal in the production process with some anti conductor bonding which won't bond. Bad move. Try a new type of metal with a bond that will stop the conducting interference attenuation issue.

                      Then apple claim that the screen resolution matters. In fact it doesn't because you can't even notice the differece with a 800x480 screen on a 3.7" or 4.0" over a phone with a smaller 3.5" screen & high res. SAMOLED still retains the power efficiency, along with colour, contrast which will surpass convetional LCD which is a proven scientific fact. Then apple literally use the same sensor as the Nokia N8 but limit it to 5Mp therefore not taking advantage of the great optics abilities.

                      SO also the camera doesn't have image stabalization. WHAT are apple thinking here. Images are okay until you size them up to a4 or a5 size, that's when you'see start to see the noise & over pocessing taking place. Wait if you find it difficult to get the image in focus, Jobs will just say you didn't hold it properly. HAHA where have I heard that before, oh yes ...that's right ...the dropped calls!

                      The iphone is inpractical because it doesn't do these simple native tasks properly. Apple "Native functionality done improperly" Videocalling, multitasking, camera without image stablization, all phnes cameras have it by default, a phone is to make calles, not drop them, gorilla glass that is Jobs claims unshatterable, false claim. Maybe apples need to focus on how to implement native tasks properly, maybe they need to implement them properly.

                      Functionality & limitation is why an Iphone is too boring for technical people who know what it misses & doesn't do right. These are things that were done properly long ago. Apple fans aren't technical & need to research. But they don't. take all the other OS's. They will support HTML 5 soon yet can still run flash videos, glash games, JAVA games, python scripted programs, MIDP programs. Like talk about application plaftform compatibility, this is what iphone lacks for free open program support.

                      All the apps are still limiting, this is the only boring place to buy your part, where with other phones you can go multiple stores & buy a choice of parts which are all actually third party, & most of them just work & won't break your phone, you know what I mean. Like upgrading a sports cars parts with some third party parts, it doesn't cause the car to break down. This is what it's like to buy a phone where you have freedom. Apples don't understand this word.

                        • O
                        • OPTUS Aust
                        • 9Lb
                        • 28 Jul 2010

                        apply for 2 or more lines with OPTUS and get 6MONTHs FREE on all lines! ^_^

                        as you can clearly see, our offers are still much better than any other competitor.

                        Beat that! ^_^

                          • B
                          • Bad Apple
                          • 95H
                          • 28 Jul 2010

                          iphone4fan, 28 Jul 2010Apple is simply displaying other brands if the person isn't... morePlease go an improve your english, what a loads of rubish you posted here!! have you read it yourself!
                          I am not expecting any more than this from apple fan, otherwise you wouldn't buy this phone in the first place!
                          every times I come here is a garanteed laugh :-) and I am loving it when I read how the rating is almost getting to 5 level, the interest has dropped masively, and most important of all, how everyone start realizing the flaws of this phone and avoiding at any cost!
                          stay well away from this phone if you have a little respect for yourself and your brain!

                            • h
                            • help me
                            • 3Ed
                            • 28 Jul 2010

                            hi,did some body have idea for unlock iphone4 ?

                              • n
                              • nick
                              • nxw
                              • 28 Jul 2010

                              Anonymous, 28 Jul 2010It's easier to send multiple photos over email or upload th... morethat's definitely not why. It's so people dont share music with others

                              it's apple, it's controlling, and that's why i won't ever buy an iphone


                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • P%n
                                • 28 Jul 2010

                                Anonymous, 28 Jul 2010why do apple make iphone's and they can't do simple things ... moreIt's easier to send multiple photos over email or upload them to websites and share them with thousands of people anywhere on earth, all at once instead of one person at a time who has to be less than 10 metres away.

                                That's why.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • P%n
                                  • 28 Jul 2010

                                  Vodafone Australia have released their plans.

                                  16GB iPhone 4 free on $69 cap, $650 calls, Unlimited voda to voda and 3, 1750MB data.

                                  32GB iPhone 4, free on $79 cap, $800 calls, unlimited Voda to voda and 3, unlimited SMS and MMS, 2GB data.


                                  Yay for competition.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • P%n
                                    • 28 Jul 2010

                                    Anonymous, 28 Jul 2010i download cedia software to my iphoneapple after that my c... moreContact whoever jailbroke it, they broke it's up to them to fix it.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • JBg
                                      • 28 Jul 2010

                                      Anonymous, 28 Jul 2010why do apple make iphone's and they can't do simple things ... moreApple has no patents for all the End of iphone

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 95j
                                        • 28 Jul 2010

                                        why do apple make iphone's and they can't do simple things like bluetooth picture sharing etc, and apple call them selves inovation in technology.