Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • R
  • Roger Moore
  • f3Y
  • 26 Jul 2010

Try putting your tongue on the iPhone4 antenna during a call, Your tongue gets a burning sensation!! Maybe there is a reason that other manufacturers have never made a phone with a exposed antenna

    • k
    • kampash
    • 3pb
    • 26 Jul 2010

    great phones deserve to cost a lot of money (for something you will use for 12months before you want the next upgrade iphone 4gs anyone??), but if you have to pay £299 for a phone with a major fault, then there's something seriously wrong.

    so those who do end up buying a product with 'death grip' faults are in fact buying for the cool 'look at me and my iphone' factor. the phone is so cool we forget that apple are so blatantly ripping us off.

    i'm off to modest camp, for an android phone. HTC anyone?

      • p
      • phonemaster
      • kg%
      • 26 Jul 2010

      everyone is worried whick phone can kill iPones series??let me tell u what...the game is over and the problem is resolved.this new iPhone 4 Killed itself..:D

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 3xL
        • 26 Jul 2010

        [deleted post]Actually, you're missing out. Coco Land is great! It's actually very enjoyable here, with our iPhone 4, MacBooks and iPads woot!

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • fsW
          • 26 Jul 2010

          Ipadddddddd rockssss

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 3xL
            • 26 Jul 2010

            [deleted post]Actually, you're missing out. Coco Land is great! It's actually very enjoyable here, with our iPhone 4, MacBooks and iPads woot!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • fsW
              • 26 Jul 2010

              Yes ok the antenna sig goes down ok but what mobile don't do that ? Is all bad Add for this Amezing phone the the competition is afraid of it what u expect when just one phone takes 45% of the market so if that happens all the time they must be doin something write or no ? Now in Dubai this is sim free 1800 us dollar and u can't find it

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 3aD
                • 26 Jul 2010

                To Solve the problem with the Signal, Hold the iphone as high as possable & use a Hands Free Earpiece, Problem solved.

                  • b
                  • bob
                  • uw@
                  • 26 Jul 2010

                  this is an amazing piece of gadget with such new tech but i am reaaly sad that bcoz of a stupid imistake everything screwed up . Didn't they test the beta models or wat - moron ilabs... i wish it had not mess this big . :banghead:

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 4$E
                    • 26 Jul 2010

                    Power consumption - most of web pages have white background:

                    While an OLED will consume around 40% of the power of an LCD displaying an image which is primarily black, for the majority of images it will consume 60–80% of the power of an LCD - however it can use over three times as much power to display an image with a white background[55] such as a document or website. This can lead to disappointing real-world battery life in mobile devices.


                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 0En
                      • 26 Jul 2010

                      Bad Apple, 26 Jul 2010I suggest you read this, then you would realize why you are... moreDear all, iphone will hit back the market with vengence. When a person like CEO Apple, Steve Jobs states in public hearing, in admitting such a defect which also other mobile phones have already experienced. This demonstrates the smartness of the APPLE company and soon will experience positive results

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • wgV
                        • 26 Jul 2010

                        Floyd, 26 Jul 2010First of all i'm not your mate and second of all why are yo... moreseriously bro,,, your arguement is the equivalant to ' i know u r i said u r, but what am i then?'

                        calling people out about the fact they cant afford it?.. WOW.. thats really scraping the bottom of the barrel there bro...

                        run your arguement.... live in ur little fantasy world... hey if your cool with the phone knock yourself out bro.. just stating facts..
                        no need to get personal over it... its a PHONE!!!LOL

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • wgV
                          • 26 Jul 2010

                          Floyd, 26 Jul 2010Everyone seems to be ignoring those so called haters on her... moreignorance is bliss huh???
                          haters or not.... these are FACTS brother

                          sold out... doesnt mean a thing.. except there are alot of sheep that will by anything because its 'cool' yo check me out, i got the iphone too..

                          pride is a hard thing to swallow...
                          this is what happens when a company get so large they start caring about makin cash and stop makin quality.

                          ps. once ur beloved iphone4 WINS an award.. then u got a leg to stand on..

                          FACTS bro... chin up mate

                            • F
                            • Floyd
                            • mH6
                            • 26 Jul 2010

                            [deleted post]First of all i'm not your mate and second of all why are you on here for?

                            Don't you have anything better to do in your day to moan on here about the iphone4.

                            Fact is the Iphone4 is selling bucket loads and it's not even exclusive to all networks and it's been nominated in the gadget oscars so despite anything you say it's boring and no ones listening to you.

                            You really need to read up on facts before coming on here because i've already humiliated you quite a few times on here.

                            You seem to moan and cry about a h/set you clearly can't afford.

                            Nothing else to say to you except for this, check apple shares and iphone sales and try to tell those millions what you think lol face to face haha

                              • F
                              • Floyd
                              • mH6
                              • 26 Jul 2010

                              Everyone seems to be ignoring those so called haters on here it's funny, Despite there feeling the Iphone 4 has been nominted for the Gadget Oscars along with the Ipad.

                              Apple share has booming and the iphone4 are out of stock everywhere so you have to answer this question.

                              Are you going to listen to haters on here which is about 10 haters who use different names to comment on here all the time or listen to millions and millions of iphone4 fans :-) it's not a hard choice :-)

                              I'm laughing right at all the haters faces on here and I don't see Nokia on that list or the Motorola brick :-) for the gadget oscars.

                              Despite the moaning and crying from the haters on here the iphone 4 has been sold out everywhere.

                              If you look at this in a bigger picture Iphone is only inclusive to AT&T in america so when all the other networks have access to the Iphone4 it's going to knock all the other h/sets out of business and hit them all with the Booooooom!!!

                              Good Times to come and it can only be apple

                                • A
                                • Alui
                                • Am9
                                • 26 Jul 2010

                                Bad Apple, 26 Jul 2010I think this iphone 4 is a total disasster, but I still not... more

                                  • D
                                  • DOM
                                  • BqH
                                  • 26 Jul 2010

                                  PEOPLE stop getting so upset about this phone, this has been going on ages. we all know the kind of person that buys this apple product, they dont care that the product is not very good, over priced and hyped, will prob give them cancer, cost them way more money to run for the same things you could get for less than half the money. cos they think they are cool, and only wont this because there are other people that have one, and they need to feel important and wonted. so just let them do this if it makes them feel happy, they dont know any better.

                                    • h
                                    • ht
                                    • 2Ir
                                    • 26 Jul 2010

                                    dis is over-rated n loved by noobs who don't know much abt techonology,I had dis n I was xo sick of it as it drops calls all d time :'(

                                      • B
                                      • Bad Apple
                                      • 95H
                                      • 26 Jul 2010

                                      Alui, 26 Jul 2010Let me give you some news about your beloved iPhone 4:). Wh... moreI think this iphone 4 is a total disasster, but I still not agree with your comment, I think you have just over exaggerated the problem , there is no such a poof with regards to cancer, and you just made this up. However there are several handereds poof from expert in this field that iphone phone has a worse reception and antenna problem is a serious down fall, drop calls reported by many users, and there will be many thousands of return every day start flowing back, just stick with your 3GS, the best apple phone ever, also if you want to broaden your mind, go with WAVE, HTC AND GALAXY S, outstanding performance for value, iphone lost it and time will prove that.

                                        • B
                                        • Bad Apple
                                        • 95H
                                        • 26 Jul 2010

                                        TIMELESS, 26 Jul 2010™ well jus coz something sells more dont make it the best ,... moreWell said mate!, 100% agreed