Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • G
  • GVS
  • ut3
  • 26 Jul 2010

iphone or ipod?

    • T
    • Y7L
    • 26 Jul 2010

    ™ well jus coz something sells more dont make it the best , iphone sells are due to the mass marketing , lots os ppl buy crack but that dont make it the best , iphone is behind in terms of mobile tech , many other phone out do the iphone in quality , performance and features .its all on this site compare the specs yll ....

      • A
      • Alui
      • Am9
      • 26 Jul 2010

      Let me give you some news about your beloved iPhone 4:). When you hold it, you touch the un-insulated antenna, the high frequency signal is absorbed by your skin (that can cause cancer, see more below) instead of being broadcast in the air. I saw a study showing that using headphones (that's with any Smartphone), is more dangerous than holding the phone next to your head, since the cables of the headphones concentrate the signal to your head. In the iPhone 4 case, the user has direct contact to the antenna when the iPhone emits a signal. And since the received signal drops because you short-circuit the antenna, the iPhone increases the emitting signal power, so it pumps into your skin radio signal close to the frequencies used in a microwave. That's why you deplete the battery so fast, in case you were wondering.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 0U4
        • 26 Jul 2010

        My friend Sea Sick Shane has this phone. He loves it to bits. He sleeps with the phone. He wants to marry the phone.
        He wants me to buy one but I say its really bad. He thinks of it as his tamagotchi. He loves it. He is obsessed with it. He has it in his pocket right now.

          • B
          • Bad Apple
          • 95H
          • 26 Jul 2010

          himynameissam, 26 Jul 2010is it also very "amuzing" that this phone will ou... moreI suggest you read this, then you would realize why you are still dreaming!!

          The popular German foundation Stiftung Warentest, which is the regional authority on consumer product testing accommodated the recently unveiled Apple iPhone 4 in its lab and tested its notorious antenna performance. And no-one will be surprised to hear that the iPhone 4 failed to impress the guys who tested it. According to the Stiftung Warentest, only a touch of a finger over the antenna gap in the bottom left corner is enough for the iPhone 4 to lose up to 90 percent of the signal. And, depending on the strength of th network signal, that can easily lead to dropped calls. As for web browsing, Internet connection gets "painfully" slow when you position your hand over the soft spot.

          would you still buy this? The answer is if you have a reasonable logical sense and brain, NOOOO NEVER!

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • Tr3
            • 26 Jul 2010

            Anonymous, 26 Jul 2010you stated 'apple started it all' started what exactly? At... moreHe was trying to say, that Apple introduced a lot of innovations, that you and I may take for granted today. With Apple, sometimes, it is not always introduction of something totally new, sometimes, it is the use of existing technology, but in a way that is compelling.

            For instance, do you enjoy using Excel? The first spreadsheet program was Visicalc which ran on Apple computers.

            Also, we throw the term PDA around today and everybody knows what it means. The Newton was not the first PDA, but the term Personal Digital Assistant was coined by Apple's CEO of the time. Most PDAs that came after, had the Newton as inspiration in their design.

            The iMac made the all-in-one design very popular, and again, the iPod.

            For me, I am not going to say that Apple makes the absolute best products. There are a lot of good companies out there.

            I do think however, that it is reasonable to say that Apple has come up with some pretty iconic products, memorable even long after the much better rivals have been forgotten.

              • d
              • dany
              • ppP
              • 26 Jul 2010

              iphone 4 is facing software problems.dont buy it now

                • I
                • If you are
                • mh}
                • 26 Jul 2010

                faceing problems with your iPhone 4 Antnna you can trade it for Samsung Galaxy S For FREE. This is not a joke. It is for real and Samsung has confirmed it.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • f31
                  • 26 Jul 2010

                  iPhonaut, 26 Jul 2010????Where have you been?Virussoft copied everything it know... moreyou stated 'apple started it all'
                  started what exactly? At least have the balls to back your statement!

                    • h
                    • himynameissam
                    • 3HC
                    • 26 Jul 2010

                    Bad Apple, 26 Jul 2010Its becoming very amuzing now, I just come to visit apple o... moreis it also very "amuzing" that this phone will outsell any other phone you can imagine? they sold 3 million phones in 3 weeks, in just 5 countries. that's just unheard of.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • iic
                      • 26 Jul 2010

                      this is the best iphone i ever seen and best phone that apple manufactured try it...

                        • F
                        • Floyd
                        • 3sE
                        • 26 Jul 2010

                        Ups forgot to mention the popularity is down on here for the iphone4 because your getting iphone fans on here who have bought the iphone4 sick of the haters repeating themselves and choose to have better things in life and get to know there iphone 4 lol

                          • F
                          • Floyd
                          • 3sE
                          • 26 Jul 2010

                          Bad Apple, 26 Jul 2010Its becoming very amuzing now, I just come to visit apple o... moreIgnore this clown, no idea why he's on here for especially if he's not that technical minded and doesn't have a clue about technology, ok some facts, the iphone 4 is selling bucket loads and is still very much in demand. Well over 3 million and out of stock everywhere.

                          Iphone 4 is the slimmest smartphone and hold the most pixels on screen in the world. No other handset comes close.

                          Apple shares are booming and is nominated for gadget of the year along its partner the ipad.

                          Not all iphones including my own has the anthenna problem and even with the problem you can either get a bumper or get your money back.

                          Haters will always come on here with there how can I put it, jealousy comments because simply they prefer cheaper and smaller things
                          In life which is there preference.

                          Iphone is the best phone right now by millions we still need a handset out there to beat the iphone 3gs.

                          once you go iphone you simply don't go back, you will love the iphone 4.

                          Others like nokia with there symbian is borin.

                            • B
                            • Bad Apple
                            • 95H
                            • 26 Jul 2010

                            Its becoming very amuzing now, I just come to visit apple opinions to have a good laugh, and every time is garanteed, look at the rating, its reaching 6 shortly, and look at the interest is down from 92 to 71%, is that not telling you somthing ? yes it tells you this phone is a total failur, if you are apple fan is fine, I have nothing against that go and buy yourself a 3GS the best phone apple ever made, but please don't even waist your breath on this peace of metal / plastic which you can't even make a phone calls from it, your calls drops, and your reception is so poor. beside iphone 4 has not much to offer compare to 3gs SO WHY change to this phone with serious antena issue?
                            avoid at any cost

                              • A
                              • Alui
                              • Am9
                              • 26 Jul 2010

                              Anonymous, 26 Jul 2010AMOLED is definitely worse than a good TFT - ISP with LED b... more"So, TFT displays are healthier than AMOLED and CRT and plasma displays".
                              Hi Steve.
                              You must be Steve Jobs. Only him can be so inventive and put CRT in the same category with Amoled. You say Amoled emits ultraviolet and high energy photons. Any reference to back uo your statement?
                              BTW CRT(Cathodic Ray Tube) are dangerous becouse they emit electons (X-Ray) inside the tube, and some electrons escape outside. No other screen emits X-Rays.

                                • A
                                • Alui
                                • Am9
                                • 26 Jul 2010

                                I wonder whether the exposed antenna causes current drain when the iPhone is held in the hand? Maybe that shorthens the battery charge. I read many user reviews where users were complaining about short battery use.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • P$u
                                  • 26 Jul 2010

                                  Jteve Sobs, 26 Jul 2010Ha ha.. free case.. look how high end your iphone is. With ... moreGood apple did not suggest to wear leather gloves :)

                                    • J
                                    • Jteve Sobs
                                    • P$u
                                    • 26 Jul 2010

                                    Ha ha.. free case.. look how high end your iphone is. With all the money they have ammased by stealing/copying/reverse engineering technology and still managing to stay as outdated as ever, they are giving away free cases !! What the **** !! This issue deserved a recall and a hard fix like realigning the antenna but they were dumb enough to make it a single piece body ( again for the 3rd time ). Else they could have managed to just change the back cover with a neat plastic one.
                                    Free Cases my foot

                                      • i
                                      • iPhonaut
                                      • IjL
                                      • 26 Jul 2010

                                      Anonymous, 26 Jul 2010You iphonefanboys need to get a grip, Apple did not invent ... more????Where have you been?Virussoft copied everything it knows from the first Macintosh,not to mention all the copy cat cellphone manufacturers want to be just like an iPhone.Apple started it all,I don`t know what rock you crawled out from under,but I think you bumped your head on the way out.Be careful on your way back in.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • f39
                                        • 26 Jul 2010

                                        You iphonefanboys need to get a grip, Apple did not invent anything, they just copied and they created a lot of marketing hype,kudos to them on that. The market is flooded with brilliant phones, none greater than the other