Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • Tr3
  • 26 Jul 2010

Anonymous, 26 Jul 2010A very very cheap phone don't even have reception problem. ... moreYup high end. The phone performs admirably well. Better than 3GS, which was also amazing. The phone is truly beautiful to behold in real life, photos do not do it enough justice. The amount of people who come up to me just to hold it, or ask questions about it is simply phenomenal, and not something that happens with other phones. Truly iconic.

    • M
    • Mr P
    • t7r
    • 26 Jul 2010

    I think the "retina display" is nothing new, the density of the pixels of my iphone4 only comparable to my old sony xperia X1, belive me.. I held this two side by side.

    xperia = 800x480 pixels, 3.0" screen
    Iphone 4 = 960 x 640, 3.5" screen

    my point is.. I think when you make a display at 3.5 inches using the display type of the xperia x1, you will get a 960 x 640 resolution.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • PUU
      • 26 Jul 2010

      A very very cheap phone don't even have reception problem. What a silly way using a 'bumper' just to make a simple call. Apple is not a phone maker, it only have many useless application for DUMMY with a lot of hot air...u still calling this high end.....LOL

        • i
        • iPhonaut
        • IjL
        • 26 Jul 2010

        Anonymous, 25 Jul 2010Shanks you are so deluded, you would make a good Apple empl... moreCan you tell us when your lg was made?

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 4$E
          • 26 Jul 2010

          Iphone sucks, 26 Jul 2010Everyone who has used a mobile phone even for a few days kn... moreNo, they did not test properly the iPhone 4, quality assurance team did bad job and management from Apple did not argue over its bad design afraid not to upset the designer of case who did not know a damn about electronics. Some will probably be fired. But it is also true that other phones have similar issue but are not on watch list as iPhones and it is true that it can be patch with a bumper. iPhone 5 will have other case design.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 4$E
            • 26 Jul 2010

            Iphone sucks, 26 Jul 2010Everyone who has used a mobile phone even for a few days kn... moreSoon I expect to be released by third parties for 5-25 bucks new frames for iPhone 4 from plastic which have internally the antenna thus protected from interference with hands (see Blackberry bezels online). Everyone may open and replace the original full metal frame, although waiving so the warranty. Anyway even if iPhone did not have an antenna defect, due to its uncomfortable edges owners would use a case or soft rubber bumper so not issue at all in the end.

              • I
              • Iphone sucks
              • P$u
              • 26 Jul 2010

              Everyone who has used a mobile phone even for a few days knows that it areas of not so good coverage, when the phone is held/tilted a certain way, the antenna drops. It happens with every phone. It is the positioning and the layering (of your flesh) on the antenna.
              My question is: Is the drop in signal level comparable to that on an iphone where the call is dropped? Does it become zero?
              When iphone made the device and tested the first prototype did they TRY to hold it in their hand? Or did they just assume that apple users, foolish though they might be anyways, can be dictated how the phone can be held?
              Iphone has chosen a non practical antenna design and iphone gullibles are not ADVISED to use cases. So Stupid. Everyone makes mistakes and Apple made a hardware error that cannot be rectified with a patch job. Their only option is recalling the handsets already sold. The way that Apple shrugged off the responsibility for the issue and tried to drag other manufacturers into their muck is inexcusable. I wonder how long they are gonna stay at the top in the most admired companies in the world with a rating of 80%. I doubted the reason and here it comes. Apple makes gimmiks in the name of technology and gullible susceptible non tech users buy them and become dependant on itunes for the rest of their (mobiles') life.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 4$E
                • 26 Jul 2010

                AMOLED is definitely worse than a good TFT - ISP with LED back lit.

                A factor that has to be consider for Super AMOLED, the light directly beams into eyes from its source which is OLEDs. All natural vision of human eyes is when the light comes from reflections of light, generated by sun or lamps, over objects: the photon beams don't directly get from source into eyes; also the beam of phones is not reflected as you may think: you don't get back through reflection the original photons from source; the phones are not as ping-pong balls cast back by objects which they hit; the beam is absorbed by objects, converted in energy and the objects emit other photons back in a sub spectrum of the original beam, lower intensity and broader uniformity over object surface thus giving color to objects and thus protecting the eyes from artificial light that maybe dangerous for human retina when comes from artificial powerful punctiform sources. The LED back lit from TFT is diffused over a white panel then by reflection passes though liquid crystals and get into eye so it is a reflected light, not the original light. OLED like CRT colored phosphors or plasma's pixels directly beam the light into eyes thus you are not protected by ultraviolet emissions and high energy photons which make lesions in organic tissue.

                So, TFT displays are healthier than AMOLED and CRT and plasma displays.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 3xL
                  • 26 Jul 2010

                  [deleted post]Maybe if you go outside once in a while, you'll realize that people don't constantly refer to a thesaurus for every other sentence they use, you cretin lol!

                    • s
                    • shanks....
                    • ut9
                    • 26 Jul 2010

                    iPhonaut, 26 Jul 2010All of these Apple hating ``Dummy`s`` don`t know anything a... morethank you dude......

                      • J
                      • Janet
                      • ULb
                      • 26 Jul 2010

                      Ofcourse, quite a few people have had alot of problems with the Iphone 4, but it does have its positives. Like said, it has longer battery lif and i also love the design of it. Its resolution astounded me for some reason.
                      The iPhone 4 tempting features, HD Video Recording and lovely pictures you're surprised:

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • wf8
                        • 26 Jul 2010

                        Anonymous, 25 Jul 201032GB is the largest for iPhone 4. You sure you didn't see t... moremy previous post about size and memory was in reply to Anon.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • wf8
                          • 26 Jul 2010

                          Of course, It's under a quarter of the size and weight, I know 32gb isn't much when we start talking technical, but for a phone having that much memory, it's phenomenal.

                          Plus, I find with most phones, you start filling them up (That much) they tend to run similar to a 486 (for those that don't know a 486 is one of the first Intel based computers that had the ability to be able to run an O/S)

                          I know it may be a bad thing, but I own a Nokia N97, and I know if I'm carting around info on it's internal 32gb memory, it tends to lag when I have more than 20gb on it... Since all phones these days are computers, same laws apply, you fill your drive and more you put on your computer - It's going to run slow...

                            • i
                            • iphone4fan
                            • u{a
                            • 26 Jul 2010

                            Apple chief executive Steve Jobs calls "perhaps the best product we've ever made."

                            Show Steve we agree guys, vote to show him he's right.

                              • x
                              • xxxxxx
                              • k2n
                              • 26 Jul 2010

                              iPhonaut, 26 Jul 2010All of these Apple hating ``Dummy`s`` don`t know anything a... moreyou mean that's not actually right.

                                • F
                                • Ffloyd
                                • mH6
                                • 26 Jul 2010

                                I think we all know by now the iphone has an anthenna problem despite what Steve Jobs says.

                                Don't get me wrong I love the iphone4 but lots of people are suffering from the anthenna problem and he shouldn't be comparing other h/sets out there with the iphone4 especially when it comes to the anthenna issue.

                                Never the less Apple are meant to be fixing this anthenna problem for future releases of the iphone 4 as they can't be giving out bumpers for the rest of there lifes.

                                White Iphone 4 should be trouble free :-) but thats a long wait

                                  • i
                                  • iPhonaut
                                  • IjL
                                  • 26 Jul 2010

                                  [deleted post]All of these Apple hating ``Dummy`s`` don`t know anything about that. You are exactly right though.

                                    • x
                                    • xxxxxx
                                    • k2n
                                    • 26 Jul 2010

                                    iphone daily interest = 71% with only one month after being released.

                                    3gs iphone daily interest was 79% for over ten months.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • f3b
                                      • 25 Jul 2010

                                      Just because rap music is popular does not make it right
                                      Just because Justin Bieber is poplar amongst pubescent girls don't make it right
                                      Just because they play Celine Dion in elevators don't make it right
                                      Just because it's an iPhone don't make it right

                                        • x
                                        • xxxxxx
                                        • k2n
                                        • 25 Jul 2010

                                        ffloyd, 25 Jul 2010Guys there's still iphone4 in stock on o2, go and get it. ... morewhat do you mean by no antennagate problem?

                                        didn't apple say that's a problem for iphone 4?
                                        steven p. jobs say iphone 4 is perfect without any problem.