Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • s
  • steve n0b
  • pKs
  • 22 Jul 2010

I am not a big fan for these two companies
Whats the different between Microsoft & Apple? .... Professionalism

XBOX RROD (Red Ring) : Microsoft extended warranty and offered free repair or replacement.... not once they b!tch about other companies. they even admit the fault and tried to rectify it... hence cooler cpu, different heatsink etc..... did bill gate ask you not to play games for a long duration? (you need to give the machine a break every 30mins) or did you angle the xbox the right way? NO.... even though i dislike the guy... he aint no unprofessional arrogant skinny old f4rt who love to dictate part of your leisure life.

iPhone4 (Antenna) : B!TCH B!TCH B!TCH!! and a free case ... WTF? free case for all 5heeps who wants to keep the FLAWED design fault device. apple designed the slimmest smart phone* but they want you to use a case to make it fat and ugly? what if you dont want to use a case? Any suggestion of a recall?? any suggestion of we will look into it and fix the problem?? NO!.... they just B!TCH B!TCH B!TCH!! this is how you hold it... you need a case for it.... F**k u steve jobs, stop telling everyone what to do.

Happy days xxx

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 0Ry
    • 22 Jul 2010

    [deleted post]i'm guessing you've probably never used one then as there is virtually no plastic involved in this phone!

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 0Ry
      • 22 Jul 2010

      phone seller, 22 Jul 2010Apple had 3 years to work on only 1 phone and they still co... moreWhilst you're right that Apple have had more time to work on 1 phone than Nokia have had on Numerous others, you are completely deluded/misinformed if you believed that they have done a better job on their phones than Apple have.

      Pretty much all of Nokia's 'Smartphones' don't work properly!
      I sell and repair phones for a living - N97 was disgraceful for the amount of faults it has and we STILL get these back for repair daily. N97 mini is not as bad, but still away for repair all the time.
      X6 comes back regularly, 5800 is a joke for its faults. N900 we barely sold as it wasnt very good(and was hideous), N96 back regularly still etc..

      Sony Ericsson are probably worse - Satio, C905, C902, Vivaz etc.. and even their basic phones(W205, W715, w595 etc..) still have many faults.

      Blackberry....Storm, Storm 2?? break regularly. 8900, 8520, 9000 and 9700 all back often.

      Iphone 3G - I dont think i EVER recall seeing one of these being sent away for repair other than for accidental/liquid damage

      3GS - sent one back for things other than out of warranty repairs(and that may have come back liquid/physical once repair looked at it although i dont know)

      Iphone 4 - obviously still early, but we've sold probably 100 of these now and how many complaints have I had from actual users??........ZERO

      Two of my colleagues have iP4s and love them, about 10 have the problems!

      As for limited features most people dont use the features of a Nokia 1661 nevermind a Nexus one, but of those that do the vast majority still wouldnt enjoy the benefits of the extra freedom from Android, plus iOS is so much easier to use/smoother/user friendly.

      The phones that do rival the Iphone for reliability and just for general use are probably the latest HTCs, although the stock levels on things like the Desire are worse than the iPhone at the moment.

      Saumsung's Wave and Galaxy S probably also deserve a mention, although again its early days.

      The hate for Apple and the iPhone 4 is stupidly overblown.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • Tr3
        • 22 Jul 2010

        [deleted post]Dear iphone4fan,

        Seriously, the voting is not much of an issue. Apple themselves said that they can't make enough iPhones to meet the demand. In my opinion the only people who should worry about this is GSMArena, as distorted voting will cause people to rely less on the user feedback section.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Tr3
          • 22 Jul 2010

          Foley, 22 Jul 2010iPhone 4 real "killer"? (Antenna gate part II) ... moreDear Foley, I wonder if you know that the Motorola Droid is in the Top 20 list of highest SAR ratings:


          Just want to help your cause, as you seem to be very concerned about gsmarena readers' health.

          Can we expect you to give the appropriate warning to the Motorola Droid users in their comment section soon? Keep up the good work!

            • i
            • iphonefan
            • u{a
            • 22 Jul 2010

            Anonymous, 22 Jul 2010Don't be silly. Is that little black strip really that har... moreProblem is i think about it too much now.

            Even when i'm taking photos with it, I'm aware i shouldn't touch that part, even though that's for calls only.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 4Tu
              • 22 Jul 2010

              iphonefan, 22 Jul 2010Just Alcohol wipes and correct holding works for my iphone4... moreDon't be silly. Is that little black strip really that hard to avoid? And it does not even drop the call even when the signal bars go down. Don't make a big deal out of something small. Don't sweat over it, or, simply return it :)

                • i
                • iphonefan
                • u{a
                • 22 Jul 2010

                Anonymous, 22 Jul 2010The antenna works as its supposed to. The more appropria... moreJust Alcohol wipes and correct holding works for my iphone4

                Your sort of right.
                I'm wondering about a few things Steve said i admit.

                  • A
                  • Alman
                  • 0Y0
                  • 22 Jul 2010

                  Anonymous, 22 Jul 2010can apple just fix this issue by doing a recall on the prod... moreYou are terrible on this website. In a minutes, you will say nice things about iPhone 4, and all of the sudden you say bad things about iPhone 4. You sound like you have a mental problem that moves from one place to another. iPhone 4 is simply the Best phone out there presently. Let's be serious guys and stop the hating because you don't own an iPhone 4 or can't afford to buy one.If you are not happy with your iPhone 4, please return it before September 30,2010 for a full refund. Apple does not beg people to buy iPhone 4.

                    • O
                    • Oh man..........the
                    • utt
                    • 22 Jul 2010

                    Just go to this link...u wil c 4 urself

                      • A
                      • Alman
                      • 0Y0
                      • 22 Jul 2010

                      [deleted post]You are terrible on this website. In a minutes, you will say nice things about iPhone 4, and all of the sudden you say bad things about iPhone 4. You sound like you have a mental problem that moves from one place to another. iPhone 4 is simply the Best phone out there presently. Let's be serious guys and stop the hating because you don't own an iPhone 4 or can't afford to buy one.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • Tr3
                        • 22 Jul 2010

                        phone seller, 22 Jul 2010Apple had 3 years to work on only 1 phone and they still co... moreThe antenna works as its supposed to.

                        The more appropriate analogy would be you buying a Ferarri after years of using a normal car say a Toyota. Then you drive the Ferarri, and press the brakes like you do on your Toyota. Due to the better performance brakes, you complain to Ferarri "Omg! When I touch the brakes (even with one toe), I get jerked forward! Recall your cars!"

                        Guess what Ferarri would tell you. You're braking it the wrong way. In fact you know what else they might say? "Go buy a Porsche, A GTR or a Veyron, they all use performance brakes, this is physics." Of course the other companies might not take too kindly to being put the finger at either, but hopefully with this example people understand fully what's really going on.

                          • p
                          • phone seller
                          • 2C}
                          • 22 Jul 2010

                          Apple had 3 years to work on only 1 phone and they still couldn't get it right. Nokia and the others work on hundreds a year and although tey can have some glitches at times, they all go a prtty damn good job. With all of apple's time resources on 1 phone i think they deserve to have the crap kicked out of them by the media.

                          The iphone is way too expensive for its limited features. If i bought a new ferrari and found that the leather seats were all ripped and torn. I personally would be furious if Ferrari told me to just put seat covers over them.

                            • i
                            • ihponeisnice
                            • u{a
                            • 22 Jul 2010

                            Keep voting guys.

                            it's dropping a tiny bit.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • qZh
                              • 22 Jul 2010

                              long live the king iphone 4!!

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 4QC
                                • 22 Jul 2010

                                [deleted post]Keep on hating while millions keep on buying Iphone4, its good for your liver.

                                  • i
                                  • iphoneisnice
                                  • u{a
                                  • 22 Jul 2010

                                  Keep voting guys.

                                  it's dropping a tiny bit.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 4QC
                                    • 22 Jul 2010

                                    xxxxxx , 22 Jul 2010 nokia will have one of APPLE ceo on their payroll next!!!!!!!!!Look at their financials, it takes money to have good people as CEO and you have to live in Finland, hve you been there in the dark winter months ? California is a better place.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 4QC
                                      • 22 Jul 2010

                                      Foley, 22 Jul 2010iPhone 4 real "killer"? (Antenna gate part II) ... moreThe antenna is beaming out of the lower external corner, an ideal position, instead of upper inner positions like other phones that beam
                                      1900 MHZ in hour head, GREAT design Apple!

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • PNf
                                        • 22 Jul 2010

                                        Foley, 22 Jul 2010iPhone 4 real "killer"? (Antenna gate part II) ... moreExcept that by having the antenna at the bootom of the phone is an FCC requirement, something HTC seems to ignore.