Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • J
  • John
  • 2Ex
  • 22 Jul 2010

Foley, 22 Jul 2010iPhone 4 real "killer"? (Antenna gate part II) ... moreThanks. Good Point.

    • F
    • Foley
    • uEB
    • 22 Jul 2010

    iPhone 4 real "killer"?
    (Antenna gate part II)
    Due to outdated regulations and procedures, FCC didn't evaluate iPhone 4 SAR value properly!
    Real SAR value is much higher due to iPhone 4 antenna "innovative design". Test is made for standard antenna design which is NOT IN CONTACT with user hand(s).
    All tests are performed on test bench WITHOUT human contact!
    "FCC tests don't include or simulate the presence of a hand, which means that what the FCC tested isn't indicative of real-world use, especially in the case of an iPhone 4 held by a user"
    "By placing the antenna outside the housing, Apple hopes to solve the dropped-calls problem, BUT AT WHAT COST?"
    (thanks to PCMAG.COM)
    After iOS 4.0.1 update SAR value is even more suspicious. Wrapped in fairy tail about wrong signal calculation, Apple actually boosted transceiver signal to minimize drop calls.
    How much? How much is this affected to REAL SAR value?
    Only FCC SAR value reevaluation can give us this answer!

    Is it Apple profit worth more than your health?

      • J
      • John
      • 2Ex
      • 22 Jul 2010

      Now we have 4 iPhone 4 in family and no have any problem with the phone. When we owned before the 3Gs version always had skin case around our phone as I have around my HTC Desire. So, I do not have problem.

      Keep in mind other Manufactures such as Nokia or BB do not put the antenna outside and have it cover by their case or plastic. But iPhone 4 have it being exposed outside with no cover. That is why Apple offer the Bumpers to cover outside for many different color.

      All these publicity is that competitions can not see and in watching and seeing Apple Growth. Who would think Apple would be of think 15 to 20 years ago be positioned as they are today. Thanks to Steve Job.

        • x
        • xxxxxx
        • k2n
        • 22 Jul 2010

        Anonymous, 22 Jul 2010Nokia are looking for a new CEO. Bye bye Olli Pekkahead. nokia will have one of APPLE ceo on their payroll next!!!!!!!!!

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • QGM
          • 22 Jul 2010

          can apple just fix this issue by doing a recall on the product so everyone that wants it can actually buy it, there is many iphone lovers out there and we were all so excited to get this but with this issue we will not. they cant admit they made this mistake

          if they would, many would be happy, not by offering a new software and case for free.

          a recall would have kept apples name high up.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • nIt
            • 22 Jul 2010

            Anonymous, 22 Jul 2010Nokia are looking for a new CEO. Bye bye Olli Pekkahead.And all because of the Iphone lol.

              • y
              • you dont need to kno
              • 8yS
              • 22 Jul 2010

              Lynn, 22 Jul 2010HTC is phenomenal I have just returned the death grip iphon... morebut who really asked you that...... if you didnt buy an iphone 4 and instead bought an htc then how about you go and talk about how great it is on the htc comment boards!!!!!!

                • H
                • HD engr
                • jWL
                • 22 Jul 2010

                Samsung refused to give AMOLED to wimpy steve jobs so he became a back stabber.

                  • L
                  • Lynn
                  • BwZ
                  • 22 Jul 2010

                  HTC is phenomenal I have just returned the death grip iphone and got HD2.exactly it is quietly brilliant thts why HTC is one of the top 20 most innovative companies in the world.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • P%n
                    • 22 Jul 2010

                    Anonymous, 21 Jul 2010as long as Nokia will still be in Business........... read... moreNokia are looking for a new CEO.

                    Bye bye Olli Pekkahead.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Mtr
                      • 22 Jul 2010

                      Brian, 21 Jul 2010I got my free case, problem fixed. But now my phone is as u... more4.997 billion other cell phone users in the world did NOT buy it ;-)

                        • H
                        • HD engr
                        • jWL
                        • 22 Jul 2010

                        Samsung refused to give wimpy steve jobs AMOLED screen for icrap 4 so he turned into a back stabber

                          • B
                          • Best phone ever with
                          • nxV
                          • 21 Jul 2010

                          Bad Apple, 21 Jul 2010seems you are not in touch with news and views, galaxy sold... moreThe iPhone 4's controversial antenna may experience drops in signal, but there's no dropping when it comes to Apple's financial results. They exceeded even Apple's own expectations leading them to break all sorts of records.
                          In the third fiscal quarter of 2010 (which ends on June 26), Apple's revenue is 15.7 billion US dollars and the net profit is 3.25 billion dollars. Just an year ago those figures were 9.73 billion dollars revenue and 1.83 billion dollars net profit.
                          The record income comes from record sales - 8.4 million iPhones were sold during the quarter (an astonishing 61% growth compared to last year's third quarter) and the Mac lineup of computers sold 33% more units as well. The iPads reached 3.27 million units sold.

                            • M
                            • M.AMMAR
                            • tZu
                            • 21 Jul 2010

                            what application is used for word processing???
                            whether MSWORD or anything else???

                              • I
                              • Iphone RULEZZZ
                              • nxV
                              • 21 Jul 2010

                              Plastic bumper!, 21 Jul 2010where are these die hard fans to vote for this great phone?... moreThe iPhone 4's controversial antenna may experience drops in signal, but there's no dropping when it comes to Apple's financial results. They exceeded even Apple's own expectations leading them to break all sorts of records.
                              In the third fiscal quarter of 2010 (which ends on June 26), Apple's revenue is 15.7 billion US dollars and the net profit is 3.25 billion dollars. Just an year ago those figures were 9.73 billion dollars revenue and 1.83 billion dollars net profit.
                              The record income comes from record sales - 8.4 million iPhones were sold during the quarter (an astonishing 61% growth compared to last year's third quarter) and the Mac lineup of computers sold 33% more units as well. The iPads reached 3.27 million units sold.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 01m
                                • 21 Jul 2010

                                Anonymous, 21 Jul 2010samsung galaxy i9000s at only .6mm more then iphone4 packs ... moreEven the samsung i897 has all those features at 9.9mm same as 19000s at 9.9mm and it doesn't need a wrap around antenna.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • kJX
                                  • 21 Jul 2010

                                  Anonymous, 21 Jul 2010Yet the iphone4 is still thinner than the nokia e73.  ... moresamsung galaxy i9000s at only .6mm more then iphone4 packs in fantastic screen res at 16M colors 480x800 32gb storage microsd and internal 8 or 16 3g at7.2 hd video 5meg camera gps 1ghz processor and no wrap around antenna.

                                  Sorry you fail

                                    • n
                                    • nokia ck-7w car kit
                                    • MSR
                                    • 21 Jul 2010

                                    Why Pay Big Money To buy Iphone 3gs/4gs Hands Free Kit When All You Need Is NOKIA CK-7W BT CAR KIT work a treat got OFF Ebay for 15.00 pounds fitted pairs up staight away use for all calls voice mails,ect i know the tomtom kits cost about 100 pounds plus also parrot are about 230 pound plus to be fitted this only took ten minutes to fitt .....

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 4QC
                                      • 21 Jul 2010

                                      zag aka jess, 21 Jul 2010dont waste ur money ds fone sucks! its very featurless, tru... moreDo you have a neurological disorder to drop your phone so many times and say that Nokia phones are great ?

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 4QC
                                        • 21 Jul 2010

                                        zag aka jess, 21 Jul 2010dont waste ur money ds fone sucks! its very featurless, tru... moreas long as Nokia will still be in Business...........
                                        read their profit warnings due to Iphone competition, they are in BIG troubles