Apple iPhone 4
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tr3
- 18 Jul 2010
I usually try to type and use good English, however, I would like to try and emulate the Apple haters here. Here goes:
"Open eyz ppl, your Crapdroid izz have techless and iPhone can haz so much more tech, is my opinion. MWahahahahaha (always remember this).
You sey we iz sheep? Look in mirror and yu will see, who is the real sheepz mwahahahahaha. Iz funny cos sheep calling others sheep mwahahaha.
iPhone is number one in the world, you are jus jeloz. Hope you have funs with your Sam-DUNG, and your H-sh*tty, and your An-diarhhea-oid mwahhaahahahahaha!"
Actually, that was quite fun :) No wonder you guys enjoy doing it so much lol.
- i
- iphone4fan
- u{a
- 18 Jul 2010
free case is making people go wild.
If Nokia,Blackberry and Samsung front up to there
antenna problems shown in the video, you guys would get a free case as well to show your loyalty, but they haven't yet right
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kx{
- 18 Jul 2010
Jobs is realy childish n stupid,
Ok, lets say nokia, as stupid jobs say other smartphone have weak point, how much nokia smartphone cost u? Btw if that model have weakness, u still can choose other nokia model
But those i-worshiper's iphone4 have problem, can they choose any other model? Downgrad to 2g, 3g, 3gs ?
Nokia, htc, samsung, moto fans can have the latest phone, but i-fan can have their older model
- ?
- Anonymous
- KxZ
- 18 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 18 Jul 2010To prove that antennas are affected by humans.
The iPhon... moreU r just as stupid as iphone4 , go out there n open wide ur eyes n u will realize how the tech go, don simply stay at ur own techless world, wake up n accept tat apple is far behind.
Only its CEO Stupid Jobs keep on barking like mad dog, so when a company run by low IQ ceo, all their stuff never hightech
- A
- Atul
- P@L
- 18 Jul 2010
tina, 18 Jul 2010good to c ur knowledge on d cellphones over d decade across... moreHe mentioned, who came out first and when. Did he ever say those he invented or started a trent wasnt followed by other manufacturers. You mean to say only and only iPhone has all those features and no other phone. haha
Tina grow up dear and brush ur knowledge before you write.
- t
- tina
- NxY
- 18 Jul 2010
Makka Cha, 18 Jul 2010I don't understand the statement "The iPhone is a Deca... moregood to c ur knowledge on d cellphones over d decade across d globe....
bt if u re read wat u've written....d 10 thngs tht u pointd out r present in 10 different phones (frm yrs ago) is present in ONLY 1 iPhone....makes sense to call it better than d best???
- M
- Min
- q@X
- 18 Jul 2010
ppl r jalous................the phone works great
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 18 Jul 2010
[deleted post]To prove that antennas are affected by humans.
The iPhone is no different to any other phone in this regard.
So why was it singled out?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4$E
- 18 Jul 2010
RIM comments on Appl, 18 Jul 2010"Apple's attempt to draw RIM into Apple's self-made de... moreWhatever, however people like iPhone 4 even with defects because it is natural to be imperfect.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 18 Jul 2010
RIM comments on Appl, 18 Jul 2010"Apple's attempt to draw RIM into Apple's self-made de... moreSee Page 11.
See Page 25.
- R
- RIM comments on Appl
- meZ
- 18 Jul 2010
"Apple's attempt to draw RIM into Apple's self-made debacle is unacceptable. Apple's claims about RIM products appear to be deliberate attempts to distort the public's understanding of an antenna design issue and to deflect attention from Apple's difficult situation. RIM is a global leader in antenna design and has been successfully designing industry-leading wireless data products with efficient and effective radio performance for over 20 years. During that time, RIM has avoided designs like the one Apple used in the iPhone 4 and instead has used innovative designs which reduce the risk for dropped calls, especially in areas of lower coverage. One thing is for certain, RIM's customers don't need to use a case for their BlackBerry smartphone to maintain proper connectivity. Apple clearly made certain design decisions and it should take responsibility for these decisions rather than trying to draw RIM and others into a situation that relates specifically to Apple."
- Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie
- M
- Makka Cha
- qL6
- 18 Jul 2010
Troy, 17 Jul 2010Nicely said, Totally agree with you 100% Once you go iphon... moreI don't understand the statement "The iPhone is a Decade ahead of other phones".. in which way should i consider this to be true?
The iPhone joined the cellphone market around 2006-2007. They got their market through just hype. Nokia, HTC and Palm still dominated the smart phone category. Now slowly Samsung is joining into the smart phone race.
Anyhow iPhone since it has been released has only upgraded an inch at a time.
3G? came out on iPhone around mid 2008 while the rest of the world were all riding the 3G bus around a year or 2 ago.
5mp camera phone with flash? Samsung cleared that "hurdle" at 2004 which is 6 years ago.
720p video? Again Samsung got that a few years or a year ago
secondary video call cam? Japanese cellphones came with that in the early 2000's
The first Smart phones were introduced during 1992.
Google map has been on symbian phones LONG before apple got their hands on it.
WiFi has been available on phones LONG AGO.
If you want to bring "Oh! but Apple has so many apps on the apps store" into the arguement, there are java enabled phones out there that have more than millions of Java applications FOR FREE.
High resolution screen? Umm look at HTC, Samsung, sony, Nokia, LG phones even 2 years ago. when you were probably on the 2nd generation iPhone.
Pros of iPhone in comparision to other phones:
Chance to show off to other iFans.
Good presentations by Mr.Jobs
Cons of iPhone in comparision to otehr phones: Updated yearly with small steps.
No flash capibility
Over priced for the cheap quality material after all it IS assembled in China like the rest of the phones.
Upgrades only available through iTunes.
High costs of the Apps.
NO java.
I rest my case by saying,Apple makes few Great products but iPhone is not one of them. iPhone is good but it is not the best phone or the first to do anything by any means. They take bits and pieces of ideas and try to assemble in the iPhone and still fall behind in the market.
- ?
- Anonymous
- meZ
- 18 Jul 2010
I think and feel that Steve Jobs is the best marketing individual in this planet .... you can check his antenna press conference on 16th July 2010 in Apple site ...
1st, he asked the users not to grip the phone in such a way ....
2nd, he tried to change physics by SW update
I guess if there will be no coverage, but using updated SW -> it shows good signal coverage. I guess it would make Apples relationship worst with AT&T, as end customer will point the finger to AT&T then. And the idea was skipped.
3rd, today in the press conference he was proving that every Smartphones have weak spots, like iphone 4 ... ..... comparing with Blackberry Bold 9700, HTC .. and Samsung smartphone ... anyway none of the smartphones (3 NOKIA models, 4 Blackberry models, One Samsung) in my home have got the trouble in a way what was showed in the video. .... iphone antenna song … it’s a cool way to recall the product
4th, today he provided a solution to use a bumper (or casing) ... it makes more sense now.
That’s for sure; he will not mention that the problem is related with the aggressive industrial design for such a complicated wireless device (with 7 or 8 radio) -> using phone outer case or structure metal as antenna without any non-conductive material coating. iphone 4 antenna simply changes its physical length when gripping on the weak spot as human body is not like insulator. Therefore antenna has got different resonance frequency than what it should get. This is very simple
And for this, Apple doesn’t need 18 antenna scientists/engineers with PhD degree and 100$ million worth of antenna chambers.
The data or statistics what he provided today -> those sound nice, but not close to reality! Steve Jobs is just making us fool.
- i
- iphonefan
- u{a
- 18 Jul 2010
ss, 18 Jul 2010by proving a makeshift patch called bumper, apple cant igno... moreApple showed the others having major signal problems,
not at 1 point did they show the iphone4 and say there was an issue.
As i said hold it right and its right
- s
- ss
- ut$
- 18 Jul 2010
by proving a makeshift patch called bumper, apple cant ignore the real problem. there is mistake and they hv to admit it. if we use bumper it'll surely make it slightly thick and d beauty of it will be gone.
instead of admitting and trying to find their own fault they started finding fault in others. it's is really disappointing step from apple.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 18 Jul 2010
[deleted post]@XMAN and @pride I totally agree. Android is what the world is talking about now. it is a super awesome operating system! I would get an android device anytime. Htc desire is my type. I can customize the beastly device to the max. the widgets and multitasking are impressing.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 18 Jul 2010
so if having a bumper on the phone would solve the reception issue, then it wouldn't be as slim as they said it would be because the bumper is a must for the phone or else u wouldn't be able to use the 'phone' (something which u use to contact and connect with people) APPLE=FAIL!
- i
- iphonefan
- u{a
- 18 Jul 2010
When i started holding the phone properly i get full signal now.
The whole drop in signal is just a load of lies and Apple really didn't need to say anything
steve, mod.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kx}
- 18 Jul 2010
Nokia , samsung , htc , motorola r the symbol of technology, apple is the symbol of good at brainwash n greedy but techless
- ?
- Anonymous
- mEk
- 18 Jul 2010
Troy, 17 Jul 2010Nicely said, Totally agree with you 100% Once you go iphon... moreRubbish. I had the previous Iphone and could not wait to get rid of it. I hate Apple and their boring Iphone its the same old rubbish every year and they introduce feature other handsets had years ago. Totally over rated give me Android anyday.