Apple iPhone 4
- s
- side boob
- M3s
- 10 Jul 2010
i just went to carphone warehouse and they had no iphones so they cross sold me a nokia 1661. not quite the same as an iphone 4 but i love it. cant do the video calling on it though
- x
- xxx
- k2n
- 10 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 10 Jul 2010ios is nothing MEEGO is the bestmeego is a beast!!!!!
- k
- kim
- tWi
- 10 Jul 2010
iphone 4 nothing can beat this
- ?
- Anonymous
- PFx
- 10 Jul 2010
I am NOKIAHOLIC n900 better than this thing
- ?
- Anonymous
- PFx
- 10 Jul 2010
ios is nothing MEEGO is the best
- ?
- Anonymous
- 10 Jul 2010
Iphone would always be unique. It doesn't share its os like others do, and that's what makes iphone special.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4Xv
- 10 Jul 2010
I fall in love with iphone 4 I in LOVE.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4Xv
- 10 Jul 2010
I have bb 9700,mytouch slide,hd2,iphone 3gs,and now iphone 4 nothing cant beat iphone 4 long live the king!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!! THE IPHONE 4
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4Hb
- 10 Jul 2010
iphone 4 is way ahead and it is a class it self.
rest are phone but iphone is iphone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 10 Jul 2010
xxx, 10 Jul 2010but you could hold your n900 anyway you like.I hold my iphone4 anyway I want as well. Thanks to the elegant incipio feather case. All my past iphones also had cases, and my iphone4 is no exemption.
- i
- iphone4fan
- 10 Jul 2010
Madar Facar, 10 Jul 2010S Job is clever. thats all i can say. Apple didn't invent a... moreLOL yeah Samsung is running scared.
- M
- Madar Facar
- UGm
- 10 Jul 2010
S Job is clever. thats all i can say. Apple didn't invent anything they introduce in iph. Samsung try hard to make super AMOLED thingy. And S job came out with f--king high res (no technology involve) . But true enough, iph4 display seems nicer. Well.. Its risky business ste job! you just make sammy very angry. I believe Sammy next Galaxy model will be 1024x840 . LOL.
- i
- iphonefan
- 10 Jul 2010
Perhaps as some sort of revenge for bridging its antenna, the Iphone 4 inflicted minor burns to the hand of the astonished fanboi after dying a fiery death. Apparently the assault occurred after the initial blaze, which caused the infamous antenna to become "extremely hot". The user tried to pick up the device, possibly trying to ascertain whether the blaze solved the widely reported flaky reception, but instead ended up with burns.
The Iphone 4 itself doesn't bear many visible scars from its combustion, however both the device and its USB cable have gone for a burton. We think the fanboi was lucky that the reception of the Iphone 4 is so poor. After all, if the proud Iphone owner had been on a call things could have gotten particularly nasty.
Don't BeLIEve it.The Reception is very good.
- x
- xxx
- k2n
- 10 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 10 Jul 2010The iphone sold more than your n900. So if you call the ip... morebut you could hold your n900 anyway you like.
- x
- xxx
- k2n
- 10 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 10 Jul 2010You forgot the gyroscope, faster custom processor and more ... moresweet
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 10 Jul 2010
S843, 10 Jul 2010this phone is a complete waste and offers nothing new :/
a... moreYou forgot the gyroscope, faster custom processor and more RAM.
Videocalls over 3G
- ?
- Anonymous
- 10 Jul 2010
S843, 10 Jul 2010this phone is a complete waste and offers nothing new :/ a... moreThe iphone sold more than your n900. So if you call the iphone a complete waste, then I guess that would make your n900 worse than a complete waste.
- S
- S843
- LxL
- 10 Jul 2010
this phone is a complete waste and offers nothing new :/
apart from wait! a better display -.- omg
n900 may not hav the best display but it's still waaaaay better than this so called king
- h
- himrwhatver
- PSw
- 10 Jul 2010
[deleted post]hi. i just want you to know that i live in a third world country, guess what. my iphone works
PERFECTLY WELL. (and ur too rude, pls mind the attitude, ok?)