Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • J
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  • 07 Jul 2010

Hey, if Iphone4 arrived at singapore , it is available in black and white colour right ?

    • s
    • steve's twitter is n
    • PTU
    • 07 Jul 2010

    "When someone is making a call to you while you are typing a text message, the message would be auto-saved on smart phones, but not the I-Phone 4 or 3G etc'

    This a feature I'm meant to like? yes
    Because the phone message is more important and probably the person you were texting IS calling anyway, so saves you deleting the auto-save message.

    ThANKS Steve

      • F
      • Franz
      • 9xc
      • 07 Jul 2010

      iPhone customers are just ignorant of the fact that Android is HEAPS better! Sadly, 1.7 Million blindly bought that piece of junk in 3 days because it's supposedly the latest in fashion must-haves.

      Fair enough, Steve Jobs, in all his wisdom is restricting some features (because apparently he knows best *sarcasm*). So why are iPhone customers paying more money for their iPhones when there are not nearly enough features to beat the cheaper Android handsets?

        • s
        • steves nice 2 us
        • PTU
        • 07 Jul 2010

        [deleted post]no video calling to a non-iPhone 4 you say?

        Again, if Steve says I don't want it, then i don't want it, he knows best for us.

        Same with the Radio i guess. But im not going to complain, sure Steve had good reason to drop it right

          • i
          • iphone is very good
          • PTU
          • 07 Jul 2010

          Anonymous, 07 Jul 2010Android is a pieces of sh t!!! long live the king iphone 4!I agree,

          Using your Phone as a Hotspot is another crap thing about Android.

          i-Steve rocks and told us we don't want that feature or true multi-tasking in our i-phones.

            • A
            • Asish Nand
            • Mfx
            • 07 Jul 2010

            hi all, 06 Jul 2010Sales does more or less define success, but a successful ph... morehey i definetle agree coz...quality comes with prize..

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • wrb
              • 07 Jul 2010

              1.7million sold in 3 days. Cannot be that bad!
              There is some problems but will solved in new os update. Proxy sensor cause call drop on mine but everything else is perfect. No death grip or something else like that. For sure everything will be solved in update.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 4Xv
                • 07 Jul 2010

                the king the king!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 4Xv
                  • 07 Jul 2010

                  Android is a pieces of sh t!!! long live the king iphone 4!

                    • R
                    • Riantsoa
                    • fsM
                    • 07 Jul 2010

                    To all iPhone 4 users,
                    Can your phone:
                    - Allow you to add widgets to your desktop for real-time updates without having to open the application?
                    - Truly be customized? Or is it limited to 27 wallpapers and a handful of ringtones?
                    - Come unlocked without the need to jailbreak the device?
                    - Allow you to choose from different manufacturers so there is more choice of design for your phone?
                    - Allow the quick interchange of battery if it does fail or do you have to wait for weeks for Apple to replace it for you?
                    - Perform voice search or any speech-to-text function?
                    - Automatically word wrap when pinch-zooming on a web browser?
                    - Play flash on the browser?
                    - Show you all the notifications on one page or do you have to manually open each app to do this?
                    - Do video calling over a GSM, 3G or 4G network?
                    - Do video calling to a non-iPhone 4?
                    - Operate without the dependence of iTunes?
                    - Operate on a normal Sim card? What happens if you try to put the MicroSim into any other phone? What happens if you want to transfer contacts from your old Nokia (perhaps) to the iPhone 4 or vice versa?
                    - Allow you to expand your memory or replace a memory card?
                    -Truly multitask, instead of freezing applications in the background?
                    - Receive any reception if the bottom-left corner is held?
                    - Provide you with a fulfilling experience without the aid of some Google Apps like Maps, YouTube and search?

                    If the answer is no to most, if not all of these questions, do yourself a favour and get an Android!

                      • S
                      • Sanju
                      • vwc
                      • 07 Jul 2010

                      Itz A Nice Phone

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • yVg
                        • 07 Jul 2010

                        i work for a phone company and have had first hand experiance with all the latest up and coming phones. to be quite truthful, the iphone4 is so much slower and slightly harder to use than the new android phones. people shouldnt jump on the band wagon and get the iphone4 just because they have had the pervious iphones. the new one has no better stuff than other phones, that cost the same price and are way better. be bold people and try something new for once and not just something youre comfortable with. you only live once, why not experiment???

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • mX$
                          • 07 Jul 2010

                          [deleted post]Show me a phone manufacturer who manufactures all the components listed for their handsets.

                            • F
                            • Franz
                            • 9xc
                            • 07 Jul 2010

                            Dani, 06 Jul 2010So what about the new 4.1 Firmware UPDATE Apple is releasin... moreIf it only affects the bottom-left corner of the phone, it is clearly a hardware fault...meaning no software in the world will be able to fix the problem.

                              • X
                              • XMAN
                              • 3xW
                              • 07 Jul 2010

                              Dani, 06 Jul 2010So what about the new 4.1 Firmware UPDATE Apple is releasin... morei had a iphone 4 and getting rid off it was the best thing i has now surpassed apple is just a fashion accessory . look at me i have a iphone will never own another apple phone galaxy s blows it away ...wait till samsung galaxy s2 come s out .. read the specs off that handset apple will never give the customer a jump like that 2ghz processors and 8meg cam 1gb ram 64gb flash memory with sd card slot......take apple 5 years ..

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • nmU
                                • 06 Jul 2010

                                hi all, 06 Jul 2010Sales does more or less define success, but a successful ph... moreHow dare you besmirch the talents of Lady Gaga?? Infidel! May your phone never get signal again!

                                  • E
                                  • Engineer Man
                                  • n5Q
                                  • 06 Jul 2010

                                  Actually y'know that apple slogon in their web ad. the slogon... & quote "This changes everything.

                                  Again" well ...don't ya think that's kinda a lame LIE & CLAIM! kinda critical kick ya while noones looking kind of thing.

                                  I mean a typical ad which actually gets approved by the apple marketing team which ofc are also on apple weed all the way.

                                  They probably never see hte light of day & probably never see the world & see what superior amazing technology is actually out their in the virtual world.

                                  Tooo Baaaad....

                                  S^ "Android all the way baby!"

                                    • A
                                    • Aitoami
                                    • uNV
                                    • 06 Jul 2010

                                    Dani, 06 Jul 2010So what about the new 4.1 Firmware UPDATE Apple is releasin... moreOnly fools believe Apple's lie, a HARDWARE issue can NEVER be solved by a SOFTWARE upgrade.

                                      • D
                                      • Dani
                                      • 3x6
                                      • 06 Jul 2010

                                      [deleted post]So what about the new 4.1 Firmware UPDATE Apple is releasing to fix the Signal issue?

                                      That is going to help both the customers and Apple.

                                      iPhone 4 is still selling millions besides the Fanboyotic 'Signal issue' of it.

                                      And nobody cares if you have a Wave LOL this is an iPhone page?

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • PRW
                                        • 06 Jul 2010

                                        [deleted post]I know that! The other day he change his name to Rajul and keep mooo-ing about T3 blah blah blah.