Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • FJR
  • 30 Jun 2010

I posted yesterday problems I'm experiencing with my iphone. One of them being people not receiving my sms and vice versa. Call Apple for help and they told me I do a restore. Did it and it did not solve that problem. Called At&t todat. Turns out that At&t are the ones that needed to activate or update my sms setting in their end for my iphone4. I am now able to send and receive on my iphone4 just fine. Love it :)

I'm still waiting for the yellow streak to totally disappear though.

    • T
    • The only reason.
    • mh}
    • 30 Jun 2010

    The only reason why apple sells more phones is that they release a 1 phone in 2 years. I mean If Nokia or samsung and the others would so so shurely people would be more interested in them and buy them much more. That is a fact and you know it. I mean if like N8 would be the first phone from Nokia in 2 years it would sell around 1 million in it's fist day. IT IS A FACT.

      • X
      • XXVIII
      • n%n
      • 30 Jun 2010

      this is a real Ludo phone!

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • t7A
        • 30 Jun 2010

        This should how the keynotes be delivered w/out exaggeration, unlike Apol with "magical vocabularies" for simple tech that was already used by cheaper phones "mind you" BY CHEAPER PHONES,

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • pqB
          • 30 Jun 2010

          Fred, 30 Jun 2010Can u block unknown and blocked calls from the iphone 4?Yes, touch the bottom right corner, it blocks everything :))

            • F
            • Fred
            • Gyi
            • 30 Jun 2010

            Can u block unknown and blocked calls from the iphone 4?

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • pqB
              • 30 Jun 2010

              IT Person, 30 Jun 2010 Nokia N8 vs iPhone 4—Ten Things Why Nokia N8 Is Better NO... moreWell, 8 things the N8 doesn't have compared to iPhone:

              External uninsulated antennae that cause dropped calls and slow internet connections.
              Screen and back made out of cheap glassy material that both scratches and cracks.
              Dead pixels and light leakage on the "Retina" display.
              Inverted volume controls on some units.
              SIM cards don't work in some units.
              Camera doesn't work in some units.
              Proximity sensor doesn't work in some units.
              Microphone doesn't work in some units.

                • I
                • IT Person
                • uZ9
                • 30 Jun 2010

                Nokia N8 vs iPhone 4—Ten Things Why Nokia N8 Is Better
                NOKanIA N8
                Here they are :
                One of the biggest advantage of Nokia N8 over the iPhone 4 is the price. With the price tag of €370 euros before taxes and subsidies, and converting it to pounds would give us £300. Comparing to the iPhone 4 (unlocked) 16GB with a price of £499 and £599 for 32GB. Therefore making the Nokia N8 much cheaper for a smartphone with cool multimedia features and especially Symbian^3 os.

                Design... See More
                We admit that the iPhone 4 is slimmer, but there are consequences on this, like on the camera performance e.g. zooming and sensor size. For the color variants of Nokia N8, the mass is already have a wide choice for their taste on the color. There are currently 5 anodized casing for N8 the dark grey, silver white, green, blue and orange For the iPhone 4, there are two the white and the black (no pun intended) and obviously I don’t like that my phone is mistakenly identified by others as an iPhone 3GS or iPod touch.

                Video Call
                The limitations of Apple facetime for the Wi-Fi connection and iPhone to iPhone is what Nokia already solved and made possible long time ago to their devices. So in N8 you will not be bounded by connections and you will get connected for the video calls in any capable devices.

                HDMI + Dolby Surround
                Another one few specs that a 2010 smartphone have is the HDMI connection where you can connect to your home theatre. With HD TV you will get a crisp and clear visual treatment as well as with your sound with the Dolby Digital Plus.

                The Nokia N8 has a 16GB internal storage plus giving you a chance to add an external hot swappable microSD card up to 32GB.

                USB On-the-Go
                If 48GB of storage is not enough for you then consider this USB on-the-go feature where you can read and make slave USB sticks from external hard drive like on this 250GB hdd.

                Usability (Reception issue)
                If you’re afraid to get a bad reception just because of the phone’s inability to not allow you to have a proper grip, well, isn’t that obvious that this could be one of the biggest mistake that Cupertino company made? Eventhough Nokia N8 isn’t launched yet, we all know that this Finnish giant have more than 1 billion of devices out there and we never have the incidents where people protests just because of the reception issue.

                To have the biggest camera sensor in the field of camera phones—and even bigger than the other p&s cameras—means that we are having the right innovations. By the size of the N8 and to its one of a kind features, it really shows that this is an advance feature that Nokia N8 will hold against competitors.

                Xenon flash
                It is still a strong advert of manufacturers that LED flash can provide you enough light for taking pictures. But it is still a fact that xenon flash are the one who leads in the technology of flash for compact cameras as well as to mobile phones. What Nokia did is they reduced the size of the flash to 30% less compare to Nokia N82 & without losing the power.

                Editing software & Ovi Maps are free (Symbian^3)
                If you’re phone has an HD capable video recording and Symbian^3 on N8 has an on-board video editor and without pulling some extra bucks from your pocket, of course. The same on Ovi Maps, neither we need a connection nor we would pay for it. That is really the magic of Nokia, bringing us connected anywhere and anytime.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 3Ux
                  • 30 Jun 2010

                  Just want to thank our lord and master Steve Jobs for not including this bunch of features in iPhone 4!

                  Thank you Steve jobs for not including these useless features we neither want nor need!

                  iPhone is the best!

                  iPhone 4

                  Hardware flaws (exclusively in iPhone 4):
                  External uninsulated antennae that cause dropped calls and slow internet connections.
                  Screen and back made out of cheap glassy material that both scratches and cracks.
                  Dead pixels and light leakage on the "Retina" display.
                  Inverted volume controls on some units.
                  SIM cards don't work in some units.
                  Camera doesn't work in some units.
                  Proximity sensor doesn't work in some units.
                  Microphone doesn't work in some units.

                  iDon't have a touch friendly screen, gloves, pens, styluses and not even fingernails work!
                  iDon't have neither haptic nor any other type feedback whatsoever.
                  iDon't have any precision compared to resistive touchscreens.
                  iDon't have a standard(16:10, 16:9, 4:3) aspect ratio only Apple custom ones(3:2) will fit my screen.

                  iDon't have USB charging without a dock adapter.
                  iDon't have any safety garment for the battery(1) melting is known to occur in Apple products(2)
                  iDon't have warranty for damage made by "external" force aka. the above.

                  iDon't have DLNA (streaming HD content wireless on a HDTV).
                  iDon't have UPnP technology (automatic WiFi setup) some networks simply don't work.
                  iDon't have full 3G HSDPA speed (7mb/s vs. 2008 smatphones that have 10mb/s).
                  iDon't have full GPRS/EDGE speed (CLASS 10 is four times slower than CLASS 33!)
                  iDon't have a decent GSM/GPS/WiFi signal(1) the connection is far worse than on 3GS(2)
                  iDon't have standard USB connectivity(1) only custom cables(2)
                  iDon't give a damn about the environment: short cables but tons of iAccesories.
                  iDon't have IR, can't control: basic household items(1) TV, HDTV(2) DSLR camera(3) MAC(4)

                  iDon't have stereo speakers.
                  iDon't have radio.
                  iDon't have FM transmitter.
                  iDon't have decent camera (small sensor and 72 DPI, which is less than most 5mp phones)

                  iDon't eject my sim without a special key.
                  iDon't have a removable battery.
                  iDon't have hot swappable memory.
                  iDon't sell cheap but my value at FOXCONN in China(1), where I am made, is ~190$(2)

                  iOS 4.0

                  iDon't have audio/video streaming for 90% of the multimedia sites.
                  iDon't offer a real web experience, various sites only offer a phone version.
                  iDon't have Flash or Flash Lite - flash sites, apps or games simply do not work.
                  iDon't have push idle so battery drains fast even on push.
                  iDon't have push e-mail if i'm jailbroken, even if you pay!
                  iDon't render HTML5 graphics, nor can iHandle HTML5 controls.
                  iDon't process HTML attachments correctly.

                  File management:
                  iDon't have access to my internal folders by any means - no app in the iStore allows this!
                  iDon't even have access to set mp3s as ringtones.
                  iDon't have MIDP/JAVA support.
                  iDon't handle DivX,XviD,FLV native video.
                  iDon't handle ZIP, RAR or SFX - no app in the iStore allows this!

                  iDon't handle videocall via the network, gTalk or Skype.
                  iDon't A2DP right (BT stereo) right: lags on videos(1) and games(2).
                  iDon't fully support AVRCP (BT remote)(1) industry standard(2) can't skip tracks.
                  iDon't support any Bluetooth services when pairing with a MacBook.
                  iDon't have any BT file sharing my BT is almost useless!

                  User Interface:
                  iDon't have themes support.
                  iDon't have a scalable OS, apps on the iPad are simply stretched to fit.
                  iDon't have a desktop, entire UI is organized as a single "start" menu.
                  iDon't have parallax (finger/screen offset) adjusting - low precision especially on small objects.

                  iPhoneOS/SDK limitations:
                  iDon't have native multitasking(1), apps have to be specially coded for multitasking (1993)(2)
                  iDon't allow cross compiling.
                  iDon't allow open development.
                  iDon't have proper platform security.
                  iDon't have proper application security(1), any non iStore app can damage your phone(2)
                  iDon't have any power optimization - the device overheats as admitted by Apple.

                  iDon't have fine detail in pictures, high noise reduction smears the finer details.
                  iDon't have video stabilization.
                  iDon't have exposure control (ISO).

                  iDon't have built-in basic functionality like:
                  sending contact cards via BT, TO-DO application, save web pages, calendar week view, etc.
                  iDon't have freeware, iTunes treats free applications like purchases + FairPlay DRM wrap.
                  iDon't have user privacy for: online shopping(1), visited sites(2), your location(3)

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • pKK
                    • 30 Jun 2010

                    Anonymous, 30 Jun 2010i have iphone 4 and so do my 4 kids i thought i wud trea... moreu got 5 iphone4 and you don't have a problem?

                    Please return the phones back to the shop before your kids gets bullied at school or college.

                    You put status, brand and uncool factor before your kids..... this is a sign of bad parenting.

                    DO IT before your kids hate you for life.

                      • j
                      • jane
                      • vIY
                      • 30 Jun 2010

                      iphone 4 has been accepted as total failure product from apple

                      now it is left with only the apps store which is the largest even today ....

                      apps store should not only great in quantity but quality as well so there is no need of such store too.

                      apple proved to be a weak org in a cellphone sector now, though its a very good contender in ipod sector n it should remain there only n try to maintain it rather than making fun of itself n its customers.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • pqB
                        • 30 Jun 2010

                        Anonymous, 30 Jun 2010Design: 1 Cheap glass that scratches and cracks, external ... morePerformance: 4-5
                        It runs some of the ugliest, pixelated and polygonated games I've ever seen but that's today's hardware limitations

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • pqB
                          • 30 Jun 2010

                          Design: 1
                          Cheap glass that scratches and cracks, external antenna tat loses signal.

                          Features: 3
                          According to the list below it has less features than any smartphone on the market. However, it records HD.

                          Performance: 2
                          First of all it's a phone and the phone part is the worst on the market and of all phones.
                          Internet, the signal is weak because of the antenna flaw, it can neither handle flash not HTML5.
                          No real multitasking, most apps don't really work in the background.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • m5Z
                            • 30 Jun 2010

                            Iphone4 signal isn't effecting everyone i.e me. Iphone4 is still the best h/set ever

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • pV%
                              • 30 Jun 2010

                              I wouldn't buy it if I was you, my signal drops all the time when i make a call. i'm gunna stick with the 3gs for now i think. Hopefully apple will sort the problems out eventually.

                                • G
                                • G
                                • N%j
                                • 30 Jun 2010

                                lol What a fail.... Yet agian apple had screwed up

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • wri
                                  • 30 Jun 2010

                                  Yeah this phone is more more smooth touch screen than my SE Xperia X2, and also very fast and responsive... I want buy this phone immediately... :) And... Sure.. Iphone has a bebot robot and morphwiz application that X2 cannot afford...

                                    • R
                                    • RAMAD
                                    • 0NP
                                    • 30 Jun 2010

                                    Its not compairable with N8 and X10
                                    I believe that Apple is valauating the marketing side and our enduser need someone to guid, however Motorolla is coming back to the market to clean such dust marketing tools call APPLE.

                                      • I
                                      • It doesnt work, lets
                                      • nEb
                                      • 30 Jun 2010

                                      Well, I was going to settle for the iphone 4, but after the MAJOR problems its got I'd rather buy the Samsung Galaxy S. There's no Fatal faults with the galaxy!! I wonder how many iphones will get sent back!!!

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 3Aw
                                        • 30 Jun 2010

                                        i cannot understand why everyone says iphone is the best x is the best.i have i8910 and to tell you the truth i want very much an iphone 4.iphone is the fastest and the one with the most apps and is a very well designed gadget-phone.but in terms of signal,call quality,maybe keyboard for some people,camera if you want very good photos(pixon12,n8 etc) it's not the it is what you look for!!!Moreover iphone is way pay for a VERY GOOD phone but lots of $$$ are just for the name IPHONE.