Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • nEb
  • 30 Jun 2010

LOL! so many people are going nuts about the problems with their iphones. LOL! steve has shat on you all. LOL! Loosers :)

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • KxW
    • 30 Jun 2010

    How long apple have to produce a new phone? 1 year? N still create a failure phone, use ur brain, apple have those tech o not? Not even stand a little chance to come clos to those mobile god

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • KxW
      • 30 Jun 2010

      Anonymous, 30 Jun 2010Yeah, so go tell someone who cares and stop posting stuff n... moreIphone 4 have a4 1g processor, so what? Can that 1g help to boost its signal n stop holding iphone4 like holding a knife? Wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

        • P
        • Professor Frink
        • j2u
        • 30 Jun 2010

        Anonymous, 30 Jun 2010i have iphone 4 and so do my 4 kids i thought i wud trea... moreSo Your saying that you hold the phone the way steve tells you to then lol not having signal and reception pshh are you and your family ifamiles or do you guys have another iphone 4g that does have the short

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • KxW
          • 30 Jun 2010

          Andy, 30 Jun 2010Hi everyone, my curiousity lies here:- why is it that there... moreBcos highend nokia have nothing bad to say , but for that iphone 4 , alot to complain , d price , failure hardware , basic OS n more , world slimmest smartphone? Should be world slimmest failure basic phone

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • P%n
            • 30 Jun 2010

            [deleted post]Yeah, so go tell someone who cares and stop posting stuff no-one is interested in here.

            ARM 11 is a cheap old processor used to sell overpriced phone's to n00bs.

              • i
              • iphone rocks
              • t@x
              • 30 Jun 2010

              its the best phone i have ever seen,no other phone will can be compared with this masterpiece,the daily interest percentage in gsm is a small example.All the negative comments in here are due to ego n jellousy that they cant afford or whatsoever. iphone always rocks!

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 9xd
                • 30 Jun 2010

                Fubie, 30 Jun 2010Over a million iPhones sold in three days? Yipee. Hmmm, how... morei have iphone 4 and so do my 4 kids

                i thought i wud treat them we have neva had any issues with signal or holding the handset the wrong way. get a life and stop complaining. its only a mobile fone. it aint life or death

                  • M
                  • Micsaw
                  • kg5
                  • 30 Jun 2010

                  Signal problem is going to hurt apple, I can't believe with all the testing apple missed this. Either way it's bad for apple, I think apple knew about the signal issue that's why we have the bumper to fix the problem. Can you say scam.

                    • P
                    • PERPLEXED
                    • f39
                    • 30 Jun 2010

                    Isn't Apple lucky that Motorola went through all the trouble of inventing the mobile phone, and all the other companies went through all the effort of coming up with all those things that a modern cell phone has these days. So Apple had to do very little, but claim to be innovators, more like borrowers

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Tr3
                      • 30 Jun 2010

                      Anonymous, 30 Jun 2010Argumentum ad populum "A product sells very well. T... moreI read that post you posted before. To say that the phone that sells the most is the best, is of course a flawed concept. Otherwise, before the iPhone, the phone to beat would the Motorola Razr!

                      Anyway, if you read what I said, I never said that the iPhone is the best, only that due to its popularity, it is the phone that others are currently judged against. Some are worse, some are better, but it is still the iPhone that is the yardstick, or benchmark.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 0CC
                        • 30 Jun 2010

                        Anonymous, 30 Jun 2010Because, whether one likes it or not. iPhone is the buzzwor... moreArgumentum ad populum

                        "A product sells very well. Therefore, the product is the best product."

                        In this instance, a product continues to be produced based on how much money can be made, which is proportional to its popularity. However, a bad product may sometimes sell well despite its poor quality.


                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Tr3
                          • 30 Jun 2010

                          Andy, 30 Jun 2010Hi everyone, my curiousity lies here:- why is it that there... moreBecause, whether one likes it or not. iPhone is the buzzword for now, sort of the standard by which others are measured. If a phone is not so good, it's "Ah iPhone is better", if a phone is great it's "Wow this beats the iPhone hands down". So in that sense, its kind of a backhanded compliment to the iPhone.

                          Who knows, some time down the future, there'll be an Android or Nokia or even unknown new Phone X, and we'll have "Omg this phone is soo much better than Phone X" or "Phone X beats this hands down" instead.

                          One thing's for sure though, there's gonna be a lot more flame wars ahead.

                          "Hi everyone, my curiousity lies here:- why is it that there are so many nokia users on this page posting
                          negative comments about this phone? I haven't seen much of Iphone users post crap about nokia. why is there so much beef
                          between nokia and Iphone? these are portable communicating devices that can actually meet your needs, if you really know what
                          you want. there are things that nokia phone can do which an Iphone can't and vice versa. people are calling each other names like(stupid, dumb and so on...)
                          about stuff they don't even get anything for. no one will tell they get paid by Nokia or Apple for sticking a neck out one of these brands. In my opinion people should
                          be posting problems and solution about these products not cursing each other out like you are doing. I'm sure Apple and Nokia would be laughing their behinds off
                          if they could read some of the the things that are posted here... try to look at from this view point."

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • Tr3
                            • 30 Jun 2010

                            Anonymous, 30 Jun 2010At least Android phone's are stepping up to the mark, unlik... moreLOL true. Android is moving at a very good pace, and no one can deny that. it certainly has my respect.

                            "At least Android phone's are stepping up to the mark, unlike certain other phone's from a nameless company based in Finland.

                            They will be releasing a toy camera phone that has already been done by another nameless phone maker based in Sweden."

                              • A
                              • Andy
                              • f4E
                              • 30 Jun 2010

                              Hi everyone, my curiousity lies here:- why is it that there are so many nokia users on this page posting
                              negative comments about this phone? I haven't seen much of Iphone users post crap about nokia. why is there so much beef
                              between nokia and Iphone? these are portable communicating devices that can actually meet your needs, if you really know what
                              you want. there are things that nokia phone can do which an Iphone can't and vice versa. people are calling each other names like(stupid, dumb and so on...)
                              about stuff they don't even get anything for. no one will tell they get paid by Nokia or Apple for sticking a neck out one of these brands. In my opinion people should
                              be posting problems and solution about these products not cursing each other out like you are doing. I'm sure Apple and Nokia would be laughing their behinds off
                              if they could read some of the the things that are posted here... try to look at from this view point.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • P%n
                                • 30 Jun 2010

                                xxx, 30 Jun 2010the a4 cpu is pen 2 cpu.So would you care to enlighten us as to how a processor based on an ARM 8 is like a Pentium 2 compared to an ARM 11 processor which I described as a Pentium III?

                                You have the Internet at your fingertips, feel free to show how the more advanced architecture of an ARM 8 is less than a slower, older ARM 11.

                                No wonder the N8 is so cheap, Nokia put in old junk components.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • P%n
                                  • 30 Jun 2010

                                  Anonymous, 30 Jun 2010Not true. Maybe not untrue either. But do you have ... moreAt least Android phone's are stepping up to the mark, unlike certain other phone's from a nameless company based in Finland.

                                  They will be releasing a toy camera phone that has already been done by another nameless phone maker based in Sweden.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • P%n
                                    • 30 Jun 2010

                                    Anonymous, 30 Jun 2010Every teenage or adult business stuffs u can do with iphone... moreYou can't even buy an N8 so you can't do anything at all with it.

                                    Next you'll be telling us that riding a unicorn has more ease and comfort than driving a car.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • P%n
                                      • 30 Jun 2010

                                      aqx, 30 Jun 2010dude, stop comparing Iphone 4 & Nokia N8 both are high... moreThe N8 isn't high end.

                                      Slow old ARM 11 processor, low resolution screen, barely any RAM, decrepit old OS.

                                      It's hardly a smartphone more a feature phone, all it's got going for it is a camera a year behind the SonyEricsson Satio.

                                      Maybe it would be ok for teenagers who can't afford a proper DSLR.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • MSy
                                        • 30 Jun 2010

                                        here in Romania without subscription , it's 3000 $ for the 32 GB model :))=))