Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • nyK
  • 29 Jun 2010

iphobe 4 sucks but the first iphone and iphone 3gs rules. got one yesterday and it's terrible.
will still be using the 3gs for the time. not happy at all with this new version

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • Tr3
    • 29 Jun 2010

    lj cj's, 29 Jun 2010haha.... clearly you care buddy, i work in telco and happen... moreIf I worked at a cinema selling tickets, would whatever I said about a movie count as important?

      • l
      • lj cj's
      • Mfy
      • 29 Jun 2010

      haha.... clearly you care buddy, i work in telco and happen to think the iphone is waaaay overrated, not saying its a bad phone, just overrated, its not a patch on the n8

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • f3g
        • 29 Jun 2010

        mohjazz, 29 Jun 2010bro, no phone is perfect.That is so true, no phone is perfect, what grates me is that so people go a bit to far in saying the iPhone is all that, take Steve Jobs for example, and Troy who likes to belittle people for having opinions

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 4Tu
          • 29 Jun 2010

          yewyew, 29 Jun 2010i had no idea that the reception problem could be an iOS4 p... moreIt's not just the iphone that has antenna problems. All phones do. Just like what Steve said, that is just a fact of life in cellphone technology. It's just that, issues get exaggerated when it's about the iphone. Here's a link to prove that it's not just the iphone that has reception issues when a device is held a certain way.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • Tr3
            • 29 Jun 2010

            not an iphone hater, 29 Jun 2010Guys, just don't understand why there must be a need for in... moreYou are level headed and sensible. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the majority here. Some are possibly even arguing, without even owning an iPhone or the phone they are defending, possibly because they still need their parents to buy a mobile phone for them.

            "Guys, just don't understand why there must be a need for intense bickering. Whichever phone you buy, it's just a matter of personal choice.. nothing more nothing less! It's the manufacturers and telcos which gets undeservingly rich with all these head-banging amongst ourselves... not to mention free ads for them. Everbody is paying for their own phone not otherwise. Though I never own any Apple products, price aside, Iphone is a good phone. It may not have everything nor a technologically breakthrough unit.. so does other brands. Personally I've used many different models and make. All of them have their shortfalls. The best phone I've used was actually the very old Ericsson model back in mid 1990s. Phones of those era maybe bulky but they performed to expectations.. no signal issue and very durable."

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • PUS
              • 29 Jun 2010

              yewyew, 29 Jun 2010i had no idea that the reception problem could be an iOS4 p... moreNot sure but it'll be a matter of time before they come up with fixes for the Iphone 4. In the meantime, I suggest they cut that expensive price tag to be fair to the consumers and Ifans.

                • u
                • unanymous
                • PUS
                • 29 Jun 2010

                I am waiting for Iphone 20. That's when I'm dead haha

                  • y
                  • yewyew
                  • 2T0
                  • 29 Jun 2010

                  i had no idea that the reception problem could be an iOS4 problem so i decided to try out (on my 3GS) this so called "death grip" and guess what.. my reception does go down -_-. anyone else having this problem? anyone got any idea if there is a software update yet that fixes this problem?

                    • m
                    • mohjazz
                    • PUS
                    • 29 Jun 2010

                    [deleted post]bro, no phone is perfect.

                      • M
                      • Me
                      • vCV
                      • 29 Jun 2010

                      I don't get what the big fuss is? I have a 3gs and also a N97 n yes they are both awesome for different reason, comsumer preference - but upgrade to the 4.0 on the iphone and none of the apps work or say we are in the process of upgrading so you can use the 4.0. Similar phone, similar features, SLIGHTLY upgraded for a heap more money!

                        • n
                        • not an iphone hater
                        • PUS
                        • 29 Jun 2010

                        Guys, just don't understand why there must be a need for intense bickering. Whichever phone you buy, it's just a matter of personal choice.. nothing more nothing less! It's the manufacturers and telcos which gets undeservingly rich with all these head-banging amongst ourselves... not to mention free ads for them. Everbody is paying for their own phone not otherwise. Though I never own any Apple products, price aside, Iphone is a good phone. It may not have everything nor a technologically breakthrough unit.. so does other brands. Personally I've used many different models and make. All of them have their shortfalls. The best phone I've used was actually the very old Ericsson model back in mid 1990s. Phones of those era maybe bulky but they performed to expectations.. no signal issue and very durable.

                          • y
                          • yewyew
                          • 2T0
                          • 29 Jun 2010

                          can anyone tell me how the micro sim will work?

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • vaN
                            • 29 Jun 2010

                            hhahahahaha its the best phone why because it is hackable and it means just buy the phone and hack it and everything is free gaes music videos everything hahahahaa thats make it powerfull

                              • S
                              • STFU-dannii
                              • Fv4
                              • 29 Jun 2010

                              still no radio? boooo

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • FJT
                                • 29 Jun 2010

                                Anonymous, 29 Jun 2010what is special about this phone? For me nothing. It ... moreThere are a lot of reasons that makes the iphone4 special. Its beautiful design. Its awesome display. Its impressive camera for photos and videos. Its fast processor. Its huge RAM. Its gyroscope integration to its accelerometer. Its improved battery life. And a lot more. Maybe to you that's nothing, but to a lot of us, that's something.

                                The iphone4 is far from being ordinary. It's more than just a hip phone. It's a very functional and capable phone.


                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • PBc
                                  • 29 Jun 2010

                                  Anonymous, 29 Jun 2010what is special about this phone? For me nothing. It ... moreIt's hip with developers and that's why it has the best and the most Apps.

                                  It does what I want and I'm getting it as soon as it launches in Australia.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • K2G
                                    • 29 Jun 2010

                                    Apple iphones =


                                      • F
                                      • Foley
                                      • uEA
                                      • 29 Jun 2010

                                      Engineer Man, 28 Jun 2010My reason is perfectly valid. Most of the platforms are abl... more@Engineer Man
                                      Well noticed. Just like in previous post (2010-06-28 17:37). Unfortunately you miss main reason why somebody like or buy an iPhone.
                                      99% of Apple users is IT illiterate. They really do not need all this stuff. What for? They anyway cannot and do not know how to use it. Thus, every eloquent and reasonable post is redundant, useless, What really matter is fact that Apple marketing gave them good excuse and ticket to 21st century. Well.. more like shortcut.
                                      And of course, reason which is maybe even more important. According to statistic, average user is in lower income group (25k-49k) and pretend to be recognized as top group member. Buying status symbol as such is primary goal.
                                      Don't take their dream away. Its big American dream!

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • Yci
                                        • 29 Jun 2010

                                        Hi guys., 28 Jun 2010You know what is very weird. This phone is smaller than Nok... moreThis iPhone isn't that much smaller than the N8 and it only weighs 2g, stop trying to make a big deal out of this.