Apple iPhone 4
- G
- Granny Smith
- nFk
- 27 Jun 2010
Why won't Apple just admit that the antenna issue is a design flaw !
You've cocked it up this time Steve.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 01m
- 27 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 26 Jun 2010You forgot the GYROSCOPE, the first phone to EVER have one.... more"We bring video calling to the world" apple representitive
you were saying?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 01m
- 27 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 26 Jun 2010You forgot the GYROSCOPE, the first phone to EVER have one.... moreI guess you took a little holiday from Gsm arena while those 3 issues arose.
1.yellow spots
2.antenna issue
3.drop test
You think its time to come back.Have things really blown over now.Have fun unbumpering your your new iphone4 so you can dock it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 01m
- 27 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 26 Jun 2010You forgot the GYROSCOPE, the first phone to EVER have one.... moreQuite an antenna problem there.How do you like being a beta tester?
- p
- paul
- mIv
- 27 Jun 2010
Samsung Galaxy S I9000 is a great contender and in many aspects better than the IPhone 4. Bluetooth 3.0 and openess with providers, memory and battery.
- I
- Ioannos
- p@x
- 27 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 26 Jun 2010hey....... i am using this phone since 2 days......... the... moreDo you hold it right at the separating spot so that you hand touches on both antennas?
- ?
- Anonymous
- fvB
- 26 Jun 2010
I love Steve Jobs's response to this issue: "Just don't hold it that way" Really... pure genius APPLE! lol
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 26 Jun 2010
[deleted post]You forgot the GYROSCOPE, the first phone to EVER have one.
You watch in a few months when other companies start copying it, how all the fan boys will say how great it is and conveniently forget that Apple did it FIRST.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 26 Jun 2010
Raza, 26 Jun 2010I have a sony Ericsson Mobile with 12 mega pixels, If the N... moreGo tell the N8 people about it they think Nokia invented the Satio,
- R
- Raza
- pwd
- 26 Jun 2010
I have a sony Ericsson Mobile with 12 mega pixels, If the New iphone has the Same quality Camera then i will upgrade to the iphone 4.
- R
- Ryan
- 9yP
- 26 Jun 2010
I have this phone and all i can say to the people who are moaning about the signal issues would be to
GO TO B&Q and buy gloves and this will help signal issues and stop signal getting blocked but make sure you buy really thick gloves and hold the phone roughly 10 inches from your face depending the size of your head could cause signal issues.
Overall a good phone but signal issues is a problem but trust me nice gloves work a treat
- ?
- Anonymous
- fvB
- 26 Jun 2010
This device is rubbish when it comes to business!
- s
- sherif
- NhS
- 26 Jun 2010
guys tell me what do you think of this video it's an iphone 4 officially unlocked that was brought from UK and works on network called mobily in KSA and it doesn't seem to have the signal loss problem
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4{w
- 26 Jun 2010
Lol at all these iPhone haters. Are you guys all insecure but what you are using right now because you can't have the iphone either for your network or the country you live in? The iPhone didn't sell out in millions on the first day for no reason did they? In fact the iPhones have captured 72% of the market in Japan right now and will continue to grow in an enviroment that most higly keen to technology on the planet. Who say's high tech asians doesn't like iphones? Trust me, once you use it you don't want lose it...forever!
- R
- Ryan
- 9yP
- 26 Jun 2010
I have this phone and all i can say to the people who are moaning about the signal issues would be to
GO TO B&Q and buy gloves and this will help signal issues and stop signal getting blocked but make sure you buy really thick gloves and hold the phone roughly 10 inches from your face depending the size of your head could cause signal issues.
Overall a good phone but signal issues is a problem but trust me nice gloves work a treat
- x
- xman
- 3xe
- 26 Jun 2010
[deleted post]troy.. is right people who show no respect for this fine piece of kit . do not own one and maybe never will never thought i would get one but the build quality on this iphone is the best i have seen in a handset yet and i ahve had quite a few over the years got my first cell in 1995 ..
- x
- xxx
- G1j
- 26 Jun 2010
The new iphone 4 is the new king of the smartphone of the smartphone world, yes it's also dead out of the box lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
- ?
- Anonymous
- mqM
- 26 Jun 2010
[deleted post]you lot do realise that if you have the 3gs you can update to 4 software on it, yh youve not got the same picture quality or speed, but thats all the i4 is, newer software that you can update to anyway... also its no better than any other smart phone, and for a while its been behind the times in manyways, lots of phones have had multitasking and two cameras for years... its no beter just coz of the 'i' infront of phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mqM
- 26 Jun 2010
work in a phone shop, all phones have areas on them that if you hold them drop your signal, thats what happens when you have internal arials..... also i hated the 3gs as didnt like how it looked and worked, screen isnt very responsive, whereas the new OS4 is amazingly responsive and so much better now it has all the standard functions of other phones. also give it a few months and all hickups will be sorted via software updates etc, so its just like any other phone, has faults and has to adapt.... if you want it primarily as a game thing or iPod, instead of a phone, you should just get an iTouch lol
- ?
- Anonymous
- tjJ
- 26 Jun 2010
people should compare other phones specification b4 buying iphone4 .
i have compared this one with HTC desire ..
nd yea @ im going for desire ..
iphone is always very limited ...y people bother abt it !! i have absolutely no idea ..
for me iphone 4 is just not perfect .. HTC desire is wayyyyy better .
may be iphone 4 is perfect for u ..
so, b4 u decide buying this phone just compare ..
who knows !!