Apple iPhone 4
- k
- killer
- n}v
- 25 Jun 2010
if you dont know any thing about iphone dont talk
- I
- Inder
- 2S}
- 25 Jun 2010
I think the ratings for the phone should come to.
Design -- 1
Features -- 1
Performance -- 1
Oh sorry they should be in minus after the reply of APPLE
- I
- Inder
- 2S}
- 25 Jun 2010
Hold ur phone like we(APPLE) say. Drop it, and the come to us for repair. PAY MORE again LOL. and DANCE APPLE FANS
- M
- Mark
- mby
- 25 Jun 2010
The Iphone 4 is now officially useless now that its not a proper phone anymore. I am sure NOT to get it now. Djeez.
- i
- inder
- 2S}
- 25 Jun 2010
[deleted post]Just see the opinion and the ratings , Anonymous.
And also the link below.
- a
- akr
- U21
- 25 Jun 2010
Review please..?
- K
- Kostas
- m{J
- 25 Jun 2010
Inder, 25 Jun 2010BOYCOT IPHONE4, moreI am an owner of this MID-RANGE phone for 4 days now.I have used many phones and i can say that i am crying the 700€ i gave for this one.Good touch screen as usual but there are a lot of yellow spots and it seems really bad.Also i am loosing signal and from i have heard there is a specific way to keep the phone to your hands!!!The camera is good but the battery not so good after a medium use (30minutes of internet and 1hour talk every day).A lot of limitations about music and bluetooth that all the other phones do not have. After that how can anyone trust this phone? I(wanne be smart)phone should cost only 400€.I am so sorry for millions of people that have been tricked by Steve and made him millionaire.
- ?
- Anonymous
- ITj
- 25 Jun 2010
reasons not to get the Iphone 4:
- I
- Inder
- 2S}
- 25 Jun 2010
People should just Boycot IPHONE4. This is how they reply to the ISSUE.
AND I AM SURE THEY NEW ABOUT THIS ISSUE EARLIER. So that they can make Money with their Bumper Cases.
I Think Its HIGH TIME to make APPLE realise that, They just cant dupe customers any more, come one guys their are many options available, SAMSUNG GALAXY S, NEW MOTOROLA DROD X.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y7E
- 25 Jun 2010
hani is epic fail for trolling on every single phone comment for hating apple so much, why so sad against apple?
- ?
- Anonymous
- PBc
- 25 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 25 Jun 2010what a post, very intriguing, by the way, it should be STEE... moreThe trouble with super Amoled is that no-one can make one and a half million of them needed for the first few days of this phones launch.
It might be ok for low selling phones but not for these.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vwc
- 25 Jun 2010
as Per INR it will cost 35000-40000 Ma gosh
- U
- U2Bn*fan
- w4E
- 25 Jun 2010
This is a Great phone. Why? n* never make for their customer.
- J
- Jjr
- kBs
- 25 Jun 2010
Waste of gud money .always same design ,ipad ,ipod iphone same shity shape
- s
- sherif
- NhU
- 25 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 25 Jun 2010what a post, very intriguing, by the way, it should be STEE... morei respect you my friend wish all people think like that and forget about the fanboyism i'm currently an n900 owner and was a previous 3gs owner and i think this new iphone well outsell every smartphone that comes out this year
- ?
- Anonymous
- nGW
- 25 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 25 Jun 2010what a post, very intriguing, by the way, it should be STEE... morewhat a post, very intriguing, by the way, it should be STEEL not STELL, OMG, what your telling about FACETIME is not true, obviously, the name is new but video calling is an old feature on a phone except for IPHONE 4 because its using old technology, have you born this year? SE, MOTOROLA, SAMSUNG, LG, NOKIA already had a video calling feature on their phones even way back in 2006, and the retina display that your iSteve is claiming to be the best screen technology fails MY DEAR, its still using TFT technology, they might enhanced it and came with a name but it sucks, it will eaten up the battery of the phone and aside from that there's a lot of cases that it has a YELLOW SPOT on it which is a mess. Now let's discuss the antenna, your human antenna, since its included in the hardware and they served the STEEL body of the phone, it reacts with the body on how you hold it, because its STEEL, a conductor and human has electricity inside its body may result a variation of signal that may goes up and down and the last one the GLASS hardened cover of the phone which has been tested to drop it within 1 meter to 2 meters has been injured due to a where is your IPHONE 4? its using old technology still and aside from that its too pricey but the feature is not worthy because you can find more advance features on other phone manufacturer other than this, I HAD AN iphone 3g and 3gs, they said that the 3gs is speedier than the 3g in terms of wifi connectivity but its not, that's why i don't like the iphone 4 now, its a crap
Since we seem to be in the mood to correct others, I thought I'd correct some of your mistakes too.
Have you born this year? should be were you born this year?
It will eaten up the battery of your phone should be It will eat up the battery of your phone.
So there has been some complaints about the antenna and the screen, so what! in every manufactured item there will be a few defects, Iphone haters are making it seem like each and every handset out there has problems, well I hate to inform you that this is not the case.
The display may as you put it "eat up the battery" but who the hell cares, I have the HTC Desire which needs charged twice a day. Besides, all haters were up on here giving it Super Amoled will be better but Retina Display has proved better in most face offs I've seen so far. Gizmodo reports 35 people have been in touch about the yellow spot, folks! this is no crisis in comparison to how many handsets sold at launch, can easily be replaced.
A lot of people are in denial when it comes to the iphone. They badly want this phone to fail but unfortunately it doesn't. My prediction, yet again all other smartphones will be out sold.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PBc
- 25 Jun 2010
xman, 25 Jun 2010what rock have you been hiding under we had video calling 2... moreThe iPhone 4 doesn't use that method, it uses a different way using chat protocols over the Internet, the invented the protocol and have released it so it is open.
It's of far higher quality than the 64k stream used by phone networks.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PBc
- 25 Jun 2010
xman , 25 Jun 2010i get my 32 gb black iphone moro i will tell you what i thi... moreThat's because Samsung is also in the chip fabrication business, Apple designs the SOC (System on a Chip) and Samsung makes it for them.
Open a Nokia phone and you'll find off the shelf chips made by Texas Instruments.
- x
- xman
- 3xB
- 25 Jun 2010
gullable, 24 Jun 2010why are you all saying the iphone didnt invent video callin... morewhat rock have you been hiding under we had video calling 2002 or 2003 uk on 3 network and others..
- x
- xman
- 3xB
- 25 Jun 2010
sonim, 25 Jun 2010i think this ,,,mobile is ,,,defective because of the new t... morepeople should hold there phones as they normally use them .. videos i have seen off reception issues the guy looked as if he was trying to choke his iphone 4 ..