Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • FJT
  • 20 Jun 2010

xxx, 20 Jun 2010all that will happen when hell frezzzzz over. in japan thi... moreWhat? Make us pay for things that are free? Like what? It's either you can afford it or not. Do not whine in here if you Apple doesn't fit your needs. Just shows that you are jealous of the iphone's success.

    • i
    • igo
    • tWg
    • 20 Jun 2010

    yes, it may be an iphone, but its way too expensive, there are cheaper phones offering higher spec actually, they are just expensive phones, thats all, its nit the phone you are buying actually, its the brand's name you are buying, im nit against iphone lovers though, i just thought they are way too expensive with simple specs

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • FJT
      • 20 Jun 2010

      xxx, 20 Jun 2010you couldn't make an iphone without nokia technology, like ... moreJust like Nokia wouldn't be able to put together those said technology if not for Isaac Newton, Alexander Graham Bell, Albert Einstein, etc. So what's your point? If it's not Nokia or Apple it would be somebody else. As a consumer, I don't care who came up with what first. If I like the device, if it works for me, and if I can afford it, I'll buy it.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 2Am
        • 20 Jun 2010

        I just noticed that on the apple site. That they indicated a 1ghz A4 processor for the ipad. And they didn't indicate that on the iphone 4. I was just wondering if they actually used the same processor?

          • x
          • xxx
          • k2n
          • 20 Jun 2010

          Anonymous, 20 Jun 2010Notice how he conveniently leaves out things like processor... moreapple's A4 CPU couldn't match up with intel i7 cpu.

            • x
            • xxx
            • k2n
            • 20 Jun 2010

            Troy, 20 Jun 2010I don't know why Nokia fans come on here for maybe there je... moreyou couldn't make an iphone without nokia technology, like gsm, edge, umts, hsdta, lite/4g.
            take away all those useless apps from your iphone & the iphone is nothing.

              • x
              • xxx
              • k2n
              • 20 Jun 2010

              Anonymous, 19 Jun 2010It's not about who had the video calling feature first. It... moreall that will happen when hell frezzzzz over.
              in japan this video calls system work perfect, that's not thr truth about apple, all apple will do is upgrade that face-time app & make you pay for things that's free.

                • x
                • xxx
                • k2n
                • 20 Jun 2010

                [deleted post]great point mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  • T
                  • Troy
                  • m5Z
                  • 20 Jun 2010

                  I don't know why Nokia fans come on here for maybe there jealous or pretending to hate the iphone, Maybe there just trying to annoy people when in fact there just humiliating themselves.

                  Seriously I don't get it, You don't catch me going onto the Nokia website because Nokia are boring and i'm all for the New Iphone 4.

                  I rate Sony Ericsson way above nokia anyday

                  Doesn't matter what the so called haters say because the iphone will sell bucketloads on it's launch.

                  You can't beat the iphone touch screen it's unique and as mentioned it's the thinnest smartphone in the world with the best screen display in the world and Iphone will only get better.

                  The 5mp on the iphone beats the 12 mp on the nokia because anyone with a brain will tell you it doesnt matter how many mp a camera has a 5mp canon or a nikon will boast a better picture than any h/set with 12 mp.

                  Some haters need educating because there trying to help nokia out but there failing miserably

                  Not long to go guys so which phone provider do you recon is the best :-)

                  This is to all the iphone lovers out there :-)

                    • d
                    • duel
                    • niD
                    • 20 Jun 2010

                    Anonymous, 20 Jun 2010Notice how he conveniently leaves out things like processor... moreYes i saw that, its not surprising all of nokiaboys do that same thing, they only list useless features where n8 beats iphone, features that most of people dont do anything

                    Iphone beats hell out of n8 thing which matter allday use, things which make phone using good

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • P%n
                      • 20 Jun 2010

                      duel, 20 Jun 2010You are so typical nokiaboy listing specs. you compared thi... moreNotice how he conveniently leaves out things like processor speed, RAM, screen resolution etc.

                      Things where the iPhone 4 dominates, which contribute more to the things which are used most often.

                        • d
                        • duel
                        • niD
                        • 20 Jun 2010

                        [deleted post]Are you graphic designer or something, where you need 12mp pics? its so weird people thinking 12mp is something very good on cellphone :)

                        Have you ever thinked which kind of cameras was ten years ago? and still they took amazing photos taken by professional photographers, suddenly megapixels started to mean something, they dont if you dont need to print it in highres with big size

                        i mean really, with nokia those 12 mp pics doesnt look enough good to watch them in high size, so that mp is pointless

                        pics what i have seen today apple made very good statement that more pixels doesn't mean better quality photo

                          • d
                          • duel
                          • niD
                          • 20 Jun 2010

                          [deleted post]You are so typical nokiaboy listing specs. you compared things only by number, like photographs example, we have seen today that iphone takes pretty good photos only with 5 mpx and has very smooth videorecording too. Its pointless to look what reads on paper, it doesnt make good phone

                          last do i choose slow processor n8 or very fast iphone? not that hard to choose, i definately choose iphone 4

                          why everyone who listing n8 specs doesnt mention its very slow and old processor? iphone has so much faster processor and half more memory, i choose phone which will work in future too and is FAST

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • FJR
                            • 20 Jun 2010

                            Bluerose, 19 Jun 2010It seems like Apple have finally started to be more NOKIA!!... moreI don't see the iphone being more nokia at all. That's an absurd thing to say. You're hallucinating.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • FJR
                              • 19 Jun 2010

                              xxx, 19 Jun 20101st, that's LG technology. 2nd the iphone 4 is not the fir... moreIt's not about who had the video calling feature first. It's about who made it work smoothly. Right now, facetime is only available on wifi and between iphone4 users. But 3g implementation is in the works. Also, Apple made facetime video call platform an open platform that other phones can adopt. When that happens, facetime can be used between iphone and non iphone devices. Give it some time.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • FJR
                                • 19 Jun 2010

                                Anonymous, 19 Jun 2010I'm glad you can see my point. Much like a Porsche, an iPho... moreYour reply does not make sense at all. A Porsche, just like an iphone, has functionalities as well. Yes, because of its high price and good looks, it can be nice to show it off, and why not? Most accidents are on average cars, not high end sports car. When was the last time you heard of a lamborghini accident on the freeway? Do you want me to tell you how many camry's and accords have been involved in a crash accident? Lol. As you've said, it's the stupid drivers. So don't blame the car :)

                                Multitasking has been on the iphone's native apps. It just didn't allow 3rd party apps multitasking. That is the update on the iphone4. It will let you run 3rd party apps simultaneously with native apps.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • FJR
                                  • 19 Jun 2010

                                  Anonymous, 19 Jun 2010iphine will never have bluetooth file transfer or even a mi... moreYes, iphone wants almost everything done with itunes, and for me that's a good thing. I have peace of mind that all my files between my mac book, my ipad, and my iphone are synched. That approach is much easier and more convenient for me.

                                    • X
                                    • XXX
                                    • G1j
                                    • 19 Jun 2010

                                    Anonymous, 19 Jun 2010One of my family members also work for At&t, and that's... moreWhich means that the 100,000,000 of verizon users should have pre-order it also but that's not so.

                                      • X
                                      • XXX
                                      • G1j
                                      • 19 Jun 2010

                                      Anyone who post stuff that deliberately & repeatedly bash the same brand such as nokia, lg, samsung, apple
                                      will be deleted & will also be band from this website.

                                        • s
                                        • sam1404
                                        • 2@j
                                        • 19 Jun 2010

                                        yes it can be used in India even Vodafone is preparing to launch in India as they launched iPhone 3g
                                        16GB will cost arnd 40 to 45k
                                        and 32 GB will cost around 50k