Apple iPhone 4
- ?
- Anonymous
- M3s
- 18 Jun 2010
but y should you compare the sales figures of all android phones to just one iphone. that doesnt seem fair
how about comparing it to be best selling android
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3pL
- 18 Jun 2010
600,000 pre orders are just regular iphone owners looking for upgrades,dont know how fanboys are getting excited by that,its common sense. all new phones have big intial sales it always happens,from phones to computer games to god knows what else. If you were to combine all the 80,000 odd thousand android phones sold daily into one group only able to buy an upgrade for one sinngle 'new' android phone you dont need a brain to see that that 600,000 figure would be easily surpassed
- ?
- Anonymous
- M3s
- 18 Jun 2010
y does it need amoled when it has retina display
y does it need exp menory when has 32gb
it does have usb support via itunes
you can use it as a storage device via apps
it actually doesnt crash harfly ever like most other phones
i know from experience as i have an android and an n-series device and man are their software shoddy
- L
- Lemon
- vGF
- 18 Jun 2010
Well Apple..Change it to lemon..i prefer Xperia X10..amazin handset..
- ?
- Anonymous
- nGW
- 18 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 18 Jun 2010look here's one nice feature in n8 moreYet another problem at 6.31 "Unexpected error please restart the phone" same problems as Symbian ^1
- ?
- Anonymous
- M3s
- 18 Jun 2010
y does it need amoled when it has retina display
y does it need exp menory when has 32gb
it does have usb support via itunes
you can use it as a storage device via apps
it actually doesnt crash harfly ever like most other phones
i know from experience as i have an android and an n-series device and man are their software shoddy
- ?
- Anonymous
- UiT
- 18 Jun 2010
600,000 iPhone4 sold in pre-order only. Who's laughing now?! Nokia does have a lot more function than the iPhone4 however it crashes and freeze like crazy...
Then again, you make your own decision
- ?
- Anonymous
- nGW
- 18 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 18 Jun 2010look here's one nice feature in n8 moreWell spotted! that damn memory full message gave me hell on the N97
Again I say to Nokia and Nokia fanboyz memory ain't enough.
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- Anonymous
- 3pL
- 18 Jun 2010
120 extra px on a 3.5 screen is not important its almost imperceptible to most eyes...though apple are charging highly for it. Amoled/super amoled make husge differnece to the human eye and cost way more to produce,hence the reason large home amoled or super amoled tvs will be awhile in coming. Don't see other companies charging its customers for this being including in their phones
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3pL
- 18 Jun 2010
those considering the inclusion of the gyroscope as the reason that NO OTHER PHONE (using capitals to highlight the hilarious angry use of them by angry iphone fanboys)can compete with the iphone should definitely buy pump out their money on it,game over for ye,steve has your money and is smiling,enjoy the slight enhancement on your accelerometer phone outclassing EVERY machine in history because of
- m
- me
- 18 Jun 2010
This phone is too unaffordable.. and the function is not worth. And the video calling can be accessed through WiFi only?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ae5
- 18 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 18 Jun 2010Name one other phone that has a 960x640 screen and a gyrosc... moreI'm sorry, are you trying to be funny?
the iPhone is built around having so much potential and crushing it with restrictions.
tell me where you find...
Adobe Flash Support
USB port
Bluetooth File Sharing
Expandable Memory
Plug and Play peripheral support
Standard (U)SIM Compatibility
File Storage
User Replacable Battery
Open Source Code
OLED Display
Stereo Speakers
SD Card Reader
Most of which are standard on many, many other models
- ?
- Anonymous
- niD
- 18 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 18 Jun 2010nokia N8 has more features than iphone 4 and i think accord... morelook here's one nice feature in n8
look what happens at 40 second time, MEMORY FULL! FAIL! :D
I dont understand why every give so much credit about n8 features, it has one very big minus and it is slow processor and for me it's very big thing, much slower than others have and it shows everything what i watched about n8 at youtube, i watched asphalt car game commercial and it was huge joke :D i dont remember never seeing that bad game performarce in commercial, it was SLOW
- I
- Iphone the 1 and onl
- TkZ
- 18 Jun 2010
Just had a look at what the UK networks are offering, and in my opinion Vodafone looks to have the best tarrifs. Mainly because they are the only one to give 1gb mobile browsing, o2 and Orange only offer 500mb. I don't think £35 a month and £119 for the phone itself is expensive, it is expensive on pay as you go though! Worth every single penny, it's not just what it does but how well it does it. It does have some minor downsides but the good things far outwhey the downsides.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vwi
- 18 Jun 2010
nokia N8 has more features than iphone 4 and i think accordingly iphone 4 will go down.............. badly
sorry apple what the previous guy told is right
- ?
- Anonymous
- vwi
- 18 Jun 2010
we have to laugh on apple in coming up with iphone 4 which doesn't give a change in look and the stupidest thing is that we can access video call only through wifi
- w
- whisky
- uS6
- 18 Jun 2010
not a goodone
- A
- Andy
- 18 Jun 2010
I have never had an iphone, although I have used one, but the iphone 4 is making me consider taking the plunge. The biggest downsides are i) Price & ii) No Flash Software. The main alternative is the Nokia N8. The advantages are free Sat Nav, price & camera (12mp). The question is, does the large amount & quality of apps for iphone make it worth its downsides?
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%n
- 18 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 18 Jun 2010960 width vs 800 width on a 3.5 inch screen is inherently i... moreExcept a lot of Nokia sheep keep bringing up the N8, there is a BIG difference between 640x360 and 960x640 also Android (and other) phones with 800x480 screens.
The screen resolution IS just as important as any other feature eg schoolkids bluetoothing ringtones and face it this phone sets the bar.
Then there's the gyroscope, face it this phone will do things that NO OTHER phone on the market will be able to do, NONE, from ANY manufacturer.
- C
- Chavy Mc Caverson
- M3s
- 18 Jun 2010
Nick cook, 18 Jun 2010It looks well sexy innit blud, my mrs will so love me for e... moreYeahhhhh man i no what your talking aboutttt
we iz gna have all the ladis innt blud!!!! roll up roll up