Apple iPhone 4
- I
- I just got a 3gs
- 4Am
- 16 Jun 2010
Hey Canadian FOLK out there! The Iphone 4 is releasing a UNLOCK version to Canadian ONLY! So you can buy directly from apple without contract! Wish i know the price but check out at and go to shop Iphone!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mx@
- 16 Jun 2010
So iPhone 4..........Essentially a catch up with other devices on the market? Or maybe more? I'm not an apple fan boy and I do agree the original iPhone set the bar in the mobile phone industry but can't help but wonder why this phone has not done the same? YES point out all the enhancments to me but I challenge you to show me something GROUNDBREAKING about this device!!
- k
- khan
- 2SR
- 16 Jun 2010
i phone4 needs a micro sim.. can any body tell me what is micro sim,
- a
- avantgarde
- mGt
- 16 Jun 2010
hiii all
regarding the micr sim ??
what's that mean i cant use my normal sim card ??
please advice
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7v
- 16 Jun 2010
expensive phone!
Why do we need a very expensive phone? It will be outdated after one year of use. Go for nokia n8 or e72
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TM
- 16 Jun 2010
jimmy, 16 Jun 2010Oh people stop the squabbling. iPhone is a marketing succes... moreYou're absolutely right, and that's why we're getting the iphone :)
- a
- anas
- 3EV
- 16 Jun 2010
can i per-order one from UK and it's all ready unlocked ? by how much if yes
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TM
- 16 Jun 2010
N8, 16 Jun 2010If apple puts all the features to be on par with modern pho... moreYou are right. You're so smart. We still love the iphone though :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- yVg
- 16 Jun 2010
it's not even that expensive any way. considering the cost of the 3gs 32gb. just compare the features. there is always something to whinge about with every phone. so get a life and get over it
- j
- jimmy
- f39
- 16 Jun 2010
Oh people stop the squabbling. iPhone is a marketing success. The phone lacks a lot, and a huge scene is made about revolutionary features such as its curved design, and it has bluetooth. Come on people these are fantastic features, Jeeve Sobs did invent the wheel here.He says so, so it must be true. If he says the world is flat then it must be true as well. It's simple marketing, and the masses will fall for it. All you un iPhone types go back to your devises that can probably do more than a iPhone and leave us special people alone. Who needs flash? we don't coz Stevie boy says so.
- N
- N8
- Iw0
- 16 Jun 2010
bobby, 16 Jun 2010for me iphone is perfectly good product... best in performa... moreYou are right that nokia dropped in market share but they are still have the highest market share and they won't loose that spot in the next 10 years.
- L
- LakersGonnaWin
- T1D
- 16 Jun 2010
Got my pre-order in for 2 iPhone 4s. I'll be taking photos and uploding them to my oneline web site, taking HD video, reading Google maps, and checking my favorite web sites in no time.
Thanks for all the posts that helped me decide in favor of getting this awesome device. It's my first Apple product and this is what the first iPhone should have been.
- N
- N8
- q2Z
- 16 Jun 2010
Ignacio, 16 Jun 2010I think the fact is that no other brand managed to develope... moreIf apple puts all the features to be on par with modern phones,the iphone will definitely lag.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 16 Jun 2010
[deleted post]Ummmm, if you read your prior posts, you kept mentioning samsung galaxy. So yes, that gave me the impression that you love samsung devices. But anyways, you win. What do we know? :) I don't even know why you waste you precious time in here :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 16 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 16 Jun 2010Apple doesn't care about Ram, they love their sheeps though... moreFine. We're all sheeps. Even those professional reviews on youtube complimenting the iphone are all sheeps. We surrender. You win :) Go and celebrate :)
- N
- N8
- nUX
- 16 Jun 2010
lolzzz, 16 Jun 2010I guess if I wanted to spend 200 dollars on a iphone, I can... moreDo you know the iphone 4 32gb cost $879 sim free on pre-order.
- l
- lolzzz
- Imj
- 16 Jun 2010
I guess if I wanted to spend 200 dollars on a iphone, I can, and its too bad because nokia, samsung, htc, sony, motorola, etc isnt getting my business.
then their hypocritical fanboys comes here and tells "apple fanboys" to wake up.
seriously, its just a phone, no matter how updated your hardware is, its outdated in a month or two. I prefer a OS that is suitable for me, and for those who says "simple os for simple people"
Ever heard of the phrase KISS? keep it simple stupid.
yeah, it works. my grandma probably can learn the iphone before she can learn droid or windows or symbian. you know why? because apple is smart enough to make a OS that sells, unlike their "techy" competitors.
Good luck with your phone, I know I will enjoy mine, but stop wasting your time bashing something you "have no interest in owning"
otherwise you know you just look like a sore loser wishing you can get a iphone for half the price. seriously, what is 200 bucks in todays currency? probably 2 meals at a decent restaurant if u ask me, and that i can easily skip (probably because I can live with homemade food) to get a product I want.
- D
- Dan
- Ia9
- 16 Jun 2010
Looking Good!
- m
- mat
- ibf
- 16 Jun 2010
Clint, 16 Jun 2010Love the iPhone or hate it, the fact is that its changed mo... morerevolution ? even china phone made touch screen a year or two before iphone
- ?
- Anonymous
- pKs
- 16 Jun 2010
XMAN, 16 Jun 2010ram how much ram is that a trick question for apple .Apple doesn't care about Ram, they love their sheeps though :)
If steve jobs is a sheep lover, what does it make him? hmmmm i wonder