Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • m
  • mcmach1
  • mCS
  • 15 Jun 2010

Anonymous, 15 Jun 2010So who cares how many they sell? boooringggg Most compan... moreer no worst build quality awards goes to sony ericsson and LG right do i know?
i get handsets going off to repair every day and worked with phones since 2003.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • pqB
    • 15 Jun 2010

    Anonymous, 15 Jun 2010Don't forget that Apple's site goes into meltdown due to so... moreSo who cares how many they sell? boooringggg

    Most companies are capable of making ore than one device usually and they don't give free updates to boost sales either.

    Wonder if this one is cone develop cracks as easy as 3GS so far iPhones have had the worst build quality of all phones, especially for the fat price they have.

      • m
      • mcmach1
      • mCS
      • 15 Jun 2010

      Anonymous, 15 Jun 2010Wow, still no bluetooth file sending and no flash... Can... moreno flash and no bluetooth file sending but guess what people dont seem to mind that, thats not what the phone buying masses base their decision on. Techy geek heads are less than 10% of the market

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • pqB
        • 15 Jun 2010

        Foley, 15 Jun 2010Well dear Anonymous according to your post, you must be th... moreWow, still no bluetooth file sending and no flash...

        Can it do anything new besides video- call, that the old ones can't?

        And the screen is a total mess I heard, probably that's why they advertise the screen more than the phone!

          • m
          • mcmach1
          • mCS
          • 15 Jun 2010

          Anonymous, 15 Jun 2010Don't forget that Apple's site goes into meltdown due to so... moreexacly the phones sell because they are well designed and a fair bit of hype to them is well placed and solidly backed. The evidence is there every year.

            • F
            • Foley
            • uEA
            • 15 Jun 2010

            [deleted post]Well dear Anonymous according to your post, you must be the one which learn the hard way. Looks like that you run into an Apple trap and now try to justify that not to look foolish. Whatever you do with your money is definitely just your business. What I try to do is to polite express my opinion ( that is the title anyway ) about new Apple toy called 4. Maybe, just maybe some of the newcomers will think twice before waist large amount of money for a toy. Fancy, trendy but still just a toy.
            Why, whenever somebody say something beyond doubt and truthful about Apple propaganda and Apple product, people start to take that personally, divert talking and start to offend?
            Hmm interesting psychological phenomena.

              • s
              • suresh
              • mCS
              • 15 Jun 2010

              its the next best thing
              most revolutionary phone ever..
              i dont know why people are constantly picking on iphones..
              it sure made my life easier..i totally love the phone.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • v{S
                • 15 Jun 2010

                if Apple ever goes down and add a cheap feature like FM.. I won't buy it..

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • P%n
                  • 15 Jun 2010

                  [deleted post]Don't forget that Apple's site goes into meltdown due to so many people trying to pre-order iPhone's, as is happening right now.


                  Apple will sell more iPhone 4's in a day than most other smartphones EVER sell.

                    • x
                    • xxx
                    • Rbq
                    • 15 Jun 2010

                    [deleted post]sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!ll

                      • W
                      • Watever
                      • 2CD
                      • 15 Jun 2010

                      Hey, no matter how, it still a strong, even the processor may lose to other phone, but the system os run better than other phone.. In australia, almost half of ppl carring iphone, if iphone sux, why so many ppl choosing iphone? wat we need is quality !
                      if u wan hear radio, go buy a radio receiver better use phone, so u can receive a more better quality of radio which is oledi outdated nowadays..

                      [OUTDATED!!! yr is the FM radio let alone the fm transmitter?? check nokia 7700 and o2 xda. both r touch fons. doesnt even hav a edge class 33????]

                        • m
                        • mcmach1
                        • 3sE
                        • 15 Jun 2010

                        Every year round about June, a blog or two goes into meltdown; the apple fan boys and detractors do their annual dance / battle.
                        The old tired arguments dusted off given a new spin and paraded before the world. Reasons why the latest model is no good etc.
                        Many say that Apple steals its idea from past models, I would say it takes those failed ideas and makes them popular.
                        I can only comment on the UK market state of affairs so forgive me if you see things differently, let's take a journey back to 2004 - 2008 when the big hitters were Nokia, Ericssons, HTC, Palm, sharp Samsung and Motorola.

                        Topic 1 - Touchscreen
                        There were other touchscreen handsets available before the first iPhone came on the market that's not in question, however it is my opinion that Apple made the touchscreen popular by making it a great experience.

                        The capacitive screen technology that they brought along severed the need for the stylus which all the handsets were using at the time.

                        The buzz of popular opinion was around 3 manufacturers:
                        Palm with its Treo 680 in 2006 and 750 from feb 2007

                        Sony Ericssons -
                        From the greatness that was the P800 in 2002 I would say sony enjoyed the status that Apple now holds, if they had a store there would have been queues outside waiting for the successor of the P800 aka the P910 in 2004, p990 2005.
                        All they were missing was a store as a focal point and a regular yearly release schedule.

                        However by the time they got to the M600 in 2006, P1 in May 2007 let's not forget the W960 of June 2007, the interest was waning.

                        HTC was just emerging from the shadows after doing the mda and xda handsets for the networks, started pushing its own name with the Tytn of 2006 and Tytn 2 of July 2007

                        Here's the thing, all those handsets that were lusted over and talked about before they came out were based on a stylus.
                        A little pokey pen to lose, tiny icons on home grown or windows mobile operating system.
                        It was complicated and customers did not want a little computer in their pockets, I know because I was there, selling phones and I watched the market take shape around me.

                        That's why when the iphone came along with big touchscreen buttons it made a difference cause it was simple, no file system visible to the user, it just worked!

                        Do you recall what happened after the first iphone caused a stir? Post iphone in feb 2008 SE produced the xperia x1 more of the same whilst, htc produced a slimmer slicker looking touch diamond in may 2008 and touch pro in june 2008 but with a more finger friendly interface.

                        Topic 2 - Front facing camera
                        Here's the thing front facing cameras and 3G video calling started properly when Three the mobile network launched, it was a buzz, the public were interested and the handsets were the Nec 606 of 2003 and the Moto A835 2003. I would say the NEC's made it popular and the Nokia 6680 in 2005 made it look pretty....well prettyish. The quality was good and still looks good today...after a few weeks I would say most people had tired of it due to cost and the quality going downhill as more users joined the network. I remember there also being confusion over who you could call later on just another Three handset or anyone on another network?

                        Anyways here comes Apples take on things - over wifi and only to another iPhone4, there are enough iphone users about for it to work, the 3g and 3gs users are due their upgrades. I thought everyone who wanted an iphone has now got one but that does not seem to be the case, there are still newcomers to the party and loyalty from the old batch wanting to try out the next new device from Apple.

                        Topic 3 - Main Camera
                        The camera issue, wow, tis true that the consumer likes the tangible aspects of products like what's the megapixels of a camera whilst not understanding the the subtle aspects like lens quality play a part I recall great quality pics on a sharp gx25 which only had a XXX megapixel camera and yet too amazingly sharp pictures better than some handsets that are out now.

                        Topic 4 - Battery
                        Removable or not what's the issue? I have not had the need to remove a battery in my phones since the Nokia 3200, batteries take a very short time to charge, why does it need to be replaceable?
                        Style it well put a good battery in and be done with it. Sony Ericsson has now decided this is a good idea with the X10mini and going forward we will have to see who else follows suit.

                        Let's face it like the iPhone or not it is was and continues to be a game changer.
                        Buzz phones now are the iPhone4 and the HTC desire, these are what people are coming in asking about. I believe it will soon be the HTC Evo's turn but people will get put off by the size of it.

                        Oh and by the way I wrote this whole piece on my blackberry 8900, still one of the best handsets ever made and no I don't own and iPhone am tempted by the Desire so far.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • utn
                          • 15 Jun 2010

                          Alon, 15 Jun 2010They have FM on the |pod Nano but the couldn't get it on th... moreI guess we are stupid enough to do not understand that the FM is not yet supported by the OS. we must also understand that there would a OS limitation else there no reason not introduce a FM feature into a phone. I don't know why people are crying for a FM in iPhone.

                            • I
                            • Iphone
                            • xv0
                            • 15 Jun 2010

                            Alon, 15 Jun 2010They have FM on the |pod Nano but the couldn't get it on th... moreYeah actually that was the only drawback i thought about iphone not having FM radio which was also the reason why i switched back to nokia.

                            But now back on iphone & just found a device to listen to FM w/o using data....

                            Hopefully its good when i try it out when i'm home coz I left my earpiece at home :(

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 4TM
                              • 15 Jun 2010

                              Anyways, back to more helpful, informative news. There are rumors, but could be true, that the white iphone4 might not be available till later this summer. Probably mid to late July. I don't know why, but that rumor has been spreading around. I was planning to get the white one, but I've always had the black one, and black looks just fine as well. Still debating between the two though :)

                                • S
                                • Sony
                                • fuv
                                • 15 Jun 2010

                                Its the same old casing we are seeing come up with a new design & shape

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • wYC
                                  • 15 Jun 2010

                                  "No one used computers until Macintosh. No one listened to MP3 players until iPod. No one made video calls until iPhone4." What's that haters?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 4TM
                                    • 15 Jun 2010

                                    Hannibal, 15 Jun 2010Wow a new iphone...wait a sec its the same with iphone 3gs ... moreIphone is the best, and you better believe it :)

                                      • H
                                      • Hannibal
                                      • S65
                                      • 15 Jun 2010

                                      Wow a new iphone...wait a sec its the same with iphone 3gs with some litle changes...are y kiding me!lol Its soo funy to see some dump people with the same phone(iphone) and telling that the iphone is the best.They dont know nothing about phones but they belive that (brainwash) beaucos jobs said that(exp.the screen of the iphone is more good than the amoled).The iphone is the best lol.What next..THE SAME CAR...THE SAME HOUSE..THE SAME WIFE..HAHA. Cheers

                                        • B
                                        • Blood Brothers
                                        • SkE
                                        • 15 Jun 2010

                                        its a nice phone , but i think we have to nokia n8