Apple iPhone 5
- y
- yy
- 2ZY
- 06 May 2013
this is a very nice handset i really like it..
- u
- uyi
- t1$
- 06 May 2013
Does any one has problem after 6.1.4 updates
My friend said it's get slight heat near the ear speaker
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nEq
- 06 May 2013
iphone, 06 May 2013there ar the same price,and the plastik is not good,android... moreWhat you say is true its just us geeks get bored so we look at other platforms to try out..I put a comment on S4 forum that I tried S4 in Tesco and if you open up videos that come preloaded the stutter is very bad on S4..
OH I wish Steve was still alive we will never know his response to whats going on and Apples situation ATM. What would be going on in his head now ,,what would he be telling his engineers and hardware team to blow us away??
I am on page 40 of his biography/autobiography now and his early life seems bit depressing..90% of the folk I have known in my life have died of cancer even most pets, bastard disease its taken most of my loved ones and S.Jobs ,56 is no age to die..Maybe they might hire someone with his drive or someone at Apple may take the job..Tim Cooks no Steve and Jonny Ive is just design,,for crying out loud its a boring slab whats to design?
Last thought before bed,,Apple will lose a lot more just bringing out a bit of an update this year..They need to go to iphone 6 and spend some of those billions to make it come true..
- i
- iphone
- 3@k
- 06 May 2013
AnonD-77892, 05 May 2013yep S4 is made of plastic body (polycarbonate) but it doesn... morethere ar the same price,and the plastik is not good,android is laging is heaiting and terable batery i use samsung galaxy s II ,sIII HTC Sensation HTC desire hd sony xperia S,sony xperia T -(i use four about 2 month and back to service four new display) and iphone 4 ,4s,and now iphone5 and i am wery hapy :)i change phones every 2 mounth and i only keep the iphones :) because i dont have any problems whit it they simple work :)
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nEq
- 06 May 2013
Looking round web it looks like next big iphone is due June 2014 so I think Apple will shringk even further.
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- AnonD-8044
- nEq
- 05 May 2013
Anonymous, 05 May 2013No, iphone is not expensive it's OVER PRICE.Its not too badly priced for 16GB version,,32GB and 64GB are heavily, severely overpriced.
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nEq
- 05 May 2013
Anonymous, 05 May 2013I think in next iphone the Apple logo should light up it wo... moreSo would I that's another thing they could add in iphone 6 but its already in production now and been designed whether 5s or 6.They could add it to the next iphone.
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nEq
- 05 May 2013
Anonymous, 05 May 2013Actually, the iPhone has a very good reason for the mediocr... moreFully agree..
Iphone still is a trouble free phone to use but does need some extra features and as I have said before iphone 5s is not needed,,they should go straight to iphone 6 and blow us away.
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nEq
- 05 May 2013
[deleted post]When questioned folk say its easy to use and after care service is top notch..We on here are geeks which make up nothing in the whole world not even 1% of population the rest are normobs..Iphone is recommended by friends and also it has social status at schools which control trends so all young folk have them too.
Here in UK its falling out of favour unemployed and single lasses pushing prams all have iphones..These folk are not interested in roms and quadcores they don't even know what that means they just have trendy simple to use fone.
So even if all the geeks in the world bought an S4 it would come nowhere near the amount of simple fones including iphones in sales.All the so called famous people on twitter have iphone,i use Echofon and it shows what folk are tweeting from or the twitter app..I have found couple of android and BB ussers rest are all iphone..
All Top Gear cast,Stephen Fry all the Emmerdale cast Simon Cowell and on and on all tweet from Iphone..If you give them all S4 they would be like rabbits in headlights..Its ok for us geeks but they don't know if you pull top down you access all them settings and if they did they would have to attend college to understand how to use them..What apple did was bring in a simple fone with loads of app to download easily..
In early days we had to go to Allaboutsymbian,Getjar or Handandgo to get apps and then see if they worked there were no app stores..I had to use java apps to get a stopwatch/timer on my S60 Nokias etc they could never do that...So apple stepped in and bit by bit made an easy to use advanced feature fone and stole market(I refuse to call iphone a real smartfone)..
- ?
- Anonymous
- ajU
- 05 May 2013
Anonymous, 04 May 2013Criticising with all the wrong reasons? 1. Camera MP doe... moreActually, the iPhone has a very good reason for the mediocre specs. Camera and screen aside (they are good enough, no doubt about that), the CPU is poor because iOS is lightweight. iOS is lightweight because it is NOT an OS in its own right. It doesn't have true multitasking, or a system-wide file manager, or app integration. Basically the iPhone 5 is a Nokia 520, without a proper OS, a better camera, but with 4 times the price. And no one seems to notice this.
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nEq
- 05 May 2013
[deleted post]Blackberry is even worse for charging even themes are 4.99GBP ..Blackberry world is biggest rip off of all the O/S..
I do like BB but they are going to have to be realistic at app pricing and the Q10 here in UK is coming in at 579GBP sim free yeah right.
- ?
- Anonymous
- dTp
- 05 May 2013
I think in next iphone the Apple logo should light up it would take little battery.
- D
- AnonD-77892
- 05 May 2013
iphone, 04 May 2013and what about s IV cheap plastic and the same price ,bulit... moreyep S4 is made of plastic body (polycarbonate) but it doesn't mean it "cheaply made" its also same quality as the other phone that made of "plastic" that not criticize. but its just realy cheaply looking. i dont like samsung phones mostly that cheaply looking S3 but samsung improve its quality on its saccesor.. the S4. what ever its still made of plastic and i dont like it, i still preffered iphone.. i love my iphone 4S its realy still the best phone for me
- ?
- Anonymous
- v0q
- 05 May 2013
Anonymous, 29 Apr 2013Iphones have better quality if compared to samsung thats wh... moreNo, iphone is not expensive it's OVER PRICE.
- ?
- Anonymous
- v0q
- 05 May 2013
Computer is capable of multitasking that is why sometimes it lags like also android can do multitasking and it's lag, but IOS doesn't lag because its like a simple calculator that never lags for a simple operation.
- D
- AnonD-126343
- Jaf
- 04 May 2013
before i use iphone 4s i hated iphone alot but while i bought 4s so my i fall in love with this phone really GREAT ,
but you most be educated to this use such a good phone ?
first to learn about itunes how sync video and mp3 etc.
second about most important things is jail break >
setup of cydia there is lot of themes and tweaks free all games and app >>
no need to pay MONEY for any thing ? game hacking options really believe me i don,t want any other phone only iphone and am waiting for up cooming iphone 5s or 6 what ever ?
- i
- iphone
- 3@k
- 04 May 2013
AnonD-8044, 03 May 2013I agree and would also add a C-Disc drive too...I have nev... moreand what about s IV cheap plastic and the same price ,bulit quality is like shit
- i
- iphone
- 3@k
- 04 May 2013
ANDROID :), 04 May 2013s4 xperia z are good phones this phone is shit so its specs... morein your dream only