Apple iPhone 5
- ?
- Anonymous
- 39x
- 11 Nov 2012
ome frm dhaka, 11 Nov 2012ple apple think at least one time about poor people.they ha... moreAlso take a look at the Nexus 4 because it'll be less than half the price of iPhone 5 but it still has some of the best specs of any phone and runs on Android 4.2 so is incredibly fast and smooth and looks it's it's gonna be almost a match for iPhone 5 for speed and smoothness because it runs pure Jellybean with no UI overlayed, and of course Android can do pretty much anything you could want a phone to do, but the only real problem is it has no external SD, but since iPhone can never do that anyway it's still a step up.
- e
- expert
- prN
- 11 Nov 2012
but there is the one simple thing but worth a lot-its a screen that possible to use on very strong sunlight.I cant understand why samsung want to save the monay on cheep pholia on screen?? congratulations to iphone on that smart thing
- e
- expert
- prN
- 11 Nov 2012
this phone is realy nothing special. its tooo expensiv for its quality. there is a plenty of much bettre phones for less price.tomuch talk obout tomuch marketing make all,but its really NOT DESERVE not even part of it
- A
- Apple2014
- 0yq
- 11 Nov 2012
lol, 11 Nov 2012other smartphones have been run away from iphone 5,iphone 5... moreNo.If you search the youtube for galaxy s 3 and iPhone 5 you can see that iPhone 5 is faster .Don't look at that quad core cpu of samsung galaxy s 3.The design is very important and a6's design is great and better than the design of galaxy s p3's chip.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGu
- 11 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 11 Nov 2012Tooooooooooo expensiveeeeeeeee apple think abt itits not apple fault if govt, impose too much import duty. price of i phone 5 is just 200$ in us which is around 11000 INR.
- o
- ome frm dhaka
- fxH
- 11 Nov 2012
ple apple think at least one time about poor people.they have hope but dont able to afford.i have saved 200$ dollar by 2 years by tolerate unbearable poverty.but i have a dream i will buy a iphone one day.will that day will come???
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2@Y
- 11 Nov 2012
Tooooooooooo expensiveeeeeeeee
apple think abt it
- ?
- Anonymous
- 39x
- 11 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 11 Nov 2012they have tune in radio, which allows you to listen to any ... moreAnd also you always seem to think that just because Apple doesn't include a feature like Radio, external SD, replaceable battery etc that people should just shut up and accept the way things are and always keep saying it doesn't actually need these things, when plainly all these things they leave out because they make more money by charging for services would make a much better phone by including them, but you just can't seem to accept Apple makes phones purely for profit and giving customers what they actually want is a distant afterthought.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 39x
- 11 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 11 Nov 2012they have tune in radio, which allows you to listen to any ... moreSo you saying Apple is good because it makes so much money?
I guess that means the oil companies are also really good and saying Microsoft was far better than Apple because they once made multiple times more money than Apple.
- I
- Irfan
- ttL
- 11 Nov 2012
I wanna use iphone5, I've Samsung S3, but iPhone 5 is expensive. I want to try it but in Pakistan it's price is near about rs 100000. US $ 1000.
- l
- lol
- X1g
- 11 Nov 2012
other smartphones have been run away from iphone 5,iphone 5 cpu is like galaxy s2,no java,expensive cost double as galaxy s3 etc...
- l
- lovely
- bJh
- 11 Nov 2012
lte long term evolution and its speed is 40mb
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Cg
- 11 Nov 2012
digger, 11 Nov 2012yeah the price is too high, but I can afford this phone as ... morethey have tune in radio, which allows you to listen to any station on the planet. No joke. But who cares, even if it did have radio in it, you wouldn't buy it anyways. You will probably no "no sd card? i'm not buying it. You fandroids will continue to use whatever you can to slam the apple.
And since when the hell did market share have anything to do with apple? They have dropped somewhat from September, but their shares have gone up the last 2 days, and their current state right now, is way above samsung. Their revenue is generated from itune sales and apps sales. Apple as an electronic company is literally operating at a different calibre in comparison to any other electronic company on the planet. I will use Samsung as an example, as they are probably the most popular brand on the planent, in terms of overall revenue it's not even close to what apple generates per day. It's literally not close. YOu can say their S3 outsold the iphone 5. During that time, the s3 bareley outsold the iphone4s, by like 1 million. However, I can also say, there were 6 million users waiting for the iphone 5. It's really not close, for a company that literally makes around 90 million dollars per day on average, its pretty goes like this. Some days they made 120 million. The next day, they only 90 million. The next 3 days they only 83 million. The following day they made like 86 million. the enxt day they made only 70 million. But the following day they made 87 million. The day after they they made 95 million. Last year, they made an average of 98 million per day. Also apples note books, are now the number 2 selling notebook on the planet, behind Acer, (who manufatures cheap cheap note books). So yea. YOu can say their stock is "down" yea..... on that day were it's down, they still probably made 75 million dollars, and this phone is not even released china yet. This phone will out sell the s3.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0FI
- 11 Nov 2012
Hasan, 10 Nov 2012Its for the people who dont like Apple or never been with a... morei phone5 is not good ,but iphone 4s apps is free
- a
- anon
- 11 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 10 Nov 2012hsdpa = 3g lte = 4gdepends. in the states HSDPA+ is often used as 4G to appear better than the competition. True 4G is supposed to be LTE...
- d
- digger
- P@d
- 11 Nov 2012
yeah the price is too high, but I can afford this phone as many as I want.. but I won't buy this kinda phone coz it has no radio.. tsk,, too bad
- F
- Flo
- 11 Nov 2012
Vern Low specs...both Samsung SIII and Note II is way above !!!
I use 4S, and I wanted to buy iPhone 5, but as said , it really disappointing with so low specs ... It looks like no more" Job's " , Apple is falling ...Tim Cook is far for being a leader ....
- ?
- Anonymous
- sgn
- 11 Nov 2012
Oohhh... How bitter! Tsk tsk tsk!
- ?
- Anonymous
- qKw
- 11 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 10 Nov 2012hey guys what is the difference between LTE and HSDPA ?
HSDPA is actually BETTER than 3G... 3.5G if you will,
LTE is A LOT faster than HSDPA and 3G
I'm with AT&T and on HSDPA i get around 6Mbps. With LTE that would be over 20Mbps. Still HSDPA is faster than most peoples WIFI! So in theory, LTE is not worth it because you're going to use it up FASTER than say 3G or HSDPA because AT&T doesn't have unlimited data. What's teh point of having a Ferrari when you're limited to using 2 gallons a day? For every extra gallon they'll charge you extra.. so in my opinion LTE is not worth it. Go for HSDPA or 3G.