Apple iPhone 5
- ?
- Anonymous
- 39x
- 03 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 03 Nov 2012owwss? why did you say that to us? did you try iphone 5? di... moreBattery easily lasts a full day on S3 so makes no difference if iPhone lasts a bit longer because most people are gonna charge phone at end of day anyway so this battery argument means nothing in real life, and anyway the S3 can take a double capacity extended battery and not one of those battery cases you have to use for iPhone or have to sit there waiting for it to charge when you get caught short on battery.
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 03 Nov 2012
gopi krishna, 02 Nov 2012no java application and battrey is toooooo is only for kids like YOU!
btw! why you need java? if you can able to get stable apps, better quality apps, SAFE, smooth, gorgeous, updated, thousands of apps and growing fast!
Java is NOT stable (very lagy), NOT SAFE (lots of malwares), not gorgeous (bad Audio and Graphics quality) outdated (no upadates) there are still enough java apps to choice (but many java programmer now are moving and concentrating in iOS and android) lousy apps. not really fun to use java! if you are using java, you are showing-off that you are CHEAP!!!
Im still using nokia 5230 with is running symbian. i stop using java for it, because my phone gets lags! (java makes your phone worst)
Now please stop complaining about java!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- vaN
- 03 Nov 2012
zaydaan, 02 Nov 2012Iphone 5 battery timing is very short. Not recomanded, sams... moreowwss? why did you say that to us? did you try iphone 5? did you try on your own hand? s3 battery drain fast because huge screen even it had a 2100mah.if our agenda was battery. iphones is the best
- ?
- Anonymous
- vaN
- 03 Nov 2012
why samsung s3 is top on the list it because a lot of problem they face hahaha like battery drain heating problem in HD games custom rom. they bought s3 for facing a problem. our legend iphone was a little bit problem only a ios bugs. i hope other bugs will fix it soon go iphones. sorry for my bad english. ^_^
- Q
- Qaza786
- Q{T
- 03 Nov 2012
i want to know if any1 tell me when iphone 5 unlocked has released in usa
- h
- heailoo
- 02 Nov 2012
Okay, i just don't know what was apple thinking when they released phone with quite poor specs, while others are going 1080 p screens and insane 4x processors,new mali and adreno graphics and google play is rising very close to 700 , 000 apps ... They promissed inovation, i was waiting to buy but nothing happend .. same 4s just with few steroids injected. Definitly going to try android with 1080p screens and new stuff !
- ?
- Anonymous
- Lbk
- 02 Nov 2012
simply amazing,apple has done it again!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3Jn
- 02 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 02 Nov 2012if so why are their so many complaints on the s3 on the s3 ... morePeople with S3 and Android actually make the most of it's features and ask questions when they find a problem, but check the iPhone forums and you'll see it usually takes an Android user to ask the questions before people with an iPhone feel confident enough to ask about the problems.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rn6
- 02 Nov 2012
[deleted post]if so why are their so many complaints on the s3 on the s3 page by s3 users?
- ?
- Anonymous
- xqG
- 02 Nov 2012
awesome but hight price !
- ?
- Anonymous
- 39x
- 02 Nov 2012
zaydaan, 02 Nov 2012Iphone 5 battery timing is very short. Not recomanded, sams... moreYes the Galaxy S3 is the best but most iPhone users are unwilling to switch their brain on for a little bit extra work for a lot more features.
- Y
- Yash3995
- vGC
- 02 Nov 2012
kabhi, 02 Nov 2012Are you kidding me?? Which iOS was launched when Android 4.... moreOh really ! U think apple has been COPYING samsung or andro devices ! Think twice and tell dude ! Android has copied every APPLE's REVOLUTIONS AND INSPIRATIONS ! So pls think before telling anything !
- r
- rahul kumar
- 954
- 02 Nov 2012
Posting your contact info such as phone number or email is not a good idea. We won't be responsible for any unwanted consequences.
- z
- zaydaan
- fjd
- 02 Nov 2012
Iphone 5 battery timing is very short. Not recomanded, samsung galaxy S3 is the best
- g
- gopi krishna
- t1$
- 02 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 01 Nov 2012yes there is instagram on iphone 5 but there is no java application and battrey is toooooo poor......
- g
- gopi krishna
- t1$
- 02 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 01 Nov 2012yes there is instagram on iphone 5 but there is no java application and battrey is toooooo poor......
- M
- Momsen
- Bh}
- 02 Nov 2012
It is so much expensive and there is not any differences between iPhone 4s and iPhone 5 except bigger screen but that's all
- ?
- Anonymous
- 02 Nov 2012
Ashif, 02 Nov 2012After charged 100% of my IP5 it used 49 Min ( call,sms,sen... moreiOS 6.0.1 was just released today. Update from your iPhone, battery life should improve dramatically.
- s
- suvra67
- utB
- 02 Nov 2012
Scot, 02 Nov 2012This is my first iPhone and I have to say it's impressive. ... moreafter cutting your normal sim card does it fits in your i phone5 coz it is 15% thinner than 4s????
- s
- srikanth
- rJ@
- 02 Nov 2012
Jack, 02 Nov 2012I was in Singapore this week with a little time to spare so... moreHi boss u said a great.....