Apple iPhone 5
- A
- Ashif
- u4g
- 02 Nov 2012
After charged 100% of my IP5 it used 49 Min ( call,sms,sent and receive mail,brows 10 min ) and its gone 9% charged , is it ok.
some one tell me?
yesterday i have used 6 hours and 10mi of full charged is it ok.
some one reply me,
- A
- Anonymous
- P@d
- 02 Nov 2012
I don't wanna talk about it,
how you broke my heart,
if I stay here just a lil' bit longer
if I stay here won't you listen to my heart..
- a
- aman
- rA@
- 02 Nov 2012
optimus g is the best!!
- k
- kabhi
- 9xV
- 02 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 02 Nov 2012the only ones being played right now are apples competitors... moreAre you kidding me?? Which iOS was launched when Android 4.0 ICS was launched?? Then again, which iOS was launched when Android 4.1 Jelly bean was launched?? None of them.
Its APPLE who copied other phones who were offering screen size of 4' and more. Apple thought who would buy their small 3.5 inch phones. So they increased the size by "COPYING" or you can say taking "INSPIRATION" from Google NEXUS/Samsung phones. LOL
Nobody is not looking for any iphone/iOS to "analyze" etc. They are on their way to improve their technology & do business. Nobody cares about "Over-priced" iphones which doesnt even give any freedom to its customer. No microSD, old age technology-dual core when we have quad cores available,only 1GB RAM when more is available, offering what other smartphones have already offered a yr ago. Offering less at higher price. Think about it man.LOL
- T
- Taylor
- 7wx
- 02 Nov 2012
Samsung S III is better than this phone.
Apart from the 4G, nothing makes iphone better than S III.
- z
- zeus
- t7X
- 02 Nov 2012
i was planning to buy an iphone 5 here in our country, but after i saw pricetag i change my mind immediately.
its mind blowin. .Pesos 54,000 ($1,317) for the 64 GB and Pesos 43,000 ($1,020) for the 16 GB. . Thats way overpriced for a smartphone,even if its the best. . Grrr. .I hate apple for making it so expensive. Im gonna wait for the Lumia 920 or the 820. . It made me angry.
- ?
- Anonymous
- sgn
- 02 Nov 2012
Oh, pathetic Apple, the missile boomeranged back on you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
- J
- Jack
- y$g
- 02 Nov 2012
I was in Singapore this week with a little time to spare so thought I would look at the iPhone 5. Joke. Everywhere I went they were sold out. But what could one expect in gadget crazy Singapore. Must admit most people had iPhones, and spend so much time on Facebook. Dont people have a real life instead of living their life through someone else.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Cg
- 02 Nov 2012
[deleted post]the only ones being played right now are apples competitors, who are basically waiting for whatever apple is doing, that releasing something AFTER they announce a new product. That's how strong they are. You think it's a coincedence that android 4.2 came out just shortly after the ios6 came out? They were waiting for it come out, so they can anaylze it, then release it. That's how strong apple is. HOw bout the Windows tablet? How bout the note 2? This was purposly released shortly after the iphone 2, as expected. HOw bout Asus padfone 2? Announced 2 weeks after apple announced iphone 5. Apple is playing the market like a f in boss it's hilarious. Ipad4 probably through em all off, Samsung is like "WTF! IPAD4????, I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST THE MINI"
- S
- Scot
- PAh
- 02 Nov 2012
This is my first iPhone and I have to say it's impressive. Very fast and easy to use. Battery life is great, sharp camera, quick browsing, easy typing, vast selection of useful Apps, the clearest calls I've ever had. Highly recommended.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3Jn
- 02 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 01 Nov 2012i like to costumized my phone and i can't do it on ios phon... moreYou actually not far off there because Apple tried and failed to make Jailbreaking illegal so if they had their way you might be breaking the law by just installing some custom fonts or backgrounds.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3Jn
- 02 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 01 Nov 2012if you want radio? buy a radio component if you want sd car... moreAnd how about iPhone users live like they did in the 80s and carry around huge bags full of equipment that Smartphones have replaced?
A Smartphone's supposed to do a bit of everything like Android phones can do, but the only reason iPhone doesn't have a radio is because Apple can't make money from it, but selling internet radio Apps does make people money and don't be naive to think Apple left out the radio for any other reason than money.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3Jn
- 02 Nov 2012
Erotic, 01 Nov 2012Your Wrong intention fails badly. SD Card could help ... moreApple could very easily add an external SD slot and make it so it only runs music, videos & photos so you can use all the internal space for Apps, but the reason they don't do it is pure greed because they know if you can keep adding extra memory when you need it people wouldn't need to buy a whole new phone when they realise they don't have enough space when it might have been enough when they first bought it.
- j
- j
- Yhd
- 02 Nov 2012
this halloween i went as the ios6 Maps , that was scaryyyy i never found the house party ROTTON APPLEEEEE
- ?
- Anonymous
- txj
- 01 Nov 2012
i like to costumized my phone and i can't do it on ios phone...throw it away it's make ur life god...can you imagine someday ur kid got sue from apple cause he change his iphone color ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- HI8
- 01 Nov 2012
[deleted post]Did you just once work with iOS that you think that horrible Android destroyed Apple?When you work with iOS you feel a great sense and Android would be boring for you.
- G
- Grimlock
- Lb7
- 01 Nov 2012
Apple2014, 01 Nov 2012The clock and Calendar on iOS is different with Android.The... moreYou've obviously have never used an android device in your life. There is a world clock on android and many apps for world clocks as well as world weather.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3VR
- 01 Nov 2012
hahahahaha apple is so dumb in the official word of tim cook he said that apple maps are so bad and not uo to the competition (the company is admitting that its own devices are trash) then went on and said that people must try the competition and suggested trying apple's direct enemy google what an embarassement i guess at apple company people use samsung devices
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7q9
- 01 Nov 2012
FrenXo, 01 Nov 2012does the INSTRAGRAM app runs on iPhon 5 ??? and does it hav... moreyes there is instagram on iphone 5
but there is no NFC...
- ?
- Anonymous
- t@x
- 01 Nov 2012
Apple2014, 01 Nov 2012The clock and Calendar on iOS is different with Android.The... moren andriod too does that.