Apple iPhone 5
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rn6
- 01 Nov 2012
Erotic, 01 Nov 2012Your Wrong intention fails badly. SD Card could help ... morei actually did say it can store applications, but you cannot load most of these applications on the sd card, as developers did not bother to make this happen because its too complicated based on the variations of so many different phones running off android. this is the reason why developers are more dedicated to ios. you don't believe me? go and ask any developer, or just a guy that is programmer. i'm not making stuff up. i know you fandroids do that in attempts to take down apple, but i am not. go ask anyone that works in the industry and they will tell you. when people say apple has better apps, they are not joking.
- Z
- Zak
- rKj
- 01 Nov 2012
Apple should not has force those ugliest Patents War.
Ultimately, the actual loser is self,
eg: UK judgement of apology.
The whole world, public, juries, all are laughing at those hasty prelim (home) judgement.
- e
- ellie
- 3Ax
- 01 Nov 2012
FrenXo, 01 Nov 2012does the INSTRAGRAM app runs on iPhon 5 ??? and does it hav... moreNO
- A
- Apple2014
- 0yq
- 01 Nov 2012
Why some people say there is not any differences between iPhone 4s and iPhone 5?Let me say the differences:Thinner and lighter design with larger display and better secondary camera and better chip and better battery and LTE network.Are this differences nothing?Please don't say that again.
- D
- Dhinesh
- iIS
- 01 Nov 2012
Like to buy this iPhone5
- d
- digger
- P@d
- 01 Nov 2012
golden apple, iphone 5,
plush - stone temple pilots
- A
- Apple2014
- j0c
- 01 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 30 Oct 2012LOL! Android also has clocks and calendars. And there is no... moreThe clock and Calendar on iOS is different with Android.The clock on iOS has features like World clock that it shows the time of every place in the world and a timer and Stopwatch that you don't know what is it.That's an innovation and you can't find this feature on Android and Calendar on iOS is infinity and you can see 3000 years later too but you can't see 3000 years later and more on Android as easy as on iOS.
- A
- Apple2014
- j0c
- 01 Nov 2012
Siri is faster than S voice.Go to this page to see.
- E
- Erotic
- rK1
- 01 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 31 Oct 2012actually, sd card is useless because apps cannot run off th... moreYour Wrong intention fails badly.
SD Card could help storing thousand Applications apart from Videos, Music and Photoes, run smoothly on any Android smartphone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vaN
- 01 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 31 Oct 2012no radio ,no java no reserve memory card this is important ... moreif you want radio? buy a radio component if you want sd card? buy a harddisk 300gig thats all so simple..
- d
- david
- 2Tc
- 01 Nov 2012
no no no nohing is diff to 4s
- F
- Frankie
- IT4
- 01 Nov 2012
Most Apps still running iPhone 4 and 4s version need update to make iPhone 5 looks good
- F
- FrenXo
- YMa
- 01 Nov 2012
does the INSTRAGRAM app runs on iPhon 5 ??? and does it have NFC ???
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Cg
- 01 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 31 Oct 2012who said so? I used to carry symbian phones for a long time... morewho said so? I used to carry symbian phones for a long time, and they all had the option of installing apps on the external sd card. also android phones have other methods that actually enable you to place apps on the sd card in case you have a small internal one. for phones that have large internal memories (s3 for example) you dont even need to bother about that
My friend who is a developer and works in this industry. Apple never included a mirco sd slot first 32 gb and 64 gb is more then enough. The high end developers who only focus on ios, have programmed their apps, that it can only run off the phone. So it's really useless having a sd card. There are some that will write the program for both os. But like the IOS, they only write it to a point were it can only load off the phone.
Android. Developers do not like programming for an android, and even most apps requires you to run off the phone. HOw do I know this? My friend who is a developer. MOst apps cannot even run off the sd card, so in the end, your sd card is being used for photos, videos', or mp3's. So that moron who thinks, "Why the hell should I buy the 32 gb S3 when I can just get a 16gb version, then purchase a 32 gb micro sd card for the additional storage." Is in for a huge surprise.
I apologize, but there are some apps that can run off the micro sd card, but not a lot, very few can run off the the mirco sd card.
BTW, I never said, an app cannot be put into the sd card. I said It cannot load and run from the sd card. You can store it there, but it just sits there.
In terms of your symbian story, well this I can't verify, but if you want symbian go for it. Nowadays the big boy developers only focus on ios, as their program runs flawlsy out of the ios, and its takes half their time programing something for the ios vs the android. This is why apple has superor apps to android. This is were apple will always have an upper hand on their competitors because they have the developers working for them. This is also the reason why I am going to chose Ipad mini over the android tablet. The ios is just not the same. btw I have nothing against Android. It's a nice open based o.s, but they lack quality apps.
- d
- deep
- vIb
- 01 Nov 2012
Hope its better than s3
- d
- deep
- vIb
- 01 Nov 2012
Planning to buy one tommorow in india when it launches hope its better than s3
- d
- digger
- P@d
- 01 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 31 Oct 2012no radio ,no java no reserve memory card this is important ... moreyeah right..
- s
- schnap
- nv9
- 01 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 31 Oct 2012actually, sd card is useless because apps cannot run off th... moreThats a lie. I have a Samsung Galaxy s2 which I love and I can run almost all my apps and games from the SD card. There are some apps which has been designed to only work on the internal memory but they are usually extremly small. Most apps will allow you to move it to the SD-card and all the games I have seen so far allows you to move them to the SD-card. Not to mention that you can actually store all your video on SD-cards aswell.
- G
- Grimlock
- apV
- 01 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 31 Oct 2012you buddy, if your referring to the micro sd card, that is ... moreI save my music, pics, and videos on my sd card in order to save the internal memory for apps. So no, it's not useless and I wouldn't think of buying any phone that didn't have sd card support. And that's one if the reasons I skipped iphone 5 and bought the galaxy note 2. Not to mention that a larger screen is far better for watching videos, movies, and playing games while on a long trip or commute.
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 01 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 31 Oct 2012no radio ,no java no reserve memory card this is important ... moresame old quotes!
if you like radio, there is a tons of apps for that ok!
Java? what the hell!!!!
why you need java? if you can download tons of .ipa files with is high quality and safe apps!
how many android and other java devices that infected with malicious malwares?