Apple iPhone 5
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 30 Oct 2012
Brijpal singh , 30 Oct 2012Apple i5 support mega sim & micro sim and other new nen... morewhat the hell you talking about?
are you asking or giving (false) info about what sim that can fit in iphone 5 or something? well if you asking, iphone 5 can only support nano sim, I want to tell you this because i don't want you to dissapoint other peoples. please make sure you do some research before do posting such that comment ok!
- g
- gfuflflflll
- KIf
- 30 Oct 2012
luve it
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 30 Oct 2012
isj7, 30 Oct 2012i am you. . .where the heck are u from btw?we are not here to chat!
- B
- Brijpal singh
- 9xp
- 30 Oct 2012
SKPain, 30 Oct 2012I really think they should have made it longer.Apple i5 support mega sim & micro sim and other new neno sim . if we added mega sim & micro sim when what happen ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Cg
- 30 Oct 2012
Anonymous, 30 Oct 2012I really have to wonder what's next in Apple's future. They... moreThat's the ignorant part of you fandroids who claim they only made it longer. They actually improved the iphone in pretty much ever way they possibiliy can. The fact that it can process things faster then phones with superior specs shows they are actually in a different level in technological developement over its competitors.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PG5
- 30 Oct 2012
[deleted post]Understand by you is no people. Understand by me is every people. Therefore you need to learn English.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PG5
- 30 Oct 2012
Anonymous, 30 Oct 2012P.S. Anyone get the feeling Apple is fabricating sales figu... moreIt only works against Apple to do so. Also sales figures are not only provided by Apple but also by carriers and other means. Figures are also now obtainable from the factories themselves. No conspiracy here, if Apple was fabricating figures, analysts would find out.
- ?
- Anonymous
- jZ@
- 30 Oct 2012
P.S. Anyone get the feeling Apple is fabricating sales figures to spike demand? It surprises me that some people are still waiting to get their pre-orders while people I know have literally waltzed into stores and bought ip5's with ease. I think apple is having such an issue supplying their products that they are just claiming to be sold out in an attempt to recover lost ground. Just my two cents though
- S
- SKPain
- NH5
- 30 Oct 2012
I really think they should have made it longer.
- i
- isj7
- t7X
- 30 Oct 2012
iSJ5, 30 Oct 2012are you and iSJ6 in lumia 920 is only one person?i am you. . .where the heck are u from btw?
- ?
- Anonymous
- jZ@
- 30 Oct 2012
I really have to wonder what's next in Apple's future. They extended the phones and shrunk the tablets... I'm a lover of all things technology but Apple's current approach is becoming very stale very quickly
- ?
- Anonymous
- sgn
- 30 Oct 2012
For those people claiming that the new iPad and the iPad mini sell like hotcakes, You guys are day dreaming because Apple continue to have disappointing sales.
- d
- dev
- kWL
- 30 Oct 2012
Number 1 phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- sgn
- 30 Oct 2012
Uh-oh! Another innovation that Apple might grab and apply patent just like the face unlock and the universal search that they claimed as theirs.
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 30 Oct 2012
[deleted post]we know if you are talking to your self, keep changing your nick but we still know who you are! your id is not unique!
- -
- -----
- 2ZY
- 30 Oct 2012
bubly, 30 Oct 2012I was taken this Recently it is Awsome i really Impressed w... moreNice compliment
- b
- bubly
- 2ZY
- 30 Oct 2012
I was taken this Recently it is Awsome i really Impressed with it thankyou Apple
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 30 Oct 2012
Anonymous, 29 Oct 2012what id? the t7xk thing? is that regional based? btw, the f... moreare you and iSJ6 in lumia 920 is only one person?
- d
- dudu89
- JcP
- 30 Oct 2012
Kingdingeling, 29 Oct 2012you can give iPhone as many negative comments as you want. ... morefits touchscreen phone was nokia 7710 in 2004!!! after 3 years apple had technology to build iphone
- A
- Ashif
- u4g
- 30 Oct 2012
Anonymous, 29 Oct 2012Is the colour strong enough?yes