Apple iPhone 5
- D
- DroidTerminator
- fjw
- 30 Oct 2012
It's crazy to say iPhone is the best because is the first touch screen phone. Which is not true but iPhone make it more popular.
Why people are comparing iPhone 5 to the Galaxy S3 while the Galaxy Note 2 is faster and better than both. The Razr HD Maxx 3300mAh have the best battery life than iPhone 5 too.
If we need to see things in the way of the first make touch screen is the best than Motorola is the best because he makes the first cellphone in the world.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PG5
- 30 Oct 2012
Microsoft has blasted both iOS and Android. It's critique of Apple? Row of tiles are too simple. One can live with that, it is Apple's approach on this matter, no doubt.
It's critique of Google? That Android is a copy of Apple lol. How about that Android fanboys?
- ?
- Anonymous
- sp@
- 30 Oct 2012
try Dead Trigger on iphone 5, it's like AMAZING!!!!
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 29 Oct 2012
Iphone 5 king, 29 Oct 2012You're right dude! Everyting you said is true. At first wee... morecheerz!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rn6
- 29 Oct 2012
ipad mini's sold out global wise.
Ipad is going to have a monster 4th quarter. bank on it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rn6
- 29 Oct 2012
apple was not the first to make a touch screen phone, however it was the iphone 1 that revolutionized the smart phone. The first ones were actually garbage, and we don't even know what are the names of those phones. It was a million times better then the first touch screen phones, so much better those phones cannot even be called a smart phone. Iphone put the "smart" in smart phones.
- ?
- Anonymous
- NXx
- 29 Oct 2012
Ashif, 29 Oct 2012black Is the colour strong enough?
- H
- Hamada
- fvJ
- 29 Oct 2012
Apple iphone is the better phone i have ever seen
it's battery can live for along periods even when the 3&4g are open
Samsung s3 is good also
but iphone 5 is much better than s3
so it has alot of spec. which is useful
apple core prossesor is the fastest prossesor in the world
beileve me
- ?
- Anonymous
- iiV
- 29 Oct 2012
mw, 29 Oct 2012hmmm your soo rong it was HTC that made the first touchscre... morehe is talking about the first touchscreen smartphone more accurately the first multitouch smartphone!!
- m
- mgk
- uWI
- 29 Oct 2012
Don't You folks have anything else to do better in life than giving opinion and comparing phones like school kids
- i
- ilover
- uv6
- 29 Oct 2012
Ashif, 29 Oct 2012I have purchased iPhone 5 23 oct 64 gb it really great ... morebro install oplayer or avplayer
both play all formats
- A
- Ashif
- u4g
- 29 Oct 2012
IP7, 29 Oct 2012Did u collect black or white if black is it truly that the ... moreblack
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7X
- 29 Oct 2012
iSJ5, 29 Oct 2012since we are using same id, why dont you just put your name... morewhat id? the t7xk thing? is that regional based?
btw, the fb login isnt working, is it always like that?
- I
- IP7
- pBb
- 29 Oct 2012
Ashif, 29 Oct 2012I have purchased iPhone 5 23 oct 64 gb it really great ... moreDid u collect black or white if black is it truly that the paint is coming off?Assist because i wanna buy one.
- A
- Ashif
- fxH
- 29 Oct 2012
I have purchased iPhone 5 23 oct 64 gb it really great Fast from my previous 4s .camrra is nice , battery life is better than 4s and s3 , though people who does not use iPhone they did not under stand what is I phone I used 3 gs , 4 , 4s and 5 great expreance , I have also used s3 few days ago good but not comfort to use . But I could not add mp 4 to my phone through iTunes
Some one help me.
- m
- mw
- kiN
- 29 Oct 2012
anonymous, 29 Oct 2012you can give iPhone as many negative comments as you want. ... morehmmm your soo rong it was HTC that made the first touchscreen phone so check your factsbefore pposting misleading comments.
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 29 Oct 2012
anonymous, 29 Oct 2012you can give iPhone as many negative comments as you want. ... morebest comment of the day! :p lol
- K
- Kingdingeling
- L7E
- 29 Oct 2012
anonymous, 29 Oct 2012you can give iPhone as many negative comments as you want. ... moreyou can give iPhone as many negative comments as you want. but remember, the first ever touchscreen phone came from Apple. only then the other mobile companies followed it.
LOL... so what you telling is that caus apple was the first with touchscreen we got to forget what the problems are?
- L
- Limpopo
- Np{
- 29 Oct 2012
Although I'm a HTC fan I read couple of times on the net that IPhone 5 has the fastest speed on planet earth and it was in the battle with HTC One X+. IPhone 5 users can you please confirm.I must agree based on my personal research IPhone 5 has won the battle against Samsung S3. No wonder y now they battle IPhone 5 vs Note 2.
- s
- sam
- QMn
- 29 Oct 2012
anonymous, 29 Oct 2012you can give iPhone as many negative comments as you want. ... morenope, actually apple made the 1st app store and just enhanced the touch screen function instead of one touch feature they made it multi touch.
The first touchscreen phone was the IBM Simon, launched in 1992.