Apple iPhone 5

Apple iPhone 5

User opinions and reviews

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  • 25 Oct 2012

I live in south africa and I'm a student at the most and the best university in Africa called Wits University. I'm studying Computer Engineer for honors degree. I'm a die hard fan of HTC. but people around me uses IPhones & the latest Samsung phones. in terms of applications IOS seem to conquer ANDROID. most companies do associate their products and services via iTunes and that makes it easier for Apple users but Android application includung HTC's you cant find that. No wonder y Iphones is not used by teens but by a certain class of people knowing Iphone does correspond with what they job entails. I must say Iphone fans do have money than the cheap Android that has useless applications that lags at time... I do like IOS...

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • Kg{
    • 25 Oct 2012

    [deleted post]sir iSj5 if ibuy 4s the stardard os was iOS 5? even the latest iOS is 6?

      • s
      • sam0189
      • vw9
      • 25 Oct 2012

      Iphone 5 king, 25 Oct 2012Hahaha yup thats what i meant, the black and white color fo... morenow u r telling me that apple's gonna patent these colors too, right?

      Nokia 3310 too came in black as well as white colors.
      So do not start on baseless things.

        • s
        • sam0189
        • vw9
        • 25 Oct 2012

        Anonymous, 25 Oct 2012guys guys! Terrier is the f in boss here! he says apple ip5... morewell , lets stick to technical things , what is better , i m not interested in a debate , coz , everyone is a fanboy these days , no one will want to hear against his/her preferred thing , but please read the following:
        1.Till ip5 , apple fans considered 4 inches to be over sized , now they do not , if ip6 or 7 comes with a 4.5+ screen it would be fine , ryt?
        2.Over 200 new features ,oh yes , would request everyone to go through them and decide for themselves."Apple told" does not hold ground , they have every luxury of declaring their product to be the best of the world , but unfortunately that does not make it one .
        If "Reply with message’ option when declining a call","Updated store design" and "Clock alarm with song" are NEW features u r talking of , then my friend i feel sorry for u.
        3.Android play store itself has an app named "move to SD" that moves all apps to sd card , that is a choice you have to make my friend.

        And yes do not mistake me an android troll , smoothness is IOS's forte i agree on that ,but yes that is not a reason enough for me to believe what apple guys say. Android is far from perfect , but criticism should be meaningful , not vague , the problem is , apple fanboys can't listen a peck against their devices , and that's the reason they get a mediocre IP5 ,whatever apple says u are like "yes , that's true " , those out of the box dents , that happens , green hue while camera operation , that happens , maps , happens. Question them and you will get better , but you will not , you will just swear by it.

          • i
          • iSJ5
          • t7X
          • 25 Oct 2012

          android fans seems speechless this day!

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • tVw
            • 25 Oct 2012

            [deleted post]Apple trusted Samsung with manufacturing, then Samung simply took the designs and used it for their Galaxy. Suuuuuure it was Apple who back stabbed Samsung.

            I'm sure if you were a robber, you would blame the home owners if they harmed you while you we're stealing their things.

            Samsung fanboys are the most brainwashed of the Android crowd.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • vbK
              • 25 Oct 2012

              Anonymous, 24 Oct 2012"My sg3 is very leggy,i can't watch movies back to bac... morethe best iphone ever.its worth is cost and is truly amazing

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • sgn
                • 25 Oct 2012

                iSJ5, 25 Oct 2012are you aware with the word jailbreak? jailbreaking gave... moreAlmost everybody these days know what is jailbreaking. And many people know that without jailbreaking your iphone makes it totally BORING! But do you know the dangers of jailbreaking?

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 7Cg
                  • 25 Oct 2012

                  AnonD-56991, 25 Oct 2012You found 1 random statement from 1 random person and you t... moreguys guys! Terrier is the f in boss here! he says apple ip5 sucks! Hes right, hes so right! Stay away from ip5 because Terrier says so. The ip5 does not have 200 new features, despite apple's claims. According to Terrier, its just updates to some existing features. so it does not count! no no no! it does not count!

                  so what you guys see here


                  is not true!! Don't buy ip5! Terrier knows it all! jelly bean is soooooooo smooth. like, its the smoothest shit ever! Despite higher end programmers refusing to launch apps on it, the android phone is still better!!!!!!!!! wooooooooooooooo. Also the S3 has sdcard slots!! So you an put more memory! yes yes. even though most apps WILL NOT LOAD ON TO THE MICRO SD CARD, it still makes a huge difference.

                  Yes yes, its Jelly bean! it's awesome, iphone 5 does not stand a chance.

                  Terrier is just trying to be "constructive" and he's convinced me that the s3 is the better phone! yes! thats it. As he said, there are awesome "widgets" and "multitasking" its much better! Even though thats the main cause of its poor battery life, the wide screen, and over sized phone, glitches, and lack of top end apps the ios has, its just the better phone. Sure my s3 will not survive a drop from my pocket, but its worth it. Because Terrier said so. Yes, guys, DO NOT BUY IP5. it does not have 200 features! it has maybe 5? its just an inch longer. Even though I saw with my own eyes ip5 beating s3 in every speed test, camera test and drop test, loading test, the s3 is still better.

                  Why? Terrier told me guys. He knows everything.
                  Even though he only told me the negative things about the ip5, and only told me the positive things about android, it's good enough. i trust him. He knows everything.

                  Terrier has been very "contructive" he's been on this page since the announcement of the ip5. So yea, I trust, he knows his stuff real well. He will tell me there is only 5 new features, so he must be right.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 7Cg
                    • 25 Oct 2012

                    Techh, 25 Oct 2012I have experience both iphone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S3 and w... more.

                    Really dude? I too have expierenced both phones, and I like the ip5 more. I do not own either phones, but I like the ip5 more because of it's os. It's sad s3 has to run on android. I've ran into numerous problems while using the s3. You can vote all you want, as no one really cares, as predictable as apple haters will say, "S3 is better"

                    ip5 also gets my vote, as it has superior apps. I'm not saying it has better apps, it has way better apps, as high end programmers are more focused on ios, because it's easier to program and far more consistent. I'ts like chosing an xbox over the wii. Stronger library of games. Ip5 stronger library of apps, and recently some dude conned 680 000k worth of money from developing fake android apps. Also the s3 is too bad for a lot of users. But it's ok, as long as you hate apple, and its the anti ip5, it can be as big as it wants. lol

                      • R
                      • Ron
                      • uNV
                      • 25 Oct 2012

                      Techh, 25 Oct 2012I have experience both iphone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S3 and w... moreYes bro,, we r not bias of any particular company,, if samsung produce a worst phone,, even though I'm a samsung user,, I'll definitely talk about its cons,i won't hold back just because I'm a fan,,i respect your comment,, just because you r a applie fan,, you r not holding back to point out its con..a true person always speak out what is right.....cheers bro..

                        • T
                        • Techh
                        • Fv4
                        • 25 Oct 2012

                        I have experience both iphone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S3 and what I feel is, Samsung is in the top in terms of look, speed, design, processer, apps and things like that.

                        My vote is for Samsung Galaxy S3 for the time and I may change my mind if Apple comes with good iphone 6 in future with more features without resitricted features to go inline with any other mobile features.

                          • I
                          • Iphone 5 king
                          • v0q
                          • 25 Oct 2012

                          [deleted post]Will posting your anger to apple give you a android phone? Coz if its true I will start saying all the lie about apple so samsung could give me a galaxy s3 then that I will sell to buy more iphone 5!! Whats so amazing with widgets!!! And ios UI?! If haters want a new Ui for ios why sont you people apply at apple then b the vice president and suggest to put widgets for iphone?! Rather than complaining!

                            • I
                            • Iphone 5 king
                            • v0q
                            • 25 Oct 2012

                            [deleted post]So why waste time here saying all of your hatred on apple iphone? I bet samsung will give you gs3 by doing these. But tell then that its not working. Coz people will buy iphone whether its bad or good coz its popular, and people are envious to the people who has it.

                              • i
                              • iSJ5
                              • t7X
                              • 25 Oct 2012

                              Iphone 5 king, 25 Oct 2012The best thing we, apple lovers to do is to ignore these ha... moreyeah right!

                                • i
                                • iSJ5
                                • t7X
                                • 25 Oct 2012

                                [deleted post]are you aware with the word jailbreak?

                                jailbreaking gave you freedom and fun, unlimited downloads, music, flash, controversial apps, pretty much everything.

                                  • I
                                  • Iphone 5 king
                                  • v0q
                                  • 25 Oct 2012

                                  Anonymous, 24 Oct 2012You've been all out attacking iphone5 for the past 8 weeks,... moreDang!!!! Will someone give that person a iphone 5?! Super super super super envy alert!

                                    • I
                                    • Iphone 5 king
                                    • v0q
                                    • 25 Oct 2012

                                    The best thing we, apple lovers to do is to ignore these haters cz they will just use the iphone 5 popularity for them to feel good that it was a right choice they buy the other "best phone than iphone claiming wannabe". And use this thread for others to be brainwashed that android phones are better than iphone. Apple lovers dont need to argue anymore coz if you really have a apple theres no turning back!

                                      • I
                                      • Iphone 5 king
                                      • v0q
                                      • 25 Oct 2012

                                      iSJ5, 24 Oct 2012are you stupid? :p read his post carefully before you re... moreHahaha yup thats what i meant, the black and white color for phones is the trade mark of the apple brand sunce the white a black macbook days. And some phone makers tried to copy that. Dont wanna mension the name coz it will just use these forum for apple iphone for their brand to be known and sell their products.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • Nxn
                                        • 25 Oct 2012

                                        Ron, 24 Oct 2012Man,, what r you even trying to mean?? You better get a en... moreThat also applies to you. Go back to grade school English basics and don't post any comment here until you got your grammar polished.