Apple iPhone 5
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 25 Oct 2012
Anonymous, 24 Oct 2012"My sg3 is very leggy,i can't watch movies back to bac... morei think its the OS or apps are laggy not the phone. imagine s3 running iOS6 it can beat iphone 5, but s3 running android cant beat iphone 5.
- D
- AnonD-56991
- 3Jn
- 25 Oct 2012
Anonymous, 24 Oct 2012"My sg3 is very leggy,i can't watch movies back to bac... moreYou found 1 random statement from 1 random person and you trying to say that's how the S3 is? Where if you actually look at the big picture for everyone that owns it you'll find the battery life is fine and if you use the iPhone 5 and S3 in the same way the battery really isn't that much worse and the S3 has 50% better call talk time.
And the S3 running Jellybean most people will tell you it's pretty damn close to iPhone 5 for speed and smoothness even with hundreds of Apps installed which has always been the thing that causes Android lag the most.
I mean I'm not gonna sit here arguing the points of the S3 because that's what you starting here, but again if you want to criticise something actually learn about what you criticising because I can tell you just taking any story you come across then read the first words and pass it off as fact.
- r
- real tech.
- t7X
- 25 Oct 2012
hi android fans, we must leave here and let the ifans enjoy their iphone, im an android fan too and i know android is far better than as i have nothing to prove about it, but please let the ifans enjoy their forum, iphone was decreasing and then you still putting them below the ground, ifans are no longer on the android forum so let them enjoy their forum.. lets go back into our robot technology :-)
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rn6
- 24 Oct 2012
"My sg3 is very leggy,i can't watch movies back to back,task manger r ussless there some application running in backgrownd & bettery drain very early this is not real smartphone,i think i have to move iphone or lumia series."
Straight up from the s3 page. No joke. Posted by someone named Nick.
Reasons why Nick is encountering this.
Because of the big screen, and big phone, forces the batter to work more. On top of that, "multi tasking" Battery power will get destroyed. Yea? yea? you love that huge screen don't you? yup, at the cost of battery drainage, on top of running the micro sd card.
- n
- nickname
- 24 Oct 2012
I had iphone 3gs, samsung glaxy fit ,iphone 4s & now am having Note 10.1 ,,,
Iv seen many ppls dscusing Android n Ios , so thought i should share my xprience
Android is really very good in trms of U.I & cstmization but App quality of iOs is 10 times better than android ,,
Speed on Android devices isnt constan , sm tyms lags,,,,, while speed on iOs is constant nd for me iOs is a bit ahead in speed
I think all the Android users shud n must agree wid me , cz its reallllyyyyy a fact ( if dnt agree jst use an iOs device fr 2 days max n u'll hv same xperience as mine )
Dun think am Apple fan boy , i really like both OS n am currently hving android device , i just shared my opinion
( my wish is just that FAN BOYS shuld stop fighting over this issue , cz really this page looks like battle feild
- D
- AnonD-56991
- 3Jn
- 24 Oct 2012
Anonymous, 24 Oct 2012You've been all out attacking iphone5 for the past 8 weeks,... moreAnd this coming from the person that tried to claim iPhone 5 has 200 new features and claimed to find 5 glitches in S3 within 10 minutes, and when I simply asked you to back up those claims you offered one glitch that doesn't really exist and a list of about 4 new features.
And now people know that those claims are hugely exaggerated and won't assume it's true, and most of my posts have been simply correcting bad information when you see it, and I dunno maybe you just don't like it that some people can see through your exaggerations.
So you want to insult me then go ahead but at least attempt to tell the truth.
- M
- Mr Anderson
- fXq
- 24 Oct 2012
Wow. The iPhone 5 seems to be quite expensive. Plus. I asked my friend to Bluetooth an image to me the other day. It turns out iPhones can't for some reason.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rn6
- 24 Oct 2012
[deleted post]xperia runs on android. Which means much crappier applications.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rn6
- 24 Oct 2012
AnonD-56991, 24 Oct 2012I only make at most a few posts a day and not hanging aroun... moreYou've been all out attacking iphone5 for the past 8 weeks, and you don't even own an iphone5. You make a few posts??? That's all it takes, to start a flame war. Trolling is trolling. Your comments have been redundant and repetitive. That's why people like myself are asking you to leave. CAuse in the end your, just trolling. Few posts or not, its trolling, few posts per day, lets talk about the past 4 weeks. A few posts per day, is actually comes up to 60 posts in the past month, 60 posts of all out attacks on the superior iphone5. Is there a ignore feature on this? damn, Terrier.
sg5, ignore him from now on. He wants the attention, if we stop responding to terrier, he will probably go away.
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 24 Oct 2012
Ron, 24 Oct 2012Man,, what r you even trying to mean?? You better get a en... moreYour grammar is not the best either to be fair is it?? Lets be nice either... truely my english is not good as yours. just don't be so sarcastic, try a little bit friendlier, learn some ethics and then talk!
- D
- AnonD-56991
- 39x
- 24 Oct 2012
Anonymous, 24 Oct 2012at what point would you stop posting here? when the iphone... moreI only make at most a few posts a day and not hanging around telling people they should leave just because they made a single comment criticising something about iPhone like happens all the time here, so am I really causing such a problem by occasionally correcting people when they hugely start exaggerating to make something look better or worse?
- R
- Ron
- uNV
- 24 Oct 2012
iSJ5, 24 Oct 2012Well im just only responding in every comments here. ex. if... moreMan,, what r you even trying to mean??
You better get a english crash course before you even think about
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rn6
- 24 Oct 2012
AnonD-56991, 24 Oct 2012I used to think you were rational and open minded but you r... moreat what point would you stop posting here? when the iphone5s comes out and you go there to troll? Like.... you've made your point already. What more do you want?
Why do some people prefer the xbox 360 over nintendo wii? A lot of them are saying better games.
Why iphone5 over android? Much better apps.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rn6
- 24 Oct 2012
just jail break it, get the s3 version of android, done, you get io6 and s3 applications.
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 24 Oct 2012
[deleted post]thats trolling!
why you dont post it in your sony page? make your comment constructive, keep posting ones and stop advertising! so that you are more welcome here!
- a
- ali !
- KIq
- 24 Oct 2012
iSJ5, 24 Oct 2012are you stupid? :p read his post carefully before you re... moreThere are little bittle shortage in spec! but its nice phone! because u9 if you have a nice phone then you have an iphone
- i
- iSJ5
- P@1
- 24 Oct 2012
AnonD-56991, 24 Oct 2012I used to think you were rational and open minded but you r... moreWell im just only responding in every comments here. ex. if you are troll (even if you are lover or hater) same respond. if you are posting some constructive and repectful same respond also. if you are applefan/lover/user but if im not agree with you, well sory. if you are hater but constructive and respectful comment, well i respect it! sory if i done some bad! but me is me! Enough said......
- p
- pradeep
- XuM
- 24 Oct 2012
Peanut, 24 Oct 2012I'd still go for 4 or 4Syour choice is the best choice because iphone 4S is the best phone with great specifications the only change in the iphone 5 is in its display......longer display doesnt make any change....
- D
- AnonD-56991
- 39x
- 24 Oct 2012
iSJ5, 24 Oct 2012enough it please ms. terrier! its not funny!I used to think you were rational and open minded but you really have turned into the worst Apple Troll on here right now, and you should really look at yourself the way you keep insulting people and telling them to go away on a daily basis, I mean I'm not talking about me because I really don't give a crap, but you have become incredibly narrow minded and turned into the typical archetypal Apple Troll but making some effort to sound respectful, I mean there is a few brainwashed Apple Trolls here and every day you becoming more and more like one, so you might want to take a hard look at yourself before you fully turn to the dark side.
- E
- Enohpi
- PS6
- 24 Oct 2012
Still 8mp..still dual core but price up 1000$$!