Apple iPhone 5

Apple iPhone 5

User opinions and reviews

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  • Z
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  • 29 Sep 2012

I am very amazed that Apple does not have its own factory, all the Apple concerned products are made by Foxconn.

    • i
    • iSJ5
    • t7X
    • 29 Sep 2012

    Anonymous, 29 Sep 2012The best is any phone that serves you best. i like your intelligent replies!

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • PG5
      • 29 Sep 2012

      AnonD-45288, 29 Sep 2012if micromax is bettes .wich is the best.The best is any phone that serves you best.

        • D
        • AnonD-45288
        • fCT
        • 29 Sep 2012

        Anonymous, 29 Sep 2012bad phone . micromax is better than this.if micromax is bettes .wich is the best.

          • c
          • ciprani
          • vb$
          • 29 Sep 2012

          why should i pay so much money for same old apps, design, feature, looks, ..........i donno why apple ppl are...they even cant make something new...same old 80's apple home screen, same old 90's body and design

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • PG5
            • 29 Sep 2012

            AnonD-56991, 29 Sep 2012Apple are too rich to die but if they don't change they'll ... moreSo you're saying that if a company stops being competitive, it will die? Wow, does it seem to you that your comment is rather generic and can be applied to ANY company? Lol

              • D
              • AnonD-56991
              • 39x
              • 29 Sep 2012

              [deleted post]Apple are too rich to die but if they don't change they'll end up like they were in the early 90s with no one wanting to buy anything they make, because they do have all their eggs in the iPhone basket and when people find something better Apple are stuffed, where Samsung has their fingers in plenty of pies so if they struggle in one area they they still got loads to keep them going.

                • s
                • stitching
                • rK1
                • 29 Sep 2012

                Saleesh, 29 Sep 2012Dear Friends, 4G Services being launched in India (Airte... moreRight guy
                ......many blindly buying iphone 5 just for showmenship without even knowing its software applications suitability to geographical locations.
                eg: Apple maps is not reliable and not accurate,dangerous guides outside the State,
                nano sim wouldn,t be available in most developing countries before later part of 2013.
                likewise full LTE network services wouldn,t be available in India before another 3 to 5 years time.

                  • N
                  • NASKA
                  • na4
                  • 29 Sep 2012

                  [deleted post]U'r right mate

                    • i
                    • iSJ5
                    • t7X
                    • 29 Sep 2012

                    AnonD-71772, 29 Sep 2012stop comparing. just ignore them. anyway they have their ow... moreyes we have a different point of view! but make your point of view discussed in a right way!

                      • D
                      • AnonD-71772
                      • t7{
                      • 29 Sep 2012

                      stop comparing. just ignore them. anyway they have their own point of views. don't mind...

                        • I
                        • Islam
                        • NhL
                        • 29 Sep 2012

                        when it available in Egypt ??

                          • i
                          • iSJ5
                          • t7X
                          • 29 Sep 2012

                          [deleted post]in your dreams maybe! dont you know that apple is the most valuable company! just don't be so sarcastic, try little bit friendlier, learn some ethics and then talk!

                            And I forgot to say it's not worth the money. Only Siri makes Iphone looks cooler, but there is S Voice in Samsung, and there are other intelligent software assistance'es. There is one for Windows Phone, probably one for Blackberry OS too.
                            I told my opinion, if somebody will report my comment and will be deleted, I WILL post it back right away. Everybody is free to tell his view point.

                              AnonD-8044, 29 Sep 2012You and baracus hate iphone but your still here disscussing... moreI am not interested in Apple products, I am a Samsung and Motorola fan. Iphones are too limited and this is annoying. Example their screens are small for me and for many people. You said I am jealous but I am not jealous of Apple, I am disappointed!!! Their Maps are horrible, even their CEO said to go for Nokia Maps or Google Maps till they will fix it. Apple is in the past! What is so new at Iphone 5??? The Galaxy S3 can do much much more, can't you see it? Samsung for example has phones with better battery capacity, have a phone with built in projector. They also has a waterproof smart phone. If you want to "fight", I will defeat you right here and today. I am going to show you Apple is not that strong as many believe. What I like at Iphone is the UI's look, and Siri. Anyway Siri was NOT developed by Apple. On Android phones you can find similar software assistance(those are not as good I know but soon will be as good as Siri) Apple can't even make chips for their phones. They need Samsung and other companies to help them. :P Samsung also used to make phones with great camera(I know now they are not focusing at this, but you will see next year a great camera phone). Apple can't even make a phone with a great camera.
                              Now I am going to write some awesome specs which the Galaxy S3 has, and Iphone lacks: The first one I am going to write is S Beam(NFC at new level). The second:Direct Call(does Iphone has this feature?). The third is Eye Tracking(Iphone does not have this feature). I can tell other stuff as well, but my comment will be too long. :P
                              Anyway, you told me I am a liar, because some infos I posted were not true about Sharp and Toshiba. What can I do if they changed their mind??? Sharp itself said they WANT to enter in Europe, but they didn't. :P Even Panasonic said this, and they have done. Now, what I also like on iOS is the fact there are NO viruses. I think many people buy their phones because of this. Android is attacked because it grow very big. Famous OS'es are vulnerable. If you are smart you won't have major problems with your Android phone. You don't need to use 100 Apps, you don't need to use your stock browser. :P
                              So I am telling again, I am NOT jealous of a weak phone. If I buy it and jailbreak it I will lose my warranty, so I don't want an Iphone. Oh I forgot they can't even come up with a new design. What a shame.

                                • S
                                • Saleesh
                                • PBH
                                • 29 Sep 2012

                                Dear Friends,

                                4G Services being launched in India (Airtel & Reliance) is the half evolved TDD-LTE. Where as all major manufacturers including Apple ans Samsung have better evolved FDD-LTE. Hence 4G capability of these devises is useless in India.

                                  AnonD-8044, 29 Sep 2012I have a few links about Mobilemaster but here is me and mo... moreDear brynn, I am not a Sharp fan, but I liked their products. Those comments are not new.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • Mfx
                                    • 29 Sep 2012

                                    They make the world so hard, everyday people are dying. By Bob Marley.
                                    We are always competing ourselves with worldly materials which will no last.

                                      • D
                                      • Denzo
                                      • 2CF
                                      • 29 Sep 2012

                                      Hey guys so I thought I should post up a review of the iPhone 5, from my short experience with it so far.

                                      I cant review all of it as I have only had a few hours (8) with it.

                                      First of all.. after reading all the scratch issues I was very worried. I ordered a black one so it should have been even worse than a white one.

                                      I can confirm my phone is sparkling.. black, not a scratch or dent - anywhere (- YET!!! LOL). (also, my partners one is white, and hers was also perfect).

                                      So body is perfect and black looks amazing in person. I had the 4S in white so I went with the black this time. (and my girl went with the white so we just got different colours - anyway..)

                                      1. Its now a perfect weight. Doesnt feel too heavy anymore like the 4S was. I didnt mind the weight of the 4S, but now I have seen and felt the lightness, its unbelievable.

                                      2. The general speed. My goodness this phone is fast. Just when you thought the speed of the UI and apps were already as fast as possible, Apple proves me wrong.

                                      Flicking about the apps, is just butter smooth now. Amazing how seamless it is really have not used anything like this before. No stutter, not even a hint of it. Perfect speed. Maybe in the future new apps and redesigned (fancy) UI stuff will slow this down.. maybe not? Its very snappy.

                                      I can open a game so much faster than before. I can close it faster than before. Awesome.

                                      3. Display. It really is nicer now. I am not an expert by any means, but I have looked at a lot of screens in my time with phones, (all iPhones, HTC Desire/ONE X, SGS 2, Nokia E6) but this is very nice. Blacks look blacker. Colours look more rich. Very happy with new screen. Videos fit perfectly.

                                      4. Earphones. They are now very nice. Sound richer and bass is not tinny anymore, still stays clear when you turn it up. what else you want with from the OEM EarPods.

                                      5. Build quality. It feels like a piece of Jewelery in your hand. Amazing finish.

                                      6. Internet speed. This is not a reason I bought the phone for. I just wanted the lightness and screen, speed. I never had seen LTE in action before so it never fazed me. My goodness this is the most important feature of the phone to me.

                                      Some tests I did. On my iPhone 4S using SPEEDTEST.NET's app, I got a speed of around 3-8Mbps DL, and around 0.65 Mbps UL.

                                      From the same spot with my new iPhone 5, I ran the test again. Brace yourself! lol..

                                      DL - 52.74 Mbps
                                      UL - 27.48 Mbps

                                      I dont know if this is great, good bad whatever.. but for me, this is amazing. It smashes my broadband ADSL 2+, which is hard to comprehend.

                                      7. WiFi speed. It now connects to WiFi at greater distance which for me now means the whole of my house. and its speeds are quick like its hooked up via ethernet. Very impressed with this also.

                                      8. Battery. Normally with my previous LiPo battery iPhones they are at their best on full charge/dsicharge cycles and after about 2-3 weeks.

                                      Im on my first charge now, the whole time I have had LTE on, WiFi on, 5 email accounts, and whatever else, location services weather etc.

                                      I have been listening to music for an hour, I have had the phone hooked up via Bluetooth to the car for about 2 hours and had Wifi LTE tethering set up at the same time (for about an hour) on my partners iPad. I have been checking it every 5 minutes (new phone). I have run speed tests, and in general been using the crap out of it with many things running at the same time (syncing drop box)(as well as the screen on), and even downloaded heaps of apps.

                                      It is now 1AM and came off charge at around 7:00pm. (so about 5h 45 minutes so far) Battery has 69% left.

                                      This leads me to believe that at almost maximum discharge (bar playing a hardcore game) it wil last at at least 15-20 hours.

                                      when I start using the phone normally after the excitement calms down, I expect easy 24-36 hours. Easy.

                                      My cons, would be that not all the apps fit perfectly yet, and a lot of people would mention MAPS as an issue, but I have used it, it was accurate, and the 3D thing is off the hook!

                                      Anyway.. any problems arise with my phone, I will definitely be back here to post.

                                        • i
                                        • iSJ5
                                        • t7X
                                        • 29 Sep 2012

                                        [deleted post]thanks for this info!