Apple iPhone 5
- t
- tony
- uuP
- 24 Sep 2012
No Radio...very bad phone...
- k
- karthi
- uuw
- 24 Sep 2012
Aluminium box weight 112g + Protection weight 50g = 162 g :)
- M
- Mohammed
- p%p
- 24 Sep 2012
Samsung Galaxsy S2
easiear android.
looks pritty.
free apps.
one click app download
i phone.
breakable glass.
diffecult to download apps.
no green btn.
- S
- Seasick
- 7q5
- 24 Sep 2012
Nano sim (only), feeling deter me to like iphone 5.
- M
- Mac
- Ki8
- 24 Sep 2012
When I read earlier reviews on iphone4s, many people said bad things in comparison to iphone4. Now everyone said bad things about iphone5 but strangely said good things about 4S. Even so, Apple's Iphone always been discussed since it first appearance some years ago until now. I think those facts speaks enough. If you people still even paying attention for what you called rubbish phone, maybe you actually love iphone instead. LOL
- ?
- Anonymous
- PG5
- 24 Sep 2012
Daily Mail: iPhone 5 Simply The Best Smartphone Ever Made
- ?
- Anonymous
- PG5
- 24 Sep 2012
Tech Gadgets Web: iPhone 5 Remains Best Smartphone Despite Maps Failure
- ?
- Anonymous
- PG5
- 24 Sep 2012
AnonD-19190, 24 Sep 2012hi dear, thanxs for sharing. but plz let allow to ask you o... moreArticle addressing your question. Apple Never Invented Anything
From the article:
"In cars, Brand X (I don’t want to offend) and BMW (I don’t drive one) get their steel, aluminum, plastics, rubber, and electronics from similar — and often the same — suppliers. But their respective chefs coax the ingredients differently, with markedly different aesthetic and financial outcomes.
Did IBM invent the PC? Did HP invent the pocket calculators or desktop computers that once put them at the top of the high tech world? Did Henry Ford invent the automobile.
So, yes, if we stick to the basic ingredients list, Apple didn’t invent anything…not the Apple ][, nor the Macintosh, not the iPod, the iPhone, or the iPad…to say nothing of Apple Stores and App Stores. We’d seen them all before, in one fashion or another.
And yet, we can’t escape a key fact: The same chef was involved in all these creations. He didn’t write the code or design the hardware, but he was there in the kitchen — the “executive chef” in trade parlance — with a unique gift for picking ingredients and whipping up unique products."
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 24 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 24 Sep 2012lol.!! do you think that those ppl will jealous who has 4.5... moreyou are compairing about the spects! ok just forgot that,compair os to os! you can really compair you lagy Os with smooth flowless Os! haha! if you think iOS need your rubbish quadcore, gigs of rams etc. your wrong! coz even a single core iOS will run better than your rubbish quadcore! oh btw dont forget the virus coming to your fone! hahaha! you epic funny!
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 24 Sep 2012
samsung lover, 24 Sep 2012Hahaha! We are not bashing apple, i only hate was the iphon... moreagree!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Hkq
- 24 Sep 2012
iSJ5, 24 Sep 2012android fan/users, are just jealous with us (iOS users) coz... morelol.!! do you think that those ppl will jealous who has 4.5 hd displays, 12,13,41mp camera, quad-core processors, and 16,32gb internal storage with memory card slot??? no way!! ppl buys iPhone for show off n leaves it in cupboards. n keeps with them htc, galaxys n xperias for regular use...
- s
- samsung lover
- v0q
- 24 Sep 2012
iSJ5, 24 Sep 2012android fan/users, are just jealous with us (iOS users) coz... moreHahaha! We are not bashing apple, i only hate was the iphone 5 i have an iphone 4s and iluv it and most of my family has an iphone 4s. Also i have galaxy mini 2 and it is one of the best phones i have its a cheap smartphone but i can tell you that its realy fast smartphone. But i like samsung and second was apple bcoz apple now sucks when steve jobs died
- r
- rohit
- s8F
- 24 Sep 2012
apple is nice phone
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 24 Sep 2012
android fan/users, are just jealous with us (iOS users) coz they cant afford what we afford, and they are stock with cheap plastic copies! now they are trolling here and bashing iphone 5! right!
- D
- AnonD-71773
- pKi
- 24 Sep 2012
KaodZ, 24 Sep 2012LOL CrApple! moreCmon dude thats just harsh.
Its apple's innovation.....innovating copy.
- K
- KaodZ
- nTp
- 24 Sep 2012
LOL CrApple!
we need an explanation!!!
- D
- AnonD-19190
- 6Q3
- 24 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 23 Sep 2012This is what it is: morehi dear, thanxs for sharing. but plz let allow to ask you only one question that what do you mean by innovation? you makes a phone, that have parts of other companies and join them. many companies have makes chip
- ?
- Anonymous
- vMe
- 24 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 23 Sep 2012Because they are a good company, the shares back then on th... morecan u answer with anything but apple is a good company /look at the price of shares..??totally avoid the question all good
btw, why have you and brynn posted exactly the same response??? different IP address tho, your not pretending to be more than one person using 2 different ip addy's are you???lol
- i
- intan
- K1I
- 24 Sep 2012
1.2 dual core? lol better buy galaxy sII
- D
- AnonD-46008
- L5u
- 24 Sep 2012
AnonD-24478, 24 Sep 2012Speed doesnt count on how many core in it!!!!! Os thats mat... moreThats why i told my friends that have iphone or if they want it to buy a ipod touch, its the same thing , the only diference is the calling, mobile internet and camera, if u like apple , buy an ipod touch and an galaxy s2, you will have good camera, video recording and mobile internet via wifi transmitter, so your ipod can be like iphone.., and you have like 100 usd free to buy a good headphones to listen music.., iphone 4 is the same that 4s and 5, the diference is the speed and camera, only the camera is the real improving but the speed you dont feel it because ios is too basic and you dont use all the potencial of the procesador..