Apple iPhone 5
- a
- abdoalwaer
- fwV
- 24 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 23 Sep 2012apple is a brand andriods its like cheap chinese goodssir i'm not being a fan boy or any thing but android is on every phone and every hand these days and the company owning it is one of the strongest companies in the world and the iphone 5 is not really an improvement
i used to be a fan boy but it seems that apple lost it's touch after steve died and i own an iphone 4 and an htc one x so you can't accuse me of any thing
- A
- Andy199
- teu
- 24 Sep 2012
Anonympusjp, 24 Sep 2012Guys watever phone it is top selling in d market isiphone. ... moreOnly about half of that made sense to me. Probably less.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PG5
- 24 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 24 Sep 2012London Underground joins the “Mock Apple Maps” bandwagon, o... moreLol certainly very funny, but it was done by staff, in one station, not by London Underground itself, same like the reports of Samsung fans scratching iPhone 5 in Apple Stores.
- o
- oxi
- 24 Sep 2012
you can buy 2 samsung galaxy s3 with iphone5's price and specification of samsung galaxy s3 is better than iphone5 apple is making fool
- o
- oxi
- 24 Sep 2012
iphone5 no match with samsung galaxy s3
- A
- AppMac
- R5x
- 24 Sep 2012
Anything that goes... "Made In China"
is of poor quality control or lack QC.
Check before you buy...
- ?
- Anonymous
- Sam
- 24 Sep 2012
iphone does not support card slot, does not help you to work on MS documents such as word and excel, and PDF either. iphone's also high priced. Android devices are much easier to work with, more capable and cheaper. I go with Androids
- ?
- Anonymous
- cNd
- 24 Sep 2012
London Underground joins the “Mock Apple Maps” bandwagon, offers iOS 6 users free maps
- s
- sarb
- s8F
- 24 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 23 Sep 2012apple is a brand andriods its like cheap chinese goodsits a good phon......
- s
- shree
- vwe
- 24 Sep 2012
its beautifuuulyyyyyy launched............
i like it
- ?
- Anonymous
- PG5
- 24 Sep 2012
[deleted post]You are entitled to your opinion, but you are one person, in one country. Millions of people use the iPhone from different backgrounds, and buy the iPhone for a sheer variety of reasons. Trying to generalize them all is an exercise in futility.
Re-posting this really interesting article from an Android evangelist, a really strong supporter and campaigner for Android. Reading it helped to illuminate certain things for me.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uST
- 24 Sep 2012
apple iphone 5??? boring!!!! galaxy note is better
- ?
- Anonymous
- PG5
- 24 Sep 2012
How the iPhone 5 has affected the smartphone market.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nEG
- 24 Sep 2012
Folk love iPhone still causing mass interest when other phones get forgotten,sheer brilliance it's getting promoted like nothing else on earth.This phone is gorgeous and I get 12.5hrs heavy usage .
- .
- .-.
- sfT
- 24 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 24 Sep 2012Autospies: First iPhone Samples in Not So Perfect Light Con... morei dunno but ive seen better 808 night/low light pictures. . and lumia 920 beats nokia 808 in low light. .
- D
- AnonD-24478
- 24 Sep 2012
[deleted post]Speed doesnt count on how many core in it!!!!! Os thats matter. Android need the the alienware cpu speed to make it run smoothly n ios only need 600mghz cpu speed to run smoothly like android!!!!
- t
- tay
- ucw
- 24 Sep 2012
other i got no complaint but battery life is shit . what happen apple ?
- P
- Pinky
- 95e
- 24 Sep 2012
You know what
People will still buy iphone5 whatever happens
But i notice lot of people went from iphone4/s to GS3 and other android but not many will go opposite so I don’t see market gain for Apple
Its only has Apple users buying another apple.
- G
- G
- t7y
- 24 Sep 2012
lg optimus g. ROCKS........
- h
- hazemfive
- 6p5
- 24 Sep 2012
Im an apple fan and owning iPhone 4s, sorry to said that the 5 is disappointing, other brands having quad core from long time ago and apple still on dual core also others having 1.5 speed while apple stays behind 1.2ghz, and what is this battery!!! also the design only taller, if u want to make 4inch just do it in 2 ways vertical and horzintal, also the 4s is anti scratch from both sides and its the only mobile having scratch resistant from the back, iPhone 5 back to make it plastic like others, apple dying after jobs death ( the mastermind )