Apple iPhone 5

Apple iPhone 5

User opinions and reviews

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  • r
  • rex
  • uNV
  • 20 Sep 2012

lol. They are just smartphones!(iphone5 and sgs3). Why are you guys debating over iphone5 vs sgs3?? Now, thats not smart...

    • k
    • karthik276
    • vIf
    • 20 Sep 2012

    S3,the best..Come on,you gotta be's not about how much you have in it,it's about the productiveness you can do with it.When iPhone and S3 are compared,I would say that iPhone 4 is still better.The games/apps you get in the Android market were already launched in the previous quarter for the iPhone.

      • D
      • AnonD-71773
      • pKi
      • 20 Sep 2012

      [deleted post]There u this what u paid for. Is this what consumer wants? If steve's still here bet hes gonna sack most of d board members x-).

        • T
        • Thelight31
        • YdT
        • 20 Sep 2012

        I understand the s3 is a good device and everyone could go back and forth comparing their phone as to which one is best but the bottom line is this..which phone is well built, is easy to use and have an awesome AppStore?..the iPhone. I had an android device before and found the google play store lacking in quality apps from well known developers and movies to buy. Yes with android you could download emulators and play them but playing old games could get stale and besides most of the emus you could get on your iPad and iPhone once it's jail broken. I'm not crapping on android because I still love the os but right now until they fully het things together I'm sticking with apple.

          • m
          • maxelle
          • Tu8
          • 20 Sep 2012

          [deleted post]Come on, pal. Take me for example, I am a big fan of modern tech / gadgets. No matter what, I'll read the entire specs and all the info on the perfect pieces of high-tech stuff. That simply wouldnt make me a fan of a brand. I ain't ever worked with apple phones and stuff. Though, I am a big fan of apple, I suppose.

          I have a Galaxy S II and I couldnt love it more. Samsung is un-fuckin-beatable. U say "no", then check out Samsung Galaxy S III. It blows everybody's mind UNDOUBTEDLY.

          Don't you guys fight! The both phones and companies are respectible. :)

            • D
            • AnonD-71773
            • pKi
            • 20 Sep 2012

            Lolhaha, 20 Sep 2012My god, how many times would I need to explain to this &quo... moreAre u jst an iFan or ur just dumb? Did u read what i posted?

            Im saying ur paying for less tech. Apple can do a quad but they didnt do it cuz theyr late in the fast developing market....Apple is behind on mobile phone tech. Its obvious.

            Apple is fooling people just to get more sales of their less tech phone. The world is developing fast and Q1 new phones are coming out how wiL apple responce to this? More longer phone, same width, same dual core lol

            Good luck on upgrading to Galaxy Note 2....Proper Multitasking phone, better features and NOT Restricted.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 6CN
              • 20 Sep 2012

              Liars, 20 Sep 2012SGS3 Dual Core? So only when Apple A6 beats samsung quad... moreBecause it has to adapt to the LTE network. Educate yourself before posting BS.

                • D
                • AnonD-8044
                • nGp
                • 20 Sep 2012

                Justaiphonehater, 20 Sep 2012As my nickname says it iPhone is just a piece of brainwash ... moreThey specifically set out to make it same width for usability,,apple make stuff work for consumer not throw a load of specs around.

                Why you even here if you dont like iphone?? whatever you say its got you talking about it hasnt it..You are not going into Alcatel forums or Huawei forums to complain about their phone,,just iphone so it must interest you else why bother????

                  • i
                  • igod
                  • 8YK
                  • 20 Sep 2012

                  gs3 is better than this?!!!! how can you say something like that u stupid !! how did you find out that a soap can be better than the most complete smartphone in the whole universe

                    • M
                    • Matt
                    • nsr
                    • 20 Sep 2012

                    Liars, 20 Sep 2012SGS3 Dual Core? So only when Apple A6 beats samsung quad... more-,-

                    there are 2 vesion of galaxy s3

                    international = quad core exynos a9
                    US = dual core cortex a15 (snapdragon)

                    just look if up -,-

                      • J
                      • Justaiphonehater
                      • MDV
                      • 20 Sep 2012

                      As my nickname says it iPhone is just a piece of brainwash nothing has changed from iphone 4s to iphone 5 faster?WOW! we dont need fast!Smaller dock we dont care!Headpphone jack is from the bottom what a big change its taller? S3 is even more taller.They make it tall and let the same width ....It so not good...

                        • P
                        • Pal
                        • mtM
                        • 20 Sep 2012

                        Lolhaha, 20 Sep 2012My god, how many times would I need to explain to this &quo... moreRight pal, it is about total user experience, and how sgs3 can stand iPhone 3 (yet alone 5) in total user experience?

                          • L
                          • Liars
                          • mtM
                          • 20 Sep 2012

                          AnonD-72535, 20 Sep 2012This Is a lowest Specefication For the Modren World.But We ... moreSGS3 Dual Core?

                          So only when Apple A6 beats samsung quad core running at 1.5x higher frequency in benchmarks (both geekbench and java) suddenly samsung sgs3 has Dual core?


                            • d
                            • dushan
                            • U{H
                            • 20 Sep 2012

                            iphone is the best model in the world, and the next is nokia, 3rd is samsung, htc,

                              • L
                              • Lolhaha
                              • t7X
                              • 20 Sep 2012

                              AnonD-71773, 20 Sep 2012Ur rite about that. But have u considered whats under the h... moreMy god, how many times would I need to explain to this "geekyNerds" thats its not about the i7core2dualquad cpu! Its about the user experience. Why would u need a quad core if a single core iphone4 is much smoother and faster that ur quadcorish phone?! I mean, yes quad core is cool to have but not nexcesary. Dualcore is more that enough for a phone. And can u tell me an app that need that quad cores and 2ram just to run that app properly?! What app are u running to ur phone? AutoCAD?!?!? LOL

                                • D
                                • AnonD-72546
                                • 3q8
                                • 20 Sep 2012

                                AnonD-72535, 20 Sep 2012This Is a lowest Specefication For the Modren World.But We ... moreactually it's not dual core galaxy s3 has 1.5 GHz quadcore processor

                                  • s
                                  • sout_grapes
                                  • tRe
                                  • 20 Sep 2012

                                  Iphone 5 is crap.
                                  True apple fan use Mac. How many of you who own an iphone use Mac?

                                    • n
                                    • naqash
                                    • RmC
                                    • 20 Sep 2012

                                    samsung galaxy is the best from this .

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-72535
                                      • uNV
                                      • 20 Sep 2012

                                      This Is a lowest Specefication For the Modren World.But We can see Samsung Galaxy S3 is the best in the World.Because Samsung Galaxy S3 have most advance device such as Dual Core 1.5 GHZ.It brings us a Personal Powerfull Computer.And the Most advance technology in the S3 that it understand you and your language.It wait for you until you are asleep.
                                      So Iphone 5 makes you a fool.Because this is a dam Os.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-71773
                                        • pKi
                                        • 20 Sep 2012

                                        Anonymous, 20 Sep 2012The iPhone 5 is the evolution from iPhone 4S. Many of the b... moreUr rite about that. But have u considered whats under the hood?

                                        4 - single core
                                        4S - dual core
                                        5 - dual core slightly fast. Should be quad core. Less tech. Even NO Radio?! Radio app will kill ur data allowance when ur out of wi-fi range.

                                        4S when launcched $499
                                        5 when launched $199 (a joke) its actuall above $600

                                        Apple is fooling people for sure. no doubt iphone's are quality phones but question is...

                                        'Do you get what u paid for?'
                                        or is this launch a stunt of the new Ceo to fool people in buying the less tech phone.

                                        Good luck with iphone 5 guys hope you get what u deserve...a better phone. Hope apple is not fooling u all with this phone and only wants sales. im defo avoiding this one for now.