Apple iPhone 5

Apple iPhone 5

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-8044
  • nGp
  • 18 Sep 2012

Bit happier now this forum has got some folk banned and we can discuss iPhone 5,,anyone getting one Friday ?? I have a while yet before mines delivered.

    • B
    • BLAZAE
    • vGV
    • 18 Sep 2012

    why cant you keep secondary camera as 3 - 4 mega pixels

      • s
      • s1m0n
      • xJi
      • 18 Sep 2012

      [deleted post]have you at least tried something else to compare? This is not that much "gr8". Its almost the same as iPhone 4S. And if you like iPhones that much, i would suspect that you also have some docks (radio, speaker, etc)... how great it is to be forced to buy new docks or adapters (if any exist)?

        • D
        • AnonD-8044
        • nGp
        • 18 Sep 2012

        Anonymous, 18 Sep 2012So why is it that in a survey 63% of Samsung owners want to... moreThat survey last year said 56% want to jump ship to IOS so its gone up this year then..

          • s
          • s1m0n
          • xJi
          • 18 Sep 2012

          Not enough innovation. Android phones remain more customizable and more innovative. Everyone will have to buy new docks or adapter... This one should have been called "the new iPhone 4S" instead of a new version "#5"...

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • Mfx
            • 18 Sep 2012

            I don’t know why people look at the sales to say something is good. Every people has his/her own choice. If you’re talking about iphone 5 I wouldn’t even purchase an iphone 5 even when it’s price is 10000 Rupees. I would go for Nokia or an android phone. Nokia phones bodies are solid than the others. Their cameras are unbeatable by other phones. Now don’t say that iPhone this iPhone that!. N8 was used for a South African magazine photoshoot I don’t think any of the iPhone will be used for that kind of stuff in the next 100 years. I used to drop my n8 and there wasn’t even a scratch on it’s screen (don’t do that with iPhone because not only screen but it’s body will also get messed up). There’s nothing new in iPhones it’s a mixture of different products in short a copy bundle. That’s my reason not to even look at an iPhone. Now please don’t get all emotional and start an arguement because I just told my opinion I’m not starting an arguement.

              • t
              • tds
              • nbV
              • 18 Sep 2012

              Anonymous, 18 Sep 2012What is wrong with the Android and Samsung fanboys? Used to... moreplease... android fan boys... don't make rest of the people laugh .. apple has strong fan core all with good reason it's not because they shove up all the technology in to one huge peace of crap ..most of the android users will shift from samsung to HTC or anything else when the specs change...

                • z
                • zahirkhan
                • KId
                • 18 Sep 2012

                what a wast of time there iz nothing new just bigger screen n new os 6 samsung galaxy s3 is the best then iphone 4s or 5 galaxy talk time is 21hr n iphone 8hr sam have alot of new thing - S-Voice natural language commands and dictation
                - Smart Stay eye tracking
                - Dropbox (50 GB storage

                  • K
                  • Khurram
                  • PUM
                  • 18 Sep 2012

                  Really love this ip5 specially it's feature that they increase screen size really it's very big achievement from apple.from 6 month we waiting this iPhone and this feature is more higher then our expectations.I hope if apple carry on same like this till iPhone 10 iPad and iPhone same same thanks apple for such gr8 technology

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Nxn
                    • 18 Sep 2012

                    Anonymous, 18 Sep 2012samsung stealsPicasso had a saying "Good artists copy, great artists steal". And we had been ah, um, shameless in stealing other people's great ideas.- SJ

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 7qB
                      • 18 Sep 2012

                      hey guys just think it of
                      1. How will you use your old high priced accesories using i5 . Buy a adapter ,switch it to your accesory and then your new iphone 5 .
                      2. What about gaming guys all the developer must redesign
                      3. In lodon there where 10mil nfc payment users before incorporating nfc in mobiles . Now it comes handy in other phones . See in wiki about how nfc is used in many countries.
                      4. Except html 5 and its webkit where is open source. Including devs are forced into its eco system.
                      5. Where is the wifi direct which is being equipted in hdtv and pc.they force us to buy their tv apple and its services . They call this as airplay.
                      6.ever video taken by your handycam must be converted.
                      7. Last 1: if they had not created a closed ecosystem according to their will . There would be no jailbreak. Think about devs.

                        • T
                        • Thuraya Telecom MR
                        • mFu
                        • 18 Sep 2012

                        merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i-phone 5

                          • C
                          • Cavid022
                          • 3sE
                          • 18 Sep 2012

                          I compared both Samsung galaxy S3 and iPhone 5. It isn't much important to have more power cause even galaxy S2 can perform gorgeous things, although the size and shape makes a phone easier to use. Galaxy S3 has bigger screen and doesn't fit hand quite comfortably, while iPhone 5 fits wonderful. My choice is iPhone 5

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • IW9
                            • 18 Sep 2012

                            oppo finder is the thinnest at 6.65mm not iphone5

                              • y
                              • yawar...
                              • sSP
                              • 18 Sep 2012


                                • z
                                • zoya
                                • Nva
                                • 18 Sep 2012

                                Anonymous, 18 Sep 2012by ur statment it is clear that ur knowledge of smart phone... moreis it worth buying guys ?????

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • PG5
                                  • 18 Sep 2012

                                  Anonymous, 18 Sep 2012by ur statment it is clear that ur knowledge of smart phone... moreSo why is it that in a survey 63% of Samsung owners want to jump to iPhone 5? I'm assuming since they are Samsung owners, then they are not sheep so this must be an intelligent decision right?

                                  Hmm think about that for a moment lol.

                                    • a
                                    • arian
                                    • dQD
                                    • 18 Sep 2012

                                    Can anyone tell of why apple disappointed fans ?

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • JJs
                                      • 18 Sep 2012

                                      [deleted post]samsung steals

                                        • M
                                        • Mohib
                                        • 6P$
                                        • 18 Sep 2012

                                        I think this is going to fail for many countries which r mainly located in asia coz i dont think the 3g networks will change to LTE that would cost a big revenue for some 1k to 10k people so waste and else i think the new androids gonna beat this one
                                        it will have one prob and that is screen breaking thing which will be most irritating