Apple iPhone 5
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 13 Sep 2012
during the iphone 4s announcement here in gsmarena! some of the first peoples that visiting iphone 4s comment section are also disapointed! they always say "same design, only the name was newed from 4 to 4s, siri is just a stupid gimmick, still the screen is small, over all almost no improvement! realy sucks only fool buy this etc. but after releasing iphone 4s they shuck that the 4s hits a million unit in just 3 days and still hiting in the market! Dont so much expect that that negative comment here will also affect to hit this model or any other model even if so cotrobercial. so go hate as all you want but ciriously we cant down apple cus they still popular even if so many hater there! sory guyz! if you want please read the oldest comment in iphone 4s! maybe the history of iphone 4s will also be as iphone 5!
- a
- apple fan
- Ycp
- 13 Sep 2012
i have come to the conclusion that this is a good phone. the specs cannot be compared to the other phones because each and every phone operating system requires different memory or cpu. IMO, iOS 6 will not need the CPU hungry Android and Nokia. the screen could be a little bigger but i can relate how you can use this phone with one hand no one really needs a bigger phone than this. unless you like to watch your porn or some stupid shit like that.
- B
- Billionaire
- uRG
- 13 Sep 2012
In Singapore only support M1 / Singtel .
What about the lousy starhub .Every mth i have been paying $hundreds for my mthly bill
- ?
- Anonymous
- 13 Sep 2012
People still dont understand iPhone philosophy because they still see it through Android/old handphone mentality.
It will take a few more years of iPhone evolution and revolution cycles before they finally see the approach as per MacBook, iMac design. The changes are much farther apart than competing PC manufacturers because the emphasis is on user experience, after designing the best possible elegant hardware.
Ultra books for example are only now copying a two year old MacBook Air design, and HP just ripped off a 5 year old iMac design. That is testimony to the timeless design philosophy of Apple.
Nokia is in my opinion, starting to pursue this trend in hardware design with the beautiful Lumia line. It is also why they chose WP8 and refused Android, because of the similar philosophy WP8 has to iOS compared to Android.
- o
- offence
- ib7
- 13 Sep 2012
Nokia is better now.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 13 Sep 2012
Hilarious how the most noise here is made by people who already hate iPhone anyway. (Yet can't bear to be away from the iPhone section).
To iPhone users, this is an even bigger jump than the jump from iPhone 4 to 4S.
Bigger screen yet still perfect for one handed use thank god. Faster, more beautiful design and materials yet does not alienate my iPhone 4S which I will hand down to my family member.
iPhone 3GS is still being used by my brother which I owned in 2009.
That, is the secret of iPhone's success. Timeless design, with excellent OS support. 4 years from now, people will still be ok to use iPhone 5.
- G
- Gnatat
- UG3
- 13 Sep 2012
NOkia 920 will be my next .... bye iphone5
- S
- Sunseeker
- wju
- 13 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 13 Sep 2012you guys are all ranting and raving saying how bad or good ... morei tried to wait for iphone 5 over getting galaxy s 3. 5 of my other apple fanboy friends decided to do the same. we watched 6 hrs of iphone 5 footage to see if its good we all decided it is the shittest improvement they have ever done. so much for all the hype, and so much for all the rave about ios6 new siri whatever. it is shit. i would buy one jsut to burn it. but im not going to. we are all getting galaxy s3
- 2
- 2degreeswhaaat
- uFj
- 13 Sep 2012
LMAO samsung sIII all the way
- J
- Jay
- t}B
- 13 Sep 2012
iphone specs are sad... was expecting more from apple...
Samsung s3 and nokia lumia 920 is far too better than this.. not much difference from iphone 4s
- ?
- Anonymous
- tha
- 13 Sep 2012
Apple is losing the war. Oh well, they had a great time when Jobs was around. Now they're falling faster than a crashing airplane.
- i
- vxj
- 13 Sep 2012
so this is innovation?? SMH
- ?
- Anonymous
- Bqv
- 13 Sep 2012
you guys are all ranting and raving saying how bad or good a product is but i guarantee those of u hating on here MOST WILL still get the new iphone
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Xb
- 13 Sep 2012
i love the design! but will go for xperia v
- D
- AnonD-22159
- rA$
- 13 Sep 2012
very big disappointment from apple considering the rumored features
- D
- AnonD-59075
- K1E
- 13 Sep 2012
rst, 12 Sep 2012Am I right in saying that Nokia lumia 920 kicks the iPhone ... morelumia better than iphone 5!
- D
- AnonD-22159
- rA$
- 13 Sep 2012
very big disappointment from apple considering the rumored features
- D
- Dan A P
- 4Yb
- 13 Sep 2012
So there isn't anything really different beside it being smaller and a little camera enhancement and network speed. Did they fix Suri? The personal assistant Suri was not very smart and has very hard time understanding... The size of the phone is fine. I don't think it needs to be any smaller just make the darn thing better!
- D
- AnonD-22159
- rA$
- 13 Sep 2012
very big disappointment from apple considering the rumored features
- r
- real answers...
- utu
- 13 Sep 2012
AnonD-61316, 13 Sep 2012Noone will buy iphone 5. Its just a small update over ip4s.... morecompletely insane, a comment filled with foolishness......who the hell says no ones gona buy iphone....that a big a person has to make a choice between iphone 5 n lumia 920 .... a foolsih will only buy lumia 920(sry to say,but that truth :p) it dosent stand anywhere in comparison to iphone. even lumia dosent stand in front of iphone 4 jst 4. wat to talk abt iphone 5 .....jst compare the apps and other only knows to put jst a camera nthing even with other smartphones its jst haging to symbian n some other silly os's..........nthing else is left to say ....Self Xplanatory.....!!!