Apple iPhone 5
- c
- chartake
- 13 Sep 2012
waited long time for this stupid phone. disappointed! decided to buy other brand.
- a
- ardniban
- 7sH
- 13 Sep 2012
2 weeks before I bought HTC one x now I feel no regrets at is years ahead of any os on earth ...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3xa
- 13 Sep 2012
I don't like this phone. the UI looks so old and cartoony
- I
- It'z Mi
- ITj
- 13 Sep 2012
The insides are too simple to compare to Samsung Galaxy Note II...
- l
- looooool
- SkG
- 13 Sep 2012
hahahhahhaha nokia !!!!
wt is nokia compared to apple !!!!!!
when the other phones bring better than apple store
and applications
then they could reach 30% of apple Achievements
- A
- Anonymous
- QMn
- 13 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 12 Sep 2012if ur first to smart phone go for apple . best phone in the worldNo it's not. it's just an overpriced brand.
- i
- indo_user
- 13 Sep 2012
i think for the spec is not better than galaxy s3
- m
- mahesh
- rJE
- 13 Sep 2012
Apple has made good phone, reason of major disappointment is that we expect from apple too much... Apple is not a king these days. Even samsung who copies from apple, has launched phones with these specs months ago....
Lets see what apple new phone do to market..
- f
- fanofapple
- 13 Sep 2012
not as expected. :(
- D
- AnonD-69113
- uSg
- 13 Sep 2012
Even nothing much were upgraded from previous iPhone, however I still want it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- LIg
- 13 Sep 2012
buu, i love my samsung s3
- ?
- Anonymous
- iwp
- 13 Sep 2012
bye bye apple.all gone with steve.iphn 5 is a desparate model even than!check lumia 920 and 820 will be greatest phones on earth..
- j
- jon
- 13 Sep 2012
im dissappointed... design wise, no comment since apple was well known for using the same design DNA across all siblings product. but the features could be better.. better image stabiliser, wireless charging, augmented reality, hologram keyboard are some of the things that could punch out any competitors in the smart phones market.. im not flattered by the facts that i could place a 3g call over 3G anymore..
- w
- wtfwhy
- 4{%
- 13 Sep 2012
Seems to me like more of the same we've had from apple iphones. im switching over from my 4s to the gs3 because of the faster processor, bigger screen, more customization options, and because apple has let me down.Waited for this dissapointment for a long time, guess i should've known better.
- M
- Mar1an0
- PwV
- 13 Sep 2012
Its just the same with a bigger screen and external changes, all the same. Like the Stacy Malibu with new hat. I want it i want it i want it !!. No chance vs Lumia 920 + WP8.
- s
- samy
- fus
- 13 Sep 2012
steve has gone,iphone will not be the same..we expected more...
- D
- AnonD-32581
- 2CE
- 13 Sep 2012
rst, 12 Sep 2012Am I right in saying that Nokia lumia 920 kicks the iPhone ... moreyes, cause it does, this is nothing new, no innavation what so ever, very disapointed in this...
- S
- Sam
- tet
- 13 Sep 2012
Simple question..Why apple people never add FM radio module?:p
- ?
- Anonymous
- snU
- 13 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 12 Sep 2012if ur first to smart phone go for apple . best phone in the worldlolGalaxy S3 is the best.
- n
- nano
- gID
- 13 Sep 2012
apple fail