Apple iPhone 5
- A
- Anon
- 5fI
- 12 Sep 2012
The Windows 8 phones Microsoft announced months ago have better processing specs then this by far.
It would be okay if the iPhone 5 was released 2 years ago but this doesn't even touch the technological capabilities of modern tech.
Apple are you even trying?
I bet Jobs is rolling over in his grave.
- a
- alex
- nxt
- 12 Sep 2012
In max 2 years iphone will be dead , the phone is a peace of crap , nothing good just marketing and lies . OOOOOO panorama oooooooo :)))))) Samsung rulez and Android is the king OS by far .
- ?
- Anonymous
- jQY
- 12 Sep 2012
NFC support?
- T
- TriLLi
- sr$
- 12 Sep 2012
I'm disappointed with iPhone5, it looks like last year product.
- d
- dipuit
- 2CY
- 12 Sep 2012
Is there still 2 core processors?
- F
- Fahim
- 2Cd
- 12 Sep 2012
stupidest iphonne ever!
old wine in old bottle :(
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3KX
- 12 Sep 2012
AnonD-50847, 12 Sep 2012better to choose GS3 or Note2 (if u want more from ur phone... moreThe Xperia T crush the SGS3
- w
- with lumia and HAPPY
- mEh
- 12 Sep 2012
hah..with its fancy cpu and all it is still a crappy phone like previous iphones..lets face it lumia 920 is waayyyy better
1)better camera
2)better audio
3)better and NEW os
5)better screen
6)and most has nokia build quality
and now i explain some thing to the people nokia doesnt use better cpu cause the os dont need it to run smooth lumia is NOT gaming phone it is entertainment phone.
damn iphone fanboys will hate me..:P
- &
- ع
- S9h
- 12 Sep 2012
nice but iam waiting more than thiiiiiiis
- E
- EzRock
- ftK
- 12 Sep 2012
with all these dry specs, whats so good about this phone. if you ask me the answer is NOTHING at all
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3IK
- 12 Sep 2012
John, 12 Sep 2012Hey, i never used a smart phone and i don't understand anyt... morebuy the Lumia 920
- i
- iDroidFan
- 89s
- 12 Sep 2012
Will this phone work on Tmobile HSPA+ network?
- ?
- Anonymous
- utY
- 12 Sep 2012
John, 12 Sep 2012Hey, i never used a smart phone and i don't understand anyt... moreif ur first to smart phone go for apple . best phone in the world
- f
- farabiz
- uNV
- 12 Sep 2012
cool...but design not expected....3.5 was best
- r
- rst
- 2@c
- 12 Sep 2012
Am I right in saying that Nokia lumia 920 kicks the iPhone 5's back side?... Nokia lumia 920 is my next phone...
- M
- Mighty Eagle
- gG3
- 12 Sep 2012
don't u think it'd the time to change the picture?
- t
- tausi
- Hkq
- 12 Sep 2012
The Apple is Apple....
- r
- roger
- Tr0
- 12 Sep 2012
its all a hype, what crap, samsung S3 & galaxy note 2 is way far better.
- r
- roger
- Tr0
- 12 Sep 2012
its all a hype, what crap, samsung S3 & galaxy note 2 is way far better.
- D
- Dev BHEL
- ut9
- 12 Sep 2012
U Apple guys came back !!!! see the galaxy s3..its 1.4 GHz quad core..but u 1.2 .? :P....WTF...Apple sucks.. Samsung rocks.:D