Apple iPhone 5
- t
- thesebastian
- Mfx
- 12 Sep 2012
John, 12 Sep 2012Hey, i never used a smart phone and i don't understand anyt... moreYou need to chose between iOS or Android.
I personally prefer Android. But both OS are great.
If you are used to use google poducts (gmail e-mail, google contacts, google calendar, etc etc). Android is for you.
If you are used to use Apple products (OS X, iCloud) i think iOS would be perfect for you.
- L
- Lolhaha
- t7X
- 12 Sep 2012
luvsammy, 12 Sep 2012Apple ur time is over, pls go and stand with nokia and bb, ... moreReally? Well 1 billion is a piece of candy for apple then? Dont you know that apple is the most valuable brand in the world? I guess not cos the only product u can buy are those cheap once like ur i7dual2corei8 sgs3 or whatever u call it. And analysis thought that apple might be the 1st trillion company. That ur beloved samcheap brand wont get, never in a trillion billion years. Haha.
- J
- John
- SiU
- 12 Sep 2012
Hey, i never used a smart phone and i don't understand anything from tese specs.I want to buy galaxy s3 or iphone 5 and i need a help please someone says me which phone is better :D.I heard that the hardware of s3 is better but also heard that the software of iphone beats s3.Please say me which phone is better. One more thing please do not write here some childish idiot comments
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3Ax
- 12 Sep 2012
penut butter jelly time!!!!!!!! wohooooooooooooo yehhhhhhhhhhh
- q
- qasim iqy
- m53
- 12 Sep 2012
ken oputa, 12 Sep 2012personaly i think the s3 is alot better than the ipone5, bu... moreagree completely, i mean the camera is the only thing better in this then the s3
- A
- Aysia
- j9U
- 12 Sep 2012
I also think its going to team up with "ultra violet" since they are cloud compatible. I'm sooooo excited!!!
- W
- 12 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 12 Sep 2012SGS3 by the way is already old news and outdated even in th... morewtf.. you are comparing Quad Core SGS3 vs Dual Core Sony..wth
- D
- AnonD-68849
- P%%
- 12 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 12 Sep 2012SGS3 by the way is already old news and outdated even in th... moreExactly!!!!
- D
- AnonD-50847
- 12 Sep 2012
better to choose GS3 or Note2 (if u want more from ur phone .... ) close ur eyes & choose i5, if u r a apple lover
- g
- gagge
- vGd
- 12 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 12 Sep babies you think Galaxy... moreya is true...:) iphone is the best...:D
android is too laggy as compared to iOS
quadcore only for namesake...:/
- ?
- Anonymous
- 12 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 12 Sep 2012sigh another boring iphone which old and dated hardware tha... moreSGS3 by the way is already old news and outdated even in the Android world. Xperia TX is much better from Sony. On top of that, Nokia Lumia 920 camera innovation also puts SGS3 to shame.
Samsung is at a loss now, because multiple phones are simply making it seem boring and old, and INNOVATION is a word that Samsung does not yet understand.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 12 Sep 2012
ken oputa, 12 Sep 2012personaly i think the s3 is alot better than the ipone5, bu... moreYou think that because you measure it by your parameters, while others measure it by theirs. People are different and don't judge things the same way as you. Android fans for example, tend to look at a long line of hardware features, because other Android phones have the same OS and only hardware differentiates them. iPhone users on the other hand, tend to go for the user experience, and a lot of them find that iOS delivers a superior experience.
This is only one example of the difference, which is what causes different people to go for different phones.
- T
- Tom2892
- Sgv
- 12 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 12 Sep 20121 hour 15 minutes to go. It's going to be awesome!Where can are you gonna see it released in an hour ?? Plz
- ?
- Anonymous
- 12 Sep 2012
1 hour 15 minutes to go. It's going to be awesome!
- c
- charlie
- Sgm
- 12 Sep 2012
if this is the new iPhone specs i will most certainly go with the Lumia 920, even so Iam getting really bored with Apple and their way of locking down the users.
- s
- singh is king
- P$u
- 12 Sep 2012
AnonD-71107, 12 Sep 2012it is a most awaited phone. lets see today bcz it is on the... moreit is in the evening...
- T
- Truth
- f3U
- 12 Sep 2012
If u can't afford it y making noise.
I will always be a fan of IPhone.
I own IPhone 4 & 4s & MacBook Pro 13 & Ipad 3 & IPod. I love IPhone all the way. If you don't have money go and buy Samsung that is covered with plastic.
- K
- Keke
- f3U
- 12 Sep 2012
I'm an HTC One X user.
I must say most of comments that I made here it simply because someone cannot afford IPhone. I do love debate but a debate without substantial facts it is just awry. Some people they have never used any Iphone product but the crush it to hell. The phone has not yet being launched but the votes on this column has exceeded 20,000. Do you know what that means, it simply means IMPACT. IPhone 5 will make more IMPACT Mark my words. Well done IPhone...
- D
- AnonD-71107
- uus
- 12 Sep 2012
it is a most awaited phone. lets see today bcz it is on the go today 12 sept. at 10am california.....
- l
- luvsammy
- 0BB
- 12 Sep 2012
Apple ur time is over, pls go and stand with nokia and bb, 1 billion is a pc of cake for samsung, jealousy nvr makes u successful, apple sucks