Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Apple iPhone 6 Plus

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 0xa
  • 17 Sep 2014

AnonD-292530, 16 Sep 2014Exactly. Because some US judges are winning them in US cour... moreI never use smartphones from company that is "jack of all trades, master at none". As soon as i see a company that wants to make TV, consoles, cameras, laundry machines etc... Il pass. Not that i'm saying that LG or Sony are bad, but i dont like that kind of policy where they want to make everything, since it usually comes with price.

    • c
    • caveman
    • Nkr
    • 17 Sep 2014

    nfc only for paying.
    only 1g ram.
    no ir port .
    camera 8 mega only.
    thanks for nothing ...

      • D
      • AnonD-156365
      • 0sY
      • 17 Sep 2014

      kc, 17 Sep 2014Android is for geeks looking for specs sheet and owning the... moreMy DEvice is not lagging, not slowing I am not sure what kind of devices have you tried ...but probably some cheap shit.... comparing to those...obviously Iphone is superior.... but just try the HTC one m7, m8 for a while...even after a slowdown no hanging processes...nothing....

        • A
        • Adino
        • s9c
        • 17 Sep 2014

        android owner, 17 Sep 2014Before I got my LG G2 (used to have an iPhone) that has the... moreThat's funny and so very strange and weird I've never heard of most of all or any of android devices and i have been using these devices for years whether it be the big humongous 12.2 inch Samsung tablet or any of them including right now g3 have never received any whatsoever i download and upload and streaming do everything and surf anywhere you are one of a kind is all I can really say I mean when you really think about it what other operating system let you upload,download, take,scream 4k material,Convert Audio and video,talk on the phone and texting another person checking your email control your audio or video system oh yeah and share all these particular things with everybody that have the phone At will whenever I want to.

          • a
          • android owner
          • 3$a
          • 17 Sep 2014

          ...Continued fromm my last post:
          One big issue is that my few months old LG G2 android has already had a virus. My iPhone didn't have any virus in several years.
          Another big issue is that it sometimes gets unresponsive. I can't even answer a phone call, and I have more than 5 GB free and I am not using a lot of apps at the same time since I found that android is really bad at handling more than one thing at a time.

            • J
            • Jadelina
            • mX3
            • 17 Sep 2014

            AnonD-308571, 17 Sep 2014Is it finally confirmed ??? :( Was confirmed at launch lol

              • a
              • android owner
              • 3$a
              • 17 Sep 2014

              Before I got my LG G2 (used to have an iPhone) that has the same score (around 29000) as my wife's iPhone 5S with antutu benchmark. Antutu told me that I have a good phone in the test, but I don't agree. I couldn't understand why one of my android owning friends first threw one HTC into the ground and after a while threw his new HTC into the ground. After a few mobths with this LG G2 I have actually thrown my LG G2 once in frustration over how bad android is. By the way my android is 4.4.2. It is insane that you need a Clean Master software because it is collecting junk files like crazy. Usually I clean between 300 and 550 MBs each time... and I clean my phone it almost every day. But that's the tiny issue.
              The big issue will be in the next comments

                • D
                • AnonD-308581
                • fwx
                • 17 Sep 2014

                price in dollars plz

                  • D
                  • AnonD-308571
                  • Nke
                  • 17 Sep 2014

                  AnonD-308386, 16 Sep 2014it does not have 2 gb of RAM. 1 gb.Same as little one. 1 gb.Is it finally confirmed ??? :(

                    • n
                    • nemesis
                    • vbS
                    • 17 Sep 2014

                    Anonymous, 16 Sep 2014correction. the largest dpi now is oppo find 7 with 640dpi ... morewhat r u going to do with such higher pixel density...even if tisw 500/400/600 ppi it wont be visible with ur naked eye

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • NiA
                      • 17 Sep 2014

                      AnonD-308221, 16 Sep 2014 Please do some research before commenting, I am sure th... moreA few corrections to your post. Yes, it isn't just numbers such as clock speed, and that is why we have things called "benchmarks" to measure said performance. In which the iPhones' processor is comparable to a Qualcomm Snapdragon 800. (At this point it is important to realize that that was last years flagship processor and that people have moved on) Except it isn't. Because iOS uses native code, it runs a lot faster and more efficiantly than Android(it is also where it gets its responsiveness). Which is why Android has a new runtime, called ART, that converts everything into native code. It is disabled by default, (but will be default in Android L), but can be activated with the right know how. Switching to ART gives on average a 100% increase in floating point and integer operations, so in that case the new A8 processor is by far slower than the Snapdragon 800, which is already outdated. Another thing which is just as important as processor speed and cores and cache but which people fail to mention everytime is CPU architecture. This is the "gray area" where people like you say that speed can't just be determined by specs, which is true, but fail to realise it can give you a very good idea if all factors are considered. The A8 has a very good architecture, the same as the killer processor the Nvidia K1, which is why it performs great considering it's shitty specs. And no, even the LG G2, HTC One (M7) and Samasung Galaxy S4 from 2013 has a better ppi than the iPhone 6-. And really? Android isn't optimized for the hardware? You kidding? They optimize it for the CPU architecture which is standard across all Android phones (The are currently 4 supported architectures, each version of Android is different for them and spesifically optimized) and the rest is done on a higher level such as RAM management which is not spesific to the device but rather the available resources. And yes, you can argue that it has a better app store, if you like paying for everthing and apps only made for kids and apps that can't enhance or use all of the available hardware. But there is more apps on the App Store than on Google play, so it is valid.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • NiA
                        • 17 Sep 2014

                        Anonymous, 16 Sep 2014I prefer my iphne5s over 6plus. 5s is sleek. 6 plus looks l... moreYou mean ergonomicly designed with exposed antennas for better signal instead of just looks? Of course you do

                          • D
                          • Dr. Mohammed
                          • 6p2
                          • 17 Sep 2014

                          Iphone 6 Pluse has 1GB RAM Not 2GB.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • f09
                            • 17 Sep 2014

                            Firoz, 16 Sep 2014If u buy any android phone u can use only for 1to2 years th... moreLike, what? Each version of Android is since ICS uses less resources!! Kitkat was made to run on phones with less than 512MB RAM. And if you use AOSP, it doesn't slow down, ever. I have 31MB of free space (that's 0.2%) left on my phone and it is blazing fast. So I guess time to buy an SD card instead of chucking the phone to buy a new one with slightly môre storage space for $100 more than the original phone? Luckily 64GB class 10 micro SDs costs 34$ on Amazon.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • f09
                              • 17 Sep 2014

                              Anonymous, 16 Sep 2014I prefer my 5S too. 5S is more beautiful than 6 and 6 plus. And it has identical specs and a more comfortable form factor.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • f09
                                • 17 Sep 2014

                                AnonD-299369, 16 Sep 2014I don't know why the iPhone has weak battery .. In 4G I can... moreiPhones aren't famous for their battery life but with all respect you probably have a damaged battery. And 4G uses a lot of battery on any phone. I got about 20-30% longer battery life by forcing 2G while not browsing

                                  • D
                                  • DJJ
                                  • fmZ
                                  • 17 Sep 2014

                                  AnonD-299369, 16 Sep 2014I don't know why the iPhone has weak battery .. In 4G I can... moreYou probably using a chinese phone lol

                                    • r
                                    • rust
                                    • ttw
                                    • 17 Sep 2014

                                    AnonD-156365, 16 Sep 2014So simply put., its not better, but easier to use...even th... moreAndroid is for everyone. Its not restricted as overpriced ios devices and has many features than ios. Its also not difficult.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • PD6
                                      • 17 Sep 2014

                                      6 Plus does not have 2GB of RAM , please change it

                                        • r
                                        • rust
                                        • ttw
                                        • 17 Sep 2014

                                        I hope it have 2 gb ram.