Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Apple iPhone 6 Plus

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-194288
  • PW9
  • 17 Sep 2014

iPhone 6 Plus Has 1GB Ram

Gsmarena Plz Update Spec.

    • j
    • jaydas
    • vx6
    • 17 Sep 2014

    the best ph for me is sony c3 selfie phone check that ph guys. it is so amazing ph

      • k
      • kc
      • 4{E
      • 17 Sep 2014

      AnonD-156365, 16 Sep 2014So simply put., its not better, but easier to use...even th... moreAndroid is for geeks looking for specs sheet and owning the fastest processor and most rams.

      somewhat IT people oriented, because to make it run fast and smooth you need a tons of hours to find out how to rootthe device.

      On the other hand iphones always perform smooth and lag free for an everyday use.

      And ive used a bunch of android phones and almost every iphone except the 5s.
      I could just use the iphone for month without any issue without rebooting/reset (remove the battery :-)) but the androids always lags, slow down or crash after some weeks of use.
      and i only do regular use.

      The larger sceeen is only what missing on apple, im switching back to iphone.

        • j
        • john
        • pTe
        • 17 Sep 2014

        172g is the weight !! And it is 15.8cm x 7.78 cm ?! Are these numbers real ? It is heavy and too huge for a 5.5inches phone. I will go for G3

          • D
          • AnonD-156365
          • 0sY
          • 16 Sep 2014

          Nassik, 16 Sep 2014Well, I have M8. Beautiful and powerful no doubts but is un... moreSo simply put., its not better, but easier to use...even though it records video only in mono mode, the speaker is not the good, the display is far superior on the m8... :)

          but I think I know what you mean... In Android you can get lost... its for people who has some IT knowledge I guess...

          and Iphone is for to say it gently....everybody...

            • D
            • AnonD-308386
            • JK}
            • 16 Sep 2014

            it does not have 2 gb of RAM. 1 gb.Same as little one. 1 gb.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • RJ2
              • 16 Sep 2014

              AnonD-292530, 16 Sep 2014Wake Up Dude. The largest ppi now is LG G3 535 ppi, note 4 ... morecorrection. the largest dpi now is oppo find 7 with 640dpi the first phone which use UHD screen

                • D
                • AnonD-299369
                • nXG
                • 16 Sep 2014

                I don't know why the iPhone has weak battery .. In 4G I can use it for just 1 hour .. :(

                  • i
                  • ijarotimi
                  • fsV
                  • 16 Sep 2014

                  i hope it will be easy to hold and use as a phone, if not, its better to go for the iPhone 6

                    • N
                    • Nassik
                    • Ibx
                    • 16 Sep 2014

                    AnonD-156365, 16 Sep 2014...It screams premium... You should have bought HTC one ... moreWell, I have M8. Beautiful and powerful no doubts but is unfortunately no iphone.

                    This summer I switched providers (AT&T to t-mobile) I had to wait about 2 months before our iPhones get unlocked. Smart phone is critical for my work but I did not want to buy iphone when the new model is around the corner. So I got M8 from t-mobile. I was in fact considering to switch to android if possible. I like apple products but despise apple practices, frankly.

                    Two months later I couldn't wait to go back to my year old iPhone 5s and gladly surrendered the M8 to my son. I am talking experience here not specs. It is so much more seamless and consistent, for me there is no comparison.

                    Yes M8 had better screen, beter specs, wifi calling ... Etc, etc. what it lacked was ... Transparency! My 5s did exactly what I expect and when I expect it and nothing more. It was completely transparent to me, like roster or tv :). IP happens to provide much less choices but much more convenience and confidence.

                    Bottom line: I am going ip6+ even though I know it is not the most specked up on the market next year.

                      • p
                      • pol
                      • 43s
                      • 16 Sep 2014

                      you should have remove by now the 2gb memory for the specs,its clear now the iPhone 6 plus have only 1gb of memory

                        • H
                        • Hybrid
                        • j8w
                        • 16 Sep 2014

                        One In A Million Like Always

                          • D
                          • AnonD-308349
                          • Hkt
                          • 16 Sep 2014


                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • HIH
                            • 16 Sep 2014

                            Anonymous, 16 Sep 2014I prefer my iphne5s over 6plus. 5s is sleek. 6 plus looks l... moreI prefer my 5S too. 5S is more beautiful than 6 and 6 plus.

                              • A
                              • Apple
                              • TRa
                              • 16 Sep 2014

                              Oh plz!!! iphone has d best ever quality dan any other phone has....

                                • D
                                • AnonD-292530
                                • iB4
                                • 16 Sep 2014

                                AnonD-156365, 16 Sep 2014...It screams premium... You should have bought HTC one ... moreExactly. Because some US judges are winning them in US courts and fining Samsung copier millions, apple boys don't realize that there exist Great Brands creating Great Smartphones like LG HTC and Sony.

                                By the way, if I was Samsung Boss, why enter into the US Market when year on year on US Courts fine it 100s of millions dollars accusing it of copying Apple designs innovation..etc!!! Is Samsung making profits to cover that fining amount in the US Market!!!!
                                The US will not allow any other brand to out perform Apple in the US Market. It's all related to the US economy and Apple stock market price;)

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-292530
                                  • iB4
                                  • 16 Sep 2014

                                  AnonD-308221, 16 Sep 2014 Please do some research before commenting, I am sure th... moreWake Up Dude. The largest ppi now is LG G3 535 ppi, note 4 515ppi and iphone 6 plus just 401ppi
                                  wat largest are you talking about!!!?
                                  Besides, I said it many times regardless of the low specs, even if i want to believe you that it's same principle like intel and amd but there's no reason whatsoever that apple price its new iphone 30-50% more than the other brands, other than ripping people and increasing its stock price
                                  However good for Apple knowing how to laugh on its clients to buy its expensive products to get no other than the other brands quality if not much less!!!!!

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-156365
                                    • 0sY
                                    • 16 Sep 2014

                                    AnonD-97251, 16 Sep 2014apple is all about quality. If you have android why do you... more...It screams premium...

                                    You should have bought HTC one M8 or even M7 instead of SAMSUNG then you would not say/write bs....

                                    And yes, you have to explain to the average Iphone user that there is more what you can do with your phone.... IR, BT, NFC...etc etc (without limitation) but if you want to use it only for making calls and sms, buy a vertu.... that is premium :D

                                    I have the m8 and also m7 and theres no lag, no slower system even after a year...and unstable what the heck are you talking about. :)

                                    The problem with you Apple fanboys...
                                    you think that Android stopped at version 2.3 and theres only one Android device which is on the s5 which is full with bloatware.... and lags...

                                    screams premium :D hahahahahhaha

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 7tG
                                      • 16 Sep 2014

                                      AnonD-308221, 16 Sep 2014 Please do some research before commenting, I am sure th... moreMany other mobiles do have a greater PPI definitely, apple is sure not the mobile with highest PPI.

                                        • N
                                        • Nutty
                                        • je5
                                        • 16 Sep 2014

                                        Batman5, 16 Sep 2014how much are you getting paid? Because you're not a very go... moreJust last year Samsung was fined 340,000 USD for paying students to bash competitors products in comments on websites. I'm sure this time around they would pay a firm who either hires people or does it themselves.