Apple iPhone 6 Plus
- N
- Nutty
- je5
- 16 Sep 2014
Scarcer, 16 Sep 2014Note 4 has higher specs, battery life & build quality s... moreIf you're going to call people mentally impaired you should learn to spell yourself first hahaha
- N
- Nutty
- je5
- 16 Sep 2014
AnonD-135818, 16 Sep 2014Yeah that's what the iPhone 5 owners said about the 5s. And... moreWhy would people say that if the physical design was identical ~,^
- F
- FloppyTerra
- Rrd
- 16 Sep 2014
AnonD-308221, 16 Sep 2014 Please do some research before commenting, I am sure th... moreYou need to do some research on PPI. the iPhone 6 has PPI of 326 and the iPhone 6 Plus is at 401. There are currently devices out there with PPI above 500.
So you are wrong about iPhone having the most PPI.
I'm not sure what you mean by the iPhone having the most "features". Every major android flagship phone has something that the iPhone does not, and vice versa. You can call these android phone features gimmicks, but some iPhone features can be called gimmicks as well. These statements are just opinions, and shouldn't be used as arguments. Similarly, everything beyond paragraph 1 in your comment is just an opinion.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 61C
- 16 Sep 2014
will buy this phone
- m
- mohammad
- 9xm
- 16 Sep 2014
1g ram?
- i
- instinct
- f0F
- 16 Sep 2014
James, 16 Sep 2014"Looks like Android" and how is that a bad thing?... moresure...a cheap recycle of the old frog :)
- F
- Firoz
- 3JD
- 16 Sep 2014
If u buy any android phone u can use only for 1to2 years then the phone will be slow or u will face one or other problems and if u update ur phone it will become slow but with apple u can use it for long years and if u update your phone it will be more faster so I prefer apple.
ofcouse every product has its own advantage and disadvantage.
- R
- Reynald
- NJ8
- 16 Sep 2014
Apple: IOS Optimization, and Quality.
- D
- AnonD-135818
- t7X
- 16 Sep 2014
Anonymous, 16 Sep 2014I prefer my iphne5s over 6plus. 5s is sleek. 6 plus looks l... moreYeah that's what the iPhone 5 owners said about the 5s. And it's all the same cycle over and over again.
- ?
- Anonymous
- jnV
- 16 Sep 2014
AnonD-307969, 16 Sep 2014The RAM of iphone6 plus is 1G or 2G ???2GB
- ?
- Anonymous
- 16 Sep 2014
the best
- D
- AnonD-308221
- 16 Sep 2014
AnonD-292530, 16 Sep 2014Exactly. Apple can't laugh at users twice, in low specs and... more Please do some research before commenting, I am sure that you are not aware of the fact that performance is measured in real-time, not numbers. Take desktop processors for example, the AMD FX-8350 has 8 cores clocked at 4 Ghz, but that doesn't make it any better than the Intel 4770K which has only 4 cores and is clocked at 3.5Ghz.
The iPhone 6 Plus's processor crushes anything in the market now. Take in consideration too the os used on the phone iOS is specifically designed for the iPhone while android is not specifically designed for any specific phone so obviously the optimization for the iPhone will allow it to run much better performance wise.
Not to forget too, the iPhone has the best store and has way more features than any other phone.
And just like anything else it has some bad sides. Like everyone's favorite the small screen, but they addressed the issue and now it has a bigger screen, don't be fooled by other manufacturers that market their product as the best resolution, you don't look at the resolution you must compare the ppi (Pixel Per Inch) currently the iPhone has the largest.
- J
- James
- nxm
- 16 Sep 2014
Anonymous, 16 Sep 2014I prefer my iphne5s over 6plus. 5s is sleek. 6 plus looks l... more"Looks like Android" and how is that a bad thing?
You're paying for a half eaten apple. Overpriced and poor quality in terms of price to product.
- D
- AnonD-292530
- iB4
- 16 Sep 2014
aj, 16 Sep 2014I know there is a fight going over apple vs android. I know... moreExactly. Apple can't laugh at users twice, in low specs and price too!!
I know many of other brands users will buy iphone if the price was logical according to the low specs at least1!
- 5
- 5s and s5 user
- 16 Sep 2014
I only make call, sms, whatsapp, fb, twitter and instagram with my 5s.Only a few songs sync with itunes.
I make all the above and downloading movies, series, songs, editing documents, converting video clips to mp3, edit ringtones, listening music, downloading movie using u torrent absolutely with FREE apps with my s5.
- ?
- Anonymous
- v0q
- 16 Sep 2014
I prefer my iphne5s over 6plus. 5s is sleek. 6 plus looks like android.
- ?
- Anonymous
- StU
- 16 Sep 2014
AnonD-308035, 16 Sep 2014In which era they are living. I mean look at the specs, it'... moreYou talk about specs just like everybody else. 8mp camera? Yes, but other parts of the camera have been improved. Dual core processed? Yes, but with 64 bit architecture. I could go on but I still don't think you'd understand...
- D
- AnonD-308119
- S05
- 16 Sep 2014
What haters don't seem to understand is that most people don't care about specs : they want a good product, well designed, easy to use, that work.
I'm a huge Android fan, but specs don't make a good product. For example : Samsung has huge specs but makes bad products (Touchwizz, lags, bloatwares...).
It's easy to say : Apple simply works.
And, I'm sorry, but hardware/software synergy is a very good thing. A8 processor and its powerfull GPU don't seem to be bad.
- a
- aj
- vbJ
- 16 Sep 2014
I know there is a fight going over apple vs android. I know the benchmarks of iphone is quiet good even with only a dual core processor because of it's iOS. But, I want to add here that if Apple is able to achieve performance with low cost hardware, then why it's still selling iphone at a very premium price. I don't know about american carrier contracts, but it's way much expensive in my India. I bought my Xperia Z2 in Rs 40000 and rumours are saying that iphone 6 is going to be listed at Rs 80000. One should think over it and give a good reason.
- D
- AnonD-308092
- fu{
- 16 Sep 2014
Definitely wanna buy this Apple iphone6 plus, i've used so many Android phones over the last 3 years & i own a Tech-Store and for my experience with those so called high-end Android smartphones i finally decided to swich to apple, specially this iphone 6 cuz it's so freaking hot and of course cuof it's bigger display and most importantly PERFORMANCE wich not good in Android phones and one of the main reasons that made me decide to switch.
And for those whose talking about the specs.. Well I'm not going to waste my time to argue with 'em