Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Apple iPhone 6 Plus

User opinions and reviews

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  • H
  • HKorean
  • wuv
  • 11 Sep 2014

2gb ram? confirmed?

    • D
    • AnonD-305540
    • 32W
    • 11 Sep 2014

    AnonD-135230, 11 Sep 2014People have been saying Apple's sales are gonna drop since ... moreYes, but EVENTUALLY people do smarten up ........

    Also, as they started to copy others (with dual screen operation from Samsung) why did they not make it waterproof as well, which would have been a great advantage ?

      • D
      • AnonD-135230
      • qbj
      • 11 Sep 2014

      AnonD-305540, 11 Sep 2014What the F--K is Apple thinking with this shite ???? Now w... morePeople have been saying Apple's sales are gonna drop since the iPhone 4S came out.

      It's not gonna happen.

        • D
        • AnonD-305540
        • 32W
        • 11 Sep 2014

        What the F--K is Apple thinking with this shite ????
        Now we will see their sales drop dramatically, no wonder people are moving away from Apple devices, overpriced and ancient in technology, where are you Steve Jobs to see your followers and the crap they're calling technology now ?
        There is nothing, absolutely nothing extraordinary or a technological leap in this machine, and design ..... can they snap out of that boring looks already ?
        I've been on Iphone devices ever since their first one, but now .... I am keeping my Iphone 5 until Apple finds their b---s again.

          • m
          • memtro
          • jQL
          • 11 Sep 2014

          AnonD-183792, 09 Sep 2014fist comments... nice... but my note 3 better.. Oh god my sides.

          You serious? Your platform fragmentation is hurting android every day. New apps come out to iOS first because a developer can quickly create an app that runs on the majority of devices.

          This will always be the single point that will further drive iOS and iPhones into the future, than android can ever dream of.

            • m
            • memotro
            • jQL
            • 11 Sep 2014

            JerryG , 10 Sep 2014Total rubbish. How can this be compare with HTC one m8 or s... moreOh you're so edgy. I bet you come out against all Apple products and cry about them.

            In other news, Android still fails from fragmentation, platform lag, and all host of issues BECAUSE there is no control over the OS.

              • M
              • MdN8
              • p41
              • 11 Sep 2014

              Original wallpapers already leaked online:


                • D
                • AnonD-305537
                • CDE
                • 11 Sep 2014

                Apple should give us better numbers, they did that with the screen size( FINALLY, yet Samsung are seriously trolling them) and RAM. they should make something with at least 426ppi, 13MP and Quadcore 2.5GHz( let's call it A9) and i Will ditch android.

                  • s
                  • sKaaarj
                  • 0vh
                  • 11 Sep 2014

                  How i love to read comments here. I have note 3 and i have to say this phone has everything i need. But about measering d...s its not the point of phone industry. Its all about money guys.

                  Android phones are piece of crap really, only 3-4 models are good the other ones are just to overtake mid range users and make more money. Apple does this only with one phone. Its not about the power or processor. Apple has the most optimized OS for years. They dont need fakin 8 cores to run this OS. They do this for money. They have the tecnology they just dont realease it. They have market tactics. So u really think that one of the most biggest company cant affort to make that kind of tecnology.... ? Geeez ppl think. With that outdated specs in some way they gonna make billions, next year they gonna put a little bit more tecnology and again.., gonna make billions.

                  Iam dissapointed too bout this specs. At least i expected UHD video recording and many othera little things that i have on my note 3 for example.... but its law of their phone design. They cant put card slot cuz 1000 ppl are complaining bout hd size. Well they make money with this hd size phones. And they ggonna continue making cash.....

                  Or now i have UHD recording on my note but i dont have a tv to watch it.... so in some way tecnology has to have the perfect time for it. Not everyone can afford UHD tv for example these days. Its not that i cant afford it but why.... when i need it or want it i gonna buy it.

                  I bet most of the ppl even dont have UHD TVs to watch their videos for the fancy cameras they have on their phones and for what....

                  In other hands iam sure the ppl that have phones like note 3 or m8 or g3 they even dont use all the stuff in they just whant to have the newest crap and sew ppl why buying outdates spec phones....

                  And the end i gonna sell my note 3 and try the iphone its not that iam fan or something i like tecnology i like to try things... 4 years i was with iphone now i have the samsung and i can do more stuff on it for sure... so everyone with their needs no hate dudes think before sayin crap shit bout specs and stuff

                    • H
                    • Hashim J
                    • vbK
                    • 10 Sep 2014

                    JerryG , 10 Sep 2014Total rubbish. How can this be compare with HTC one m8 or s... moreThats very true Jerry,

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • PT1
                      • 10 Sep 2014

                      8 MP is enough for a smartphone, If you want bigger mega pixel? Get a freaking D-SLR!

                        • s
                        • sabroso
                        • Pwv
                        • 10 Sep 2014

                        de hecho...

                          • J
                          • Jaughn
                          • N9@
                          • 10 Sep 2014

                          Nothing special... There's nothing special here what so ever... Yet people will waste money on something that is the same as the one they already have... Thumbs down iPhone... This is a waste of investments

                            Nice phone but nothing new inside. But new price outside...higher.

                              AnonD-201280, 10 Sep 2014What you fail to realize is that Apple doesn't have the iss... moreYou are total noob and having no idea about phones and more no idea about moto bikes and cars. Watch and learn what my android car does with your apple: bike Motorcycle VS Audi R8:

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • FEA
                                • 10 Sep 2014

                                anonymous, 10 Sep 2014for those people who really buy this stuff, example a smart... moreNo its just not a phone android is way different than apple!

                                  • p
                                  • phoney
                                  • UD{
                                  • 10 Sep 2014

                                  I am not sure if this one is the best phone ever, suggest please.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • FEA
                                    • 10 Sep 2014

                                    1.2mp front cam wtf??? iFail!

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-201280
                                      • f0b
                                      • 10 Sep 2014

                                      AnonD-201280, 10 Sep 2014What you fail to realize is that Apple doesn't have the iss... moreAndroid is google, not good, (typo in the middle of the paragraph).

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-201280
                                        • f0b
                                        • 10 Sep 2014

                                        World is Round, 10 Sep 2014Guys I watched Apple creator Steve Jobs`s Film, now i have... moreWhat you fail to realize is that Apple doesn't have the issues Android has, they don't lag like Androids, they don't freeze, shut down by themselves, and are not as jumpy as androids, and they are way less data hungry. Apple is more user friendly, and honestly a better phone than any android, I loved android until I got an iPhone, now I'll never go back to android, I'd use windows phone or even blackberry before an android. Apple isn't hanging onto any tail of android, apple holds 17% of the smartphone market with 4 models of phone, that's pretty amazing, take any other 4 androids from any other company and see if they can add up to 17% market share. Android is good, google is a waste of time, bing returns better results than google, opera mini or Firefox is faster than chrome, all in all, android has just been lucky with being signed by so many companies. Bring back Symbian it'll make all the current android phones worth more and it'll make them operate better. Also Qualcomm snapdragons are the worst type of processor in the world, unfortunately that's found on all androids. Comparing and iPhone to an android is like comparing a 1000cc bike to a V8, the bike, much smaller, smaller engine, smaller frame, uses less fuel, and will out pull the V8 and clear it's top end speed anytime. Android is a V8.