Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Apple iPhone 6 Plus

User opinions and reviews

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  • J
  • JerryG
  • N9@
  • 10 Sep 2014

Total rubbish. How can this be compare with HTC one m8 or samsung galaxy S5 or Sony Xperia z2? Quality blind iPhone fan are happy for nothing.

    • D
    • AnonD-201280
    • f0b
    • 10 Sep 2014

    dnd, 10 Sep 2014We are also copies of our parents. What will u do?We are copies of our parents, but our parents don't create copies of other children. What will you do?

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • s0A
      • 10 Sep 2014

      AnonD-290038, 10 Sep 2014These specifications are extremely lacking, completely usel... moreAwww... Don't worry. I'm sure if you save up for a long time, you'll be able to afford an iphone6.

      Don't be so bitter, it never made anybody happy! Take some action, get an extra job, and one day you'll have an iphone too, instead of having to settle for a Oneplusoppo or whatever you called it!

        • M
        • MaxPayne123
        • fCx
        • 10 Sep 2014

        Is the RAM really 2GB ? Are you one hundred percent sure GSMArena ? As some other websites quote 1 GB RAM for iPhone 6 Plus specifically.

          • D
          • AnonD-72648
          • 0TF
          • 10 Sep 2014

          6 plus = note3 + m8
          a trick from apple

            • W
            • World is Round
            • IWU
            • 10 Sep 2014

            Guys I watched Apple creator Steve Jobs`s Film,
            now i have realized what had happened to Apple Creations. When Jobs was there in Apple he guided them to create some wonderful inventions.
            then they fire Jobs and take the control.

            What really happens then is they are out of new ideas and makes shits, goes lost.
            Again Jobs comes, takes the control of Apple and make some creative gadgets like personal computers, mp3 players, at last.... iphone.
            untill iphone 4 it led the smartphone world somehow.

            Jobs dies, innovation dies, creation dies,
            None of the apple employees could come close to Jobs vision of electronics.
            they still stuck with what Jobs has left.

            Time has passed.......
            Top High End Andriod Smartphones now reached to the Galaxies,
            Apple has no choise, but to hang on to the Android`s tail to reach the sky.

            There was a time that apple went to courts to fight against the top smartphone companies to show that they copied apple.

            How funny with this new apple products.
            What if the other manufactures go to courts for copying their products.

            Apple... mind it you pointed your finger to others, but u didnt realize that four of them are pointed at you....

            But dont worry you will still sell millions of "i shits" to the people,
            because there are still in the cue to buy ur products because of its an "i".

              • I
              • Iphone lover
              • g52
              • 10 Sep 2014

              Iphone6 must increase camera pixel atleast 13 mega pixel and still ipbone having dual core now a days every smart phone having quad core processor iphone must increase processor ??????????

                • a
                • anonymous
                • Shv
                • 10 Sep 2014

                for those people who really buy this stuff, example a smartphone, maybe as a tech support rep, 80 to 90 percent of buyers just buy anything that looks and sounds good, but don't know what the hell it is. its just a phone dude! i mean specs wise, its a techies dream, but for those who dont know what actually are these, never mind. apple is still apple weather you like it or not. its like the tech has been around for decade or so. but the guy named bill gates take all these tech and put to good practical use.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-305277
                  • T3L
                  • 10 Sep 2014

                  hI there i am a android fan but i found that there are a lot of people here bashing and saying this and that about iphone Please peope have respect about a iphone, me also found out taht this generation iphone 6 isnt that good but i dont bash like some people here. instead of bashing 2gbs ram quad this better en shit stop that. Say what you think and polite. Like this.

                  The iphone 6 is copyying android i think because bigger screen and Nfc. Thet introduced Nfc very late its like 3/4years old on android.

                  The camera could use more megapixels to get more detail.

                  Price of iphone should be 64gb 700 euro. 128gb 800euro

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • n7m
                    • 10 Sep 2014

                    8 Megapixel LOL

                      • A
                      • Akira
                      • iV%
                      • 10 Sep 2014

                      Now days the apps are rule out the storage on the phone some with HD apps and so fort.If apple comes with its own SD card their bisuness will boost and user will have better experience. Im apple fan but recently switch to android because of the storage are running out for the picture,HD video and apps.I hope in next release Apple will introduce Apple SD card.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • rtK
                        • 10 Sep 2014

                        1-First of all if anyone compared any android phone has the same hardware specs of the iphone he will find it sucks
                        2 apple ios doesnt need that much hardware to run smoothly without any hangs unlike android

                        3 the shape of the new iphone is orginally developed from their ipod touch (not htc)so if any here is copying i guess it will not be apple

                        4 for battery no one can judge until it comes out to market

                        5 you dont bay alot money for iphone to get more hardware you bay it because it has more innovation than any other phone and ofcourse more quality

                        6 finally there are somethings that i never found any android user uses it like smart stay smart pause smart scroll and transfering via nfc (i admit that wifi direct is much better)they are always off but you still glad to have them on your phone i think they are just rubbish

                          • D
                          • AnonD-290038
                          • pW@
                          • 10 Sep 2014

                          These specifications are extremely lacking, completely useless and pathetically outdated. 1.4ghx Dual core processor, 2GB RAM, 8Mpx camera with no reasonable optics...

                          This phone is going to have a price around 900€ for 64GB model, while you can have OnePlus One 64GB model for 300€.

                          1+1 has vastly superior internals and runs Android Cyanogen as OS. It's superior in every aspect, approximately thrice as powerful as this piece of junk iPhone that they dare to call a smartphone.

                            • m
                            • momonski
                            • Afa
                            • 10 Sep 2014

                            Iphone just joined the bandwagon of very large screen. Too bad, other brand have been making a alot of money from the large screen phones and now apple wants a piece of that market as well. Although I can an iphone hater but seeing the new design and the large screen, it makes me want to retract my hate against the iphone. Apple, you have scored big time with the sleek design and the large screen. can't wait til samsung releases its new phonbe to rival the iphone 6 plus. A battee between the iphone 6 plus and the galaxy note series

                              • D
                              • AnonD-202799
                              • PEW
                              • 10 Sep 2014

                              AnonD-295423, 10 Sep 2014Apple again proved that they are different from others. So ... moreit looks to me as if they copied the design somehow from htc one... and they are somehow able to catch up with the flagship droids with a overpriced pricetag...

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • ITV
                                • 10 Sep 2014

                                Cpu Gpu Camera and all, underrated, now let's see millions within days sold, it's pure loot general public n price. Too expensive and just show off phone. It's nxt month launch will settle by year end.
                                All make a pledge not to by technology underrated just because it's Apple.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-90793
                                  • PbY
                                  • 10 Sep 2014

                                  AnonD-295423, 10 Sep 2014Apple again proved that they are different from others. So ... moreHow are they different? By copying (again) sizes, other characteristics and features that have been around for ages?

                                    • K
                                    • KK
                                    • uus
                                    • 10 Sep 2014

                                    AnonD-295423, 10 Sep 2014Apple again proved that they are different from others. So ... moreWhere are different looks in this..? They are showing us the past..! Check LG Nexus 5 features..! Nexus is giving us all this since last year..!

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-241635
                                      • tVm
                                      • 10 Sep 2014

                                      2gb ram? If really 2gb ram, i will wait till this one available in store soon...skip the ip6..

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 86w
                                        • 10 Sep 2014

                                        Mark, 10 Sep 2014WHERE is the uSD slot, I will never buy one until you add u... moreApple will cry if u don't buy one .. Rofl